While there may not be a lot of categories where people might own a number of similar products, Tantus's anal plugs might well be one, given the relatively low costs, safety of material, and the many small and large versions of the same style or design.
In a note the other week a few EF reviewers mentioned they would like to see the Ripple and Ripple Large compared, and it is a pretty good & useful idea.
Featured by EdenFantasys
Tantus Anal Plug Families
Invited: All reviewers.
Discussion Topics
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(4 posts)
Similarities & Differences
(2 posts)
(1 post)
Which of these product pairs do you own?
(7 posts)
Which of these products are you most happy with, and would or have recommended to others who ask?
(6 posts)
How do these pairs work for you, or how would you categorize them: do you consider them set up as beginner/advanced; his and hers; or just small and large; warm-up/main course...etc.?
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I'd love to see some more comparisons of this; I've been trying to decide for a first time plug for ages, and it's hard! I just realized today that there are even two sizes of the flirt.
I generally think of them as beginner/advanced or starter/finisher (finisher sounds like a poor word for what I'm thinking of, but I'm tired...)
Originally posted by
I generally think of them as beginner/advanced or starter/finisher (finisher sounds like a poor word for what I'm thinking of, but I'm tired...)
Total posts: 4
Unique posters: 4
Are their things in common with each pair, apart from the appearance: is there a common point of size in each version that works or compliments the other; do they feel roughly the same?
Are the differences radical or matters of degree: are the bases quite different; is one easier to retain than the other?
Are the differences radical or matters of degree: are the bases quite different; is one easier to retain than the other?
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The biggest difference in bases will be interfamily.
Note that the Joe Rock isn't technically in the same family as Ryder, since the Joe Rock is made by Happy Valley.
For the most part Tantus' "families" are built so that they offer the same basic design for people who want sizes. The biggest difference within a family is probably with the Flirts, where the base and body shape is different (Tantus redesigned the Little Flirt to make it work better, and in the process gave the body more of a diamond cross section and changed the base).
Note that the Joe Rock isn't technically in the same family as Ryder, since the Joe Rock is made by Happy Valley.
For the most part Tantus' "families" are built so that they offer the same basic design for people who want sizes. The biggest difference within a family is probably with the Flirts, where the base and body shape is different (Tantus redesigned the Little Flirt to make it work better, and in the process gave the body more of a diamond cross section and changed the base).
Total posts: 2
Unique posters: 2
Which do you find is the best pair or pairs for you, and why?
What is your favourite, and why?
What is your favourite, and why?
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Total posts: 1
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The following plugs are organized by pairs - regular and royal, large and small...however you choose to see the differences. Choose the pair or pairs you might have in your collection (multiple choices allowed for those with vast toy boxes).
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i have the flirt pair and then some actually as I wound up with both the older and newer version of the Little Flirt. Bought the old version when they where clearing it out and then Tantus had a close out on a Flirt little/Flirt combo which is how I wound up with the new version.
I have the Ripple currently, but the Ryder has such a loyal following on here that I think that may be my next Tantus plug purchase, just to see what all the fuss is about. The B-Bomb is high on the list too, maybe I'll just have to get both
I loved my ripple so much i got the ripple large
You forgot the B-bomb + A-bomb combo, as well as the small, medium, and large Severins!
I don't have any duplicates, I have only the small-sized Infinity and the medium-sized Severin.
I don't have any duplicates, I have only the small-sized Infinity and the medium-sized Severin.
You left out other!!! I don't own any! ^^
The ripple
Total posts: 7
Unique posters: 7
Everybody has favourite toys. Mark your top one to four choices, based on your experience and how eager you would be to tell others about them.
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I have the regular purple Tulip and LOVE it. I am on the prowl, so to speak, for a larger plug but this one is amazing for the money. The color is cute, the quality is perfect, and the design was obviously something someone really put some thought and testing into.
I would agree. I think the Tulip has been rather overlooked as a plug, and both sizes are, in my experience, just a bit better finessed in design that the wonderful Tristan pair, but, as they say YMMV.
I love my large ripple. Since it can be steralized you can use it as a dildo or anal probe (steralizing in before switching of course), which makes it versatile
Ripple and Rider might be the best I guess...
I like the ripple.
Total posts: 6
Unique posters: 5