I have the lockable sex toy case and it is getting too small to fit everything into. What would be a better use of space and money wise?
Should I buy a second lockable sex toy case? link
Should I buy the Devine toy box pink corset? link
Or should I buy the Devine Playchest? link
I know the playchest would hold them all in one area, but it is also over $100. Would it be cheaper to keep a second smaller box around to hold the leftovers from box one? Which would you purchase?
Should I buy a second lockable sex toy case? link
Should I buy the Devine toy box pink corset? link
Or should I buy the Devine Playchest? link
I know the playchest would hold them all in one area, but it is also over $100. Would it be cheaper to keep a second smaller box around to hold the leftovers from box one? Which would you purchase?