Whose spending habit is worse?

Contributor: Llewey Llewey
I'm a cheapskate. I'm pretty mindful of my money, and rarely go "all out" unless it's something like a new laptop, or any other thing I will be using a lot for years to come. My boyfriend, however, gets his eyes set on the top-of-the-line model of whatever it is he's looking for. I don't think he's irresponsible (and he never actually gets the fanciest thing around), but he definitely spends more on gadgets, car stuff, and video games than I do on anything else. I scour thrift stores for cute new things to add to my wardrobe.

Haha, I guess my aversion to malls might help me. I get VERY uncomfortable in those places if I'm there for more than 30 minutes or so. I like shopping, but the atmosphere in malls gets me on edge.
Contributor: nova2014 nova2014
His spending habit is worse because when he has money he just throws it around in huge chunks for the randomest and silliest things