I would really love these heavily padded bags if they were divided so they could hold 2 toys. There is plenty of room for more than one, it's just unsafe to put 2 glass toys in the same bag. I would love it if this came divided, am I alone?
Padded Toy Bag
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I'm all about some diy so I think you could do some rough stitches down the middle (or use a sewing machine if you have one) and voila - you now have two compartments!
I have one, and they are way too poofy to stitch on a sewing machine. You could do it by hand, though. If you just marked out the stitches with a sewing pen, you could do it straight.
Originally posted by
I'm all about some diy so I think you could do some rough stitches down the middle (or use a sewing machine if you have one) and voila - you now have two compartments!
They're so fluffy that you won't be able to fit two toys in them anyway. But maybe that's just my toys.
That would be a good idea!
I have glass toys, this is the one I own. It comes in a bag that's not padded. It's not very big circumference and width wise, but I could fit 2 of these in a bag like the purple one if needed. The glass slides really easily. I don't have anything with a base. I just wanna get my money's worth out of a bag if I have to buy one, if you know what I mean.
Originally posted by
They're so fluffy that you won't be able to fit two toys in them anyway. But maybe that's just my toys.

Wouldn't I have to take the one side of the bag apart though? I do like the stitching idea, not gonna lie.
Originally posted by
I have one, and they are way too poofy to stitch on a sewing machine. You could do it by hand, though. If you just marked out the stitches with a sewing pen, you could do it straight.
You could start stitching down the middle an inch or 2 down from the top. That way, the drawstring would still work too.
Originally posted by
Wouldn't I have to take the one side of the bag apart though? I do like the stitching idea, not gonna lie.
Like this:

GREAT PLAN! =D I could do that by hand!
Originally posted by
You could start stitching down the middle an inch or 2 down from the top. That way, the drawstring would still work too.
Like this:
Like this:
Excellent idea, I think I'll try this too. Thanks!
Originally posted by
Excellent idea, I think I'll try this too. Thanks!
i understand what you are saying! that is such a good idea! i also think they should be a little bigger or at least come in different sizes.
Originally posted by
I would really love these heavily padded bags if they were divided so they could hold 2 toys. There is plenty of room for more than one, it's just unsafe to put 2 glass toys in the same bag. I would love it if this came divided, am I alone?
YES! The "small" ones seem to have a wider base but a shorter height than the "large" bags. I wish the big ones were like you said, "bigger". Both being bigger would be nice. And honestly, you don't need all that padding. It looks like all the stuffing out of a pillow for cryin' out loud got put in one of those poor little bags for a toy, your toy isn't gonna die if it's only got a little bit of padding ya know? You only need a little bit to keep it safe, just don't drop it on concrete from 30ft in the air and it's allll good. I got an E-mail once where they were asking for suggestions on what products they should have, well I feel like Japan; I can't invent anything but I can majorly improve all this other stuff: how do I suggest?
Originally posted by
i understand what you are saying! that is such a good idea! i also think they should be a little bigger or at least come in different sizes.
Well, you already got your idea, and I love the one that's suggested. Was thinking about getting two of these, and putting my four glass toys in them. Thanks so much!
Originally posted by
I would really love these heavily padded bags if they were divided so they could hold 2 toys. There is plenty of room for more than one, it's just unsafe to put 2 glass toys in the same bag. I would love it if this came divided, am I alone?
Let me know if it works!!!
Originally posted by
Petite Cannibal
Well, you already got your idea, and I love the one that's suggested. Was thinking about getting two of these, and putting my four glass toys in them. Thanks so much!
This is a really good thread. I'm thinking of purchasing and love all the feedback and ideas! Thanks everyone!
Originally posted by
This is a really good thread. I'm thinking of purchasing and love all the feedback and ideas! Thanks everyone!
I'm buying one for the toy I just bought which doesn't come with any bag. Might buy two instead just so I can experiment with one.
I was thinking of getting this, before I make the purchase I was wondering if those of you who own these would think these would work for storing silicone toys.
I have a lot of glass toys, I'm just trying to keep them from clanking and chipping each other now that I'm acquiring so many. I am unsure where the "suggestion box" is. I'm sorry.
Originally posted by
YES! The "small" ones seem to have a wider base but a shorter height than the "large" bags. I wish the big ones were like you said, "bigger". Both being bigger would be nice. And honestly, you don't need all that
YES! The "small" ones seem to have a wider base but a shorter height than the "large" bags. I wish the big ones were like you said, "bigger". Both being bigger would be nice. And honestly, you don't need all that padding. It looks like all the stuffing out of a pillow for cryin' out loud got put in one of those poor little bags for a toy, your toy isn't gonna die if it's only got a little bit of padding ya know? You only need a little bit to keep it safe, just don't drop it on concrete from 30ft in the air and it's allll good. I got an E-mail once where they were asking for suggestions on what products they should have, well I feel like Japan; I can't invent anything but I can majorly improve all this other stuff: how do I suggest?
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