Learning your body first? Or buying a toy...

Contributor: Joie de Cherresse Joie de Cherresse
I agree, learning your body FIRST is better than trying it with a toy...
Contributor: ScottA ScottA
Learning as much about your body as you can will help you choose a good toy, making it less of a gamble.
Contributor: Sera Sera
Originally posted by Dragon
I've been thinking about the content of some of the other threads. It seems to me that some people think that there are a lot of women that can't or never learn to pleasure themselves before they purchase a toy.

Maybe I'm old ... more
I used my fingers and brush handles long before I used toys. Toys did make it more real though, but now that I have toys, I feel I've spoiled myself and don't have as much as a sexual imagination. I also feel that I crave more intensity because the toys I have are no longer good enough. I always want more, and I don't know if that's a good thing or not!
Contributor: ScottA ScottA
Originally posted by Sera
I used my fingers and brush handles long before I used toys. Toys did make it more real though, but now that I have toys, I feel I've spoiled myself and don't have as much as a sexual imagination. I also feel that I crave more intensity ... more
Sometimes I get that way, too, but it seems to be cyclical. After a while I'll want something more subtle again.
Contributor: pinkzombie pinkzombie
Originally posted by Dragon
I've been thinking about the content of some of the other threads. It seems to me that some people think that there are a lot of women that can't or never learn to pleasure themselves before they purchase a toy.

Maybe I'm old ... more
I definatly learned on my own b4 a toy!
Contributor: Emma (Girl With Fire) Emma (Girl With Fire)
Originally posted by Dragon
I've been thinking about the content of some of the other threads. It seems to me that some people think that there are a lot of women that can't or never learn to pleasure themselves before they purchase a toy.

Maybe I'm old ... more
I learned how to pleasure myself with a toy. I discovered my shower head at a very young age. I know my body fairly well and I don't think that was a hinderance. I absolutely love toys, but I don't always use them. I think the issue is more whether or not people feel free to pleasure themselves. In my opinion however you do it, you are still learning things about your body. I am learning and I am nearly 30.
Contributor: VenusianThunder VenusianThunder
Originally posted by Dragon
I've been thinking about the content of some of the other threads. It seems to me that some people think that there are a lot of women that can't or never learn to pleasure themselves before they purchase a toy.

Maybe I'm old ... more
I started exploring my own body when I was around 12-13. I think it is a natural thing to do before you venture into the realm of toys. That was a good 5 years before I even got my first toy.

As far as the mind being the biggest sex toy, I can definitely relate. Honestly, I get more turned on sometimes by reading erotica or writing it. I use it as my own personal form of foreplay when I do not have a partner.
Contributor: LavenderSkies LavenderSkies
Originally posted by Dragon
I've been thinking about the content of some of the other threads. It seems to me that some people think that there are a lot of women that can't or never learn to pleasure themselves before they purchase a toy.

Maybe I'm old ... more
I think sometimes a toy helps you learn your body. It did for me.
Contributor: Miss Jenn Miss Jenn
Originally posted by Dragon
I've been thinking about the content of some of the other threads. It seems to me that some people think that there are a lot of women that can't or never learn to pleasure themselves before they purchase a toy.

Maybe I'm old ... more
I had a friend at one point, who never had an orgasm and didnt know what her girlie parts even looked like - actually, she never saw any vagina at all. I told her to take a small mirror, and look, and feel. And that she cannot expect someone else to make her cum and give her pleasure, if she doesnt know how to make herself cum and satisfy herself.

I learned my body first, then got a toy after I met my husband. He helped me explore the world of toys- but i explored and learned myself first.

You have to know what makes you happy first, before you can expect anyone or anything to make u happy.
Contributor: amazey amazey
When I first started exploring my own body and playing with myself I was too young to buy toys of course. I didn't actually start using any toys until after I was married to my husband for a couple of years. By that time, I know my body quite well and I know what I need and what I can take. The toys seem to enhance the experience now and just make it more fun.
Contributor: lkb lkb
I think you ought to explore your body regardless, but it's best to know what you like before trying a toy because sometimes it can help you not waste money on something you're not sure you'll like.
Contributor: toxie m toxie m
Originally posted by Tart
No toy has been able to get me off harder than my own fingers. I think that is both a blessing and a curse. I love the vibes I have had in the past, but they barely slipped under the radar. Next on my list: Hitachi. If that doesn't make me cum ... more
Same here. I find that penetrative toys are best for me because fingers are only so long, but I always prefer my own fingers to any kind of clitoral vibe. I actually just got the Hitachi and .. no orgasms yet. I actually ended up turning it off and finishing off with my fingers, haha. I just prefer more of a rubbing than a vibrating sensation. It all depends on the person, I suppose. I sure do wish I could relate to all the fuss about vibes, though!
Contributor: soyandapplecrisp soyandapplecrisp
I figured out what I liked through being sexually active. I didn't orgasm on my own until I was eighteen and I needed a toy. I think that whether you need a toy or not also has to do with how your body reacts. To this day I generally can only orgasm from vaginal stimuli and intercourse.
Contributor: neon neon
I think a toy can help you learn your body
Contributor: SassySam SassySam
Originally posted by Chilipepper
Mr. S, brilliant way of expressing the idea!

I think many of us did start out with manual experimentation, as we usually begin the exploration process while children-teens, and we have a pretty good idea of where to start when we ... more
i agree. I think if you manage to get to your 20's without figuring out how everything works 'down there', you should invest in a but load of toys, because you've got some catching up to do.