How much sex education is enough for our children in the school setting.

Contributor: Ansley Ansley
I became really curious about sex around the age of fourteen. Sex education in our district consisted of the health teacher or one of the athletic coaches going over a strictly mandated syllabus. Parts, function, pregnancy and STD prevention with abstinence leading the way. There was no mention of masturbation or how to control urges.

I learned the hard way, probably putting myself at a much higher risk than I was aware of at the time. I firmly believe it is the responsibility of both the parents and the school system to educate youth about sex. Knowledge is power.
Contributor: Cream in the Cupcake Cream in the Cupcake
Why is it the schools (governments) job? Parents are responsible for educating their children. Please people, do not trust the government with your kids.
Contributor: Andromeda Andromeda
I see a lot of people mentioning masturbation. I don't think schools should teach about it, because quite frankly they can't. So many parents would be up in arms about it, whether for religious reasons or otherwise. And schools do have to disclose their sex ed curriculums to parents (at least in my district), so it's not like they WOULDN'T know about it.

I'm personally against schools teaching about masturbation, kinks, in-depth about orientation (basics are ok), techniques, whatever else because there are certain things that you need to figure out on your own and let your sexuality develop naturally without having any unrealistic expectations or perceived pressure.
Contributor: zeebot zeebot
More sex education leads to more informed choices.
Contributor: NarcissisticLust NarcissisticLust
Schools need to teach comprehensive sex education.
Contributor: K101 K101
Originally posted by Annemarie
I think it should be left at home for each parent to decide how they want their kid to find out about it. The choice is simple.

If I had a kid, I would tell them everything and let them make up their own mind. My parents pushed abstinence, ... more
I totally agree! I couldn't have ssaid it better. I prefer being the one who teaches my children. I was the one who taught them! My parents taught me and we openly discussed the matter to an extent of course. I wouldn't have asked my parents what position is fun, but they were easy to talk to and they done the job right.

I took as sex ed class about the female body and it should be taught, but I think parents are the ones who should take responsibility and talk to their children. I think it;s very lazy to never speak of those subjects as parents.

I don't want my kids learning sex from the back of the bus. I will teach the morals, right from wrong and I'll do my part in sex ed. I don't mind them learning from sex ed about their bodies and protection, etc. I however will not stand for the schools showing them how to masturbate!

We all know that kids are not always abstinent, but as role models, we are to teach that it's the BEST option. I however, believe we should also teach how to protect themselves and provide them with the means to birth control just in case, but I think teaching the consequences and making sure they know that abstincence is the best option should always be taught.

In school, I was taught that way. I was taught that abstinence is the only reliable way to go, but we were also provided with means of help, counselling, and birth control if we chose to take that road.
Contributor: namelesschaos namelesschaos
Originally posted by K101
I totally agree! I couldn't have ssaid it better. I prefer being the one who teaches my children. I was the one who taught them! My parents taught me and we openly discussed the matter to an extent of course. I wouldn't have asked my parents ... more
"I however will not stand for the schools showing them how to masturbate!"

I agree and I will not stand for you stopping them from teaching them about masturbation! There is a difference.
Contributor: Errant Venture Errant Venture
Originally posted by El-Jaro
I'm a big proponent of Charter schools. I'm not a fan of morals and beliefs taught in schools, those belong outside of the curriculum.
Absolutely. Schools are there to teach, to provide knowledge. Abstinence is a moral belief.
Contributor: AlaskanBeauty AlaskanBeauty
In Russia we do not have Sexed classes at all... I believe thatis right and that it's parent's job...
Contributor: squire squire
It's time to stop being worried about which parents will complain and worry more about the 13 year old getting pregnant and trying to raise a child. No matter what side you are on politically, a key goal would be that of reduced teen pregnancy and abortion do so through education and learning responsibility.
Contributor: NuclearTeapot NuclearTeapot
I don't think schools need to cover everything, that is what parents are for. However, I think schools should cover in a very factual matter STDs and various forms of contraceptive.

I went through my sex ed in Texas where we were taught "abstinence only". However, it is not just that. We were assigned to write reports on how all forms of birth control are ineffective. We were also not allowed to say the word sex. Instead we were encouraged to say fornication or my personal favorite "special hugging".

Let's just say when you tell a bunch of horny teens condoms are useless, the obvious choice will not be abstinence. We had quite a few pregnant teens, but then again they were hidden away. As soon as you started to show you were sent to the "delinquent school" with the same kids that were thrown out for drugs and violence. Also, it was a bit like you died. We weren't supposed to talk about the pregnant girls. The guys that got the girls pregnant? Oh, they could stay no problem. They weren't sluts.
Contributor: kjkitty kjkitty
This was sex ed for me:

In fourth grade, the teachers divided the entire grade up into boys and girls and we each had our own separate videos and discussions about our "changing bodies." That was definitely a good thing I think. It meant that the first time I found myself bleeding I didn't freak out that I was dying. Then in middle school and again in high school we had sex ed as a part of health class. They taught abstinence, STDs, safe sex, pregnancy. The whole she-bang. I think they actually did a pretty good job of giving good information. There was none of this "pulling out is safe" or blah blah blah. It was good info.

The most interesting "safe sex" talk we ever had, though, was a guest speaker who came in and said this:

"I want you guys to have as MUCH SEX as you can. Sex is amazing! Have it on the floor, the bed, the walls, the ceiling, upside down. Doggy style. Missionary. Three times a day. BUT WAIT UNTIL YOUR MARRIED"

He went on to talk about both the physical and emotional harm sex can take on a person if they don't wait until they are ready, the right time, etc. As a teenager, he was a lot of fun to listen to and I took what he said a lot more serious than the other boring discussions.

I think that while it is the parent's duty to inform their kids about sex, kids shouldn't pay the price because their parents don't think they should know about it or don't feel comfortable talking to their children. I think the way that my school handled it was good. There was good information so I knew what was going on, and it opened up discussion with my parents.
Contributor: Kinkypixie Kinkypixie
Honestly I dont remember much sexual education if any at all.
So much more education is needed. I absolutely hate seeing 13-14 year olds pregnant and 19 year olds with two kids. So many people contract STDs and have no idea what is truly going on
Contributor: Beck Beck
parents should be doing this themselves but since some do not the school needs to teach more things and sooner. By the time I was in second grade I knew a whole lot!
Contributor: Ansley Ansley
Originally posted by namelesschaos
"I however will not stand for the schools showing them how to masturbate!"

I agree and I will not stand for you stopping them from teaching them about masturbation! There is a difference.
Contributor: thebest thebest
My school didn't even have sex ed. :/
Contributor: DixieDoo DixieDoo
Schools require parents to sign off for the kids to get this education anyway. If you don't want your kid to know then fine, don't sign the paper and your kids will be none the wiser. But, some things need to change. More and more teens are becoming parents now a days. My parents were teen parents. Some become great parents and role models for their kids, but there are those that are not prepared and do not recieve the support needed. These kids need to know what is out there, what to do and how to handle things better. Schools don't need to delve into the personal aspects or psyches, but they do need to educate.
Contributor: hyacinthgirl hyacinthgirl
I believe that schools should pass on basic facts, without pressure on either side. Morality is up to the child, and the values that their parents have instilled in them.

Kids should be presented with all of the facts, moving up as they become mature enough to deal with it. I think the information that is important to have covered before graduation is sexual reproduction, the physical changes associated with puberty, STI's and STD's, methods of protection and preventing pregnancy, as well as facts about healthy pregnancies, and the fact that not everyone prefers to be with members of the opposite sex. I think a few basic sex myths should be busted - it's not like what you see in porn, and it's possible to get pregnant your first time, last time, standing up, lying down, woman on top, in a hot tub, jumping up and down, or flying through the air with the greatest of ease with the daring young man on the flying trapeze.
Contributor: Fun Lover Fun Lover
Someone needs to teach it. I just wish whoever does it would cover masturbation, that is a subject that no one teaches, but everyone does it or has tried it. I don't know of anyone getting pregnant from it.
Contributor: emilia emilia
kids need to learn more
Contributor: Lindsey123 Lindsey123
I don't think it should be entirely up to schools. Maybe have two levels of sex ed. One about basic body changes, including puberty, abstinence, and what a condom is. The other being for those parents who don't want to talk to their kids but want them filled in on everything
Contributor: quinceykay quinceykay
I'm definitely against abstinence-only education. I say give them the basics about birth control, condoms, STD prevention, etc. and then let them make an informed decision about whether or not to have sex. I went to a high school where abstinence-only education was taught in health class, and every year there were at least two pregnant girls in our school of less than 400 students. (Not to mention, the constant pregnancy/STD scares because people just weren't getting the necessary information.)
Contributor: Bignuf Bignuf
Originally posted by MnWolf
With times changing like they are, we have controversy in what should and shouldn't be taught in school to our children. It is common knowledge that the schools are still pushing for abstinence and that sex should wait till marriage. We know ... more
We think schools should teach more then the do, but it should be very open for parents to KNOW exactly what is being taught and how. Parents wanting to participate in planning such a curriculum should even be invited to do so, if they can be productive participants.

Ultimately, what our daughter knows, she learned through us,and a couple times knew enough to correct the teacher on some things (no kidding), but she was bright and WE were very honest whenever she had a question....thus our lines of communication are STILL wide open, with her now 23 and preparing to marry in a few months! It is a wonderful relationship to have...but the school still had it's place, and for many kids, we KNOW that was all the "education" about sex that they were going to get.
Contributor: Modern^Spank^Anthem Modern^Spank^Anthem
my school was pretty realistic but i guess i was lucky to grow up in an area where that was pro sexed
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Originally posted by Andromeda
I see a lot of people mentioning masturbation. I don't think schools should teach about it, because quite frankly they can't. So many parents would be up in arms about it, whether for religious reasons or otherwise. And schools do have to ... more
Actually schools don't have to release their curriculum about everything. The DARE program is one which is "taught" in most schools and is completely impossible to get the curriculum from. I've tried with all three kids. They simply say "No, we don't have it." I then go to the police station (because the "teacher" is from the Police Station) and they say, "We can tell you what we teach, but we can't give you a written curriculum."

It's so sad that Planned Parenthood doesn't have that kind of power, isn't it?

You can opt out of DARE, then your kid gets teased and you'll probably have an "accidental" meth lab raid on your house sometime the next month... "Ooops, sorry. Wrong address."
Contributor: switzerland switzerland
i think not being taught/lack of education is what leads to teen pregnancy and sti's/std's in teens. schools should be teaching SAFE sex, not just ignoring it completely. and really, parents should take that responsibility as well! sex is a part of life. you had sex to have your child. so why wouldn't you teach your child how he or she came into this world!
Contributor: samanthalynn samanthalynn
not enough
Contributor: Mihoshi4301 Mihoshi4301
I don't think there should be alot taught in terms of sexuality because everyone comes into that on their own and at their own time. But I think schools should at least teach the very basics, such as contraceptives and birth controls. And they should properly teach about STDs. But other than the basics, I don't think much else should be taught besides the basics of keeping it safe.
Contributor: pixxie87 pixxie87
if schools or parents dont talk to their kids about sex... someone else will and it will most likely be the wrong person.
Contributor: gsfanatic gsfanatic
There definitely needs to be more information, especially in schools that try to hide things that go against their religious beliefs. I'd say the core things are the main terms, safety risks associated, birth control and responsibility, and age of consent. The details of how are best left to learning by experience.