Masterbating while on period

Contributor: jjesssica jjesssica
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Do you find it disgusting that some girls masterbate while on their period?
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Contributor: palindromic palindromic
Not at all. What other people do with their own bodies isn't really my business, and it certainly isn't anyone else's place to say that girls who masturbate during menstruation are disgusting!
Contributor: Arch600 Arch600
Not at all. I was always willing to help my wife out (the surgeon eliminated that problem). A nice climax helps cramps, along with all the other benefits, so why not? It's only blood, nothing a little soap and water won't fix!
Contributor: Geogeo Geogeo
Nope. though I only use clitoral vibrators so it doesnt affect anything.
Contributor: ghent529 ghent529
Contributor: solitudinarian solitudinarian
No! I usually stick to my hands, but only because taking my menstrual cup out and washing it, then using a dildo, washing that, and putting the cup back in is a lot of work and I'm lazy.

It really does help with cramps!
Contributor: bayosgirl bayosgirl
No..I'm one of them I wouldn't survive otherwise. I'm one horny bitch when I'm on my period.
Contributor: Rin (aka Nire) Rin (aka Nire)
Not at all. I do it, either because I need to alleviate a cramp or because I'm simply in the mood. This is one of the reasons I like my vibrators to be waterproof, though. Cleanup is much easier in the shower.
Contributor: ksparkles16 ksparkles16
It doesn't bother me that others do it, I just can't do it on my period. If I masturbate on my period, right afterwards my flows is ten times worse and I hurt so bad. I just can't do it.
Contributor: jjesssica jjesssica
Originally posted by Rin (aka Nire)
Not at all. I do it, either because I need to alleviate a cramp or because I'm simply in the mood. This is one of the reasons I like my vibrators to be waterproof, though. Cleanup is much easier in the shower.
lol. okayyy ((: don't u hate cleaning it up afterwards ha.
Contributor: jjesssica jjesssica
Originally posted by bayosgirl
No..I'm one of them I wouldn't survive otherwise. I'm one horny bitch when I'm on my period.
LOL!@#%^%$@ that is so funny. Im a horny bitch too
Contributor: jjesssica jjesssica
Originally posted by solitudinarian
No! I usually stick to my hands, but only because taking my menstrual cup out and washing it, then using a dildo, washing that, and putting the cup back in is a lot of work and I'm lazy.

It really does help with cramps!
ur lazzzyy? using ur fingers is hard work):
Contributor: jjesssica jjesssica
whoaa at least im glad im not the only one who does it ;D or one of the few lol.
Contributor: indiglo indiglo
It certainly isn't gross. I do whatever I want sexually whenever I want! If I want to masturbate or be with my man on my period - that's what I do. A dark colored towel underneath you will help with cleanup, and then I usually just rinse off in the shower. My flow gets really heavy right after orgasm too, but then really seems to taper off nicely.
Contributor: vanilla&chocolate vanilla&chocolate
I don't find it disgusting at all! I simply do it right after a shower when I have a tampon in, or in the shower or bath.
Contributor: jjesssica jjesssica
Originally posted by palindromic
Not at all. What other people do with their own bodies isn't really my business, and it certainly isn't anyone else's place to say that girls who masturbate during menstruation are disgusting!
It isn't our business, but we are all women and its comforting getting to know what we all opinion.(:
Contributor: jjesssica jjesssica
Originally posted by indiglo
It certainly isn't gross. I do whatever I want sexually whenever I want! If I want to masturbate or be with my man on my period - that's what I do. A dark colored towel underneath you will help with cleanup, and then I usually just rinse ... more
yea just do you(:
Contributor: jjesssica jjesssica
Originally posted by Geogeo
Nope. though I only use clitoral vibrators so it doesnt affect anything.
good idea
Contributor: SecretToyLover2 SecretToyLover2
I don't often have a period due to my IUD. However when I do I prefer not to *masturbate* due to the mess lol
Contributor: Andrew1992 Andrew1992
I don't think its terribly strange. Its not something I'd do (vaginal masturbation at least), but people get horny all the time, you know?
Contributor: Sangsara Sangsara
I'm way hornier on my period and am pretty much guaranteed an orgasm on day 1 or 5. Usually I just prepare well and clean up really good but if I need to I keep a small tampon deep inside. I'm not squeamish though and have even had a guy insist on going down on me onmypperiod!
Contributor: Mrs.Intensity Mrs.Intensity
I find "Aunt Flow", as I like to call her, makes me want to get busy all the more!! It may seem unfair that I feel the urge even more during this time, but I want that orgasmic release and so I usually end up saying to heck with blood. Put a towel down, use the shower, whatever you have to do, why let a little blood stop you from masturbating? I typically cave to the desire by day 3 of my period lol. Some men even still enjoy sex during this time!! Why miss out?
Contributor: Noelle Noelle
Originally posted by jjesssica
Do you find it disgusting that some girls masterbate while on their period?
I do it the need arises, but not as a general rule.
Contributor: Pinkshirt Pinkshirt
What other people do with themselves doesn't bother me. Personally I've never done it. Since some people have said it alleviates cramps I might try it.