Do you ever write out your fantasies or real life sexual experiences?

Contributor: 1001 Pleasures 1001 Pleasures
I have written erotic stuff in the past, and some of it has been inspired by things that have actually happened or that I've fantasized about. I don't generally write erotica from a "first hand experience" point of view, though.
Contributor: raffi raffi
i write often once in a while it ends up on a website here or there but usually it's just an email to my man .... i'll spend hours writing them to him and add onto it
Contributor: Allison.Wilder Allison.Wilder
Yes, I write about both real life sex stories and my fantasies, and have published them somewhere, on web or otherwise.

I write on a few lit-erotica type sites under a pen name and on a personal blog, too.
Contributor: table38792 table38792
I've tried writing a few erotic stories centered on my fantasies but I never get too far with them.
Contributor: Adnerbmw Adnerbmw
I love to write out sexy stories and my friend was so into reading them she bought me a note book so i could keep them all together and so she could read them .
Contributor: Rory Rory
No I would never write about my sex life!!
Contributor: hillys hillys
I've written about relationships for class but I don't have anywhere to write all that other stuff.
Contributor: Cosmonaut Cosmonaut
I don't write about my fantasies or real life sexual experiences. I never cared to do so and I'm too busy with other things. Maybe one day.
Contributor: karenm karenm
I write about both, but only for my partner or I to read.
Contributor: ashboo32 ashboo32
No I done write about either
Contributor: chicmichiw chicmichiw
Nope, but reading others is fun!
Contributor: giftdgecko giftdgecko
Originally posted by DirtyAngel7
Wondering how many EF members write about their real life sexual experiences or their fantasies. Also, how many publish them, either here, or other places.
I don't write about them, I just enjoy them
Contributor: Beautiful-Disaster Beautiful-Disaster
Nope. I don't.
Contributor: LoneOokami LoneOokami
I write my fantasys and post them on my blog