Self Defense- Rape

Contributor: mnc5051 mnc5051
Originally posted by Adriana Ravenlust
I agree that this seemed like a joke. Like some sort of forward you might get. On the other hand, if it helps, then go for it no matter how ridiculous it is.

I have heard statistics for years that most rapes are not by strangers and I ... more
"I have heard statistics for years that most rapes are not by strangers and I wonder how true those assumptions are or if it's just a rumor that has gained astonishing strength. "

I believe most individual know their rapists and have at least come in contact with them once. but then again who knows.
Contributor: Bunnycups Bunnycups
I've heard that screaming "fire" for help is more effective in getting anyone withing hearing distance to come help than screaming "rape." Also I used to think talking on my cell phone while walking in the dark at night made me safer, but I read it makes you seem less aware of your surroundings and an easier target.
Contributor: *HisMrs* *HisMrs*
I would've never thought of those things without reading this! Thanks for posting! Def some good info! =)
Contributor: PussyGalore PussyGalore
Pardon me, I believe I fell out of the stupid truck today.

Is this for real? It seems to me that if you act excited in any way possible or react in a positive manner that if the rapist is caught the defense of "I said NO" would be invalid, yes/no/maybe?

"Be sure to tell your rapist that it isn't love or sex, that they are in fact raping you. You need to put them back into reality and have them fully conscious of the situation. Tell them that you will find them after this and ruin their life. You will tell everyone that they are a rapist. You will go to every job they ever get and tell their employer that they are a rapist. 10 years down the line you will find where they live and tell their wife and children that they are a rapist."

And this right here, seems to be a really effective way to get yourself killed.
Contributor: LavenderSkies LavenderSkies
Originally posted by Tuesday
These suggestions are not a joke at all. When I was in college, friends of mine used to practice acting crazy or faking seizures just to perfect our technique.

When you attack someone you want them to know they're being attacked, ... more
Brilliant idea.
Contributor: Miss Jenn Miss Jenn
Originally posted by Nashville
This doesn't quite belong here.. but what the hoot. Has anyone taken a self defense class to ward off an attacker or rapist? Do you know what to do?

Most people know the basics- Have your keys in your hand at all times when you're ... more
I love the verbal ones! I will have to remember this. I know that is the last thing from your mind in that situation, but I think its hillarious! Imma use the Aids one, the baby one (even tho I have it), acting insane, and following them all their life, and finding them in 10 years ..... Bwahaha. All women need to have this in the back of their mind at all times.

Great post! I would like to take self defense, but I would forget it all in the moment anyways.

I have never had an experience or a close call, I pray I never have to - and feel for those of you that have. I like when an article/post is like this - gives some light to the subject rather than being a depressing article - cuz then no one would read it.

Awesome sleeping dreamer.
Contributor: KikiChrome KikiChrome
Originally posted by PussyGalore
Pardon me, I believe I fell out of the stupid truck today.

Is this for real? It seems to me that if you act excited in any way possible or react in a positive manner that if the rapist is caught the defense of "I said NO" would be ... more
Yeah, I agree. I read that whole bit about hunting the guy down and telling everyone he knew that he was a rapist, and all I thought was "well, he would've just killed me if I'd said that!"

Seriously, I've taken self-defense classes in the past. I've heard all the tricks about yelling "fire" and everything... and it really meant nothing to me when it came down to it.

I got attacked when I was asleep, in my own bed, by my boyfriend. He only outweighed me by about ten pounds... but that translated to a heck of a lot more strength than I expected! No weapons at hand, no one else around, and so you just do what you can. He said he'd kill me if I "made him" kill me, and I believed him.

I also struggle to believe that any rapist will be put off if you tell them they're a rapist. I think that's the point! They can go through the whole pretense later that everything was consensual (and he did), but he knew full well at the time what he was doing! Even in date rape it's all about power. It takes a really unique kind of individual to have sex with someone who's screaming and crying and begging them to stop. It's precisely that bit that gets them so excited.
Contributor: PussyGalore PussyGalore
Originally posted by KikiChrome
Yeah, I agree. I read that whole bit about hunting the guy down and telling everyone he knew that he was a rapist, and all I thought was "well, he would've just killed me if I'd said that!"

Seriously, I've taken ... more
All of the self-defense techniques in the world aren't going to protect you when it's someone you know, you just aren't expecting something like to happen. My sister was attacked by a friend, someone she'd known for years. Her reaction was to curl up into a fetal position and cry. This was when self-defense classes were all the rage and she had taken training exercises during gym class in high school. Still didn't help her.

And I just thought about something else, if there is no proof or conviction of rape going around telling everyone this person is a rapist - especially potential employers - is slanderous and the perp can sue the victim.

The best defense is to be aware and unfortunately, that's not always possible. I'm so sorry for what happened to you, words just cannot express my sympathies.

I never walk or jog alone or while wearing headphones. I don't go to unfamiliar places alone. I have a security guard walk me to the car if it's dark and I'm feel uneasy. I always keep my keys in my hand with two of them placed pointed end up between my first two knuckles and I can scream louder than a banshee.

None of this will stop someone who is determined to harm me and I know that.
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Originally posted by PussyGalore
Pardon me, I believe I fell out of the stupid truck today.

Is this for real? It seems to me that if you act excited in any way possible or react in a positive manner that if the rapist is caught the defense of "I said NO" would be ... more
I agree 100%. Most rapes are violent acts, a woman is grabbed, beated and assaulted. There is no time to go into a feminist rant about how rape isn't "love or sex." Like a rapist will CARE WTF the person (to him, a thing will think about the rape? YOU ARE NOTHING TO HIM. Threatening him will only put your life more deeply in danger.

I also agree that saying you will "ruin his life" is a good reason for the rapist to simply kill your pretentious ass after he rapes you.

You can't "put him back into reality" he's a freaking predator. Hurting and humiliating women IS HIS REALITY!

You can't argue with someone in the middle of a violent crime.

I also agree that most of these suggestions are silly and make the assumption the rapist is thinking and capable of reason. Most violent criminals simply aren't capable of either in the midst of a violent act.

Running, screaming, or fighting, IF he doesn't have a lethal weapon is the best course. If that isn't possible, try to stay alive, say nothing to him, except "NO!" and then call the police immediately so DNA evidence can be taken and you can be treated medically and psychologically.

You CAN'T talk a rapist out of the act, most of the time. Peeing, vomiting, acting horny are all silly things that NO ONE who has ever actually been raped would think works. When a woman is being raped, the rapist thinks of her nothing more than an intimate object. Too much talk, etc is only going to get you beat worse or even killed. Shut up and try to get away, or try to stay alive and say NOTHING to him afterward and pray he just leaves so you can get help.
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Originally posted by KikiChrome
Yeah, I agree. I read that whole bit about hunting the guy down and telling everyone he knew that he was a rapist, and all I thought was "well, he would've just killed me if I'd said that!"

Seriously, I've taken ... more
I'm so sorry this happened to you Kiki.

But, you are 100% right about the futility of trying to "reason" with the rapist. If they have rape on their mind, chances are, it is going to happen.

Your best bet is to simply try to stay ALIVE, as you did. Doing anything that sounds "cute" on paper (like most of the urban legends at the beginning of this thread) is only going to make things worse.
Contributor: KikiChrome KikiChrome
Originally posted by PussyGalore
All of the self-defense techniques in the world aren't going to protect you when it's someone you know, you just aren't expecting something like to happen. My sister was attacked by a friend, someone she'd known for years. Her ... more
Yup. Being aware of yourself, not taking stupid risks with people, and doing your best to look confident: all good techniques. If self-defense classes give you a feeling of confidence and self-assuredness, then all the better... but don't beat yourself up too bad if the attacker is simply stronger than you.

Looking back, I could have "read" his personality better. That doesn't mean that I blame myself though. He knew what he was doing, and the choice was all his.

These days, I've learned a little more about myself too. I've learned that it's okay to be assertive, even with people you want to like you. I've learned that it's okay to be a "b*tch" if that means that you're not putting your needs (and fears) to one side to please somebody else. I've learned that we can actually "people-please" ourselves into a very bad situation.

And thank you for your sympathy. At least now I can start to see even negative experiences as opportunities to grow and learn.
Contributor: KikiChrome KikiChrome
Originally posted by P'Gell
I'm so sorry this happened to you Kiki.

But, you are 100% right about the futility of trying to "reason" with the rapist. If they have rape on their mind, chances are, it is going to happen.

Your best bet is to simply try ... more
Ditto to you too, P'Gell. You're very right about the reasoning bit.
Contributor: Eden C. Eden C.
I took a self defense class. I remember reading one of the books in my dojo and it suggested urinating or defecating. I thought it was odd, but if it saves you, then it is definitely worth ruining your clothes.
Contributor: PussyGalore PussyGalore
Originally posted by P'Gell
I agree 100%. Most rapes are violent acts, a woman is grabbed, beated and assaulted. There is no time to go into a feminist rant about how rape isn't "love or sex." Like a rapist will CARE WTF the person (to him, a thing will think ... more
Absolutely agree with you as well. I was told a long time ago the best thing to do is to stay calm, above and beyond everything else. As difficult as it sounds, that's the best way to remember the critical points of information needed for an arrest and conviction.

I don't know where this originated, but it makes me sad that misinformation like this is being spread. I would be horrified to see a rape prevention/crisis center's name associated with it. The only thing I could legitmately see working is telling the rapist she's on her period, unless he makes her prove it. Or has a fetish for that kind of thing on top of everything else.

I don't see it as a laughing matter and I sincerely hope that no ever uses the verbal arguments in this piece, for their sake.
Contributor: K101 K101
No I haven't, but wish I had. I was raped 5 years ago & ever since I've wanted to learn a little something about defending myself. I'm a 93 pound girl so I'm not good at fighting off a kitten muchless a 280 pound man. In my case, it was impossible, but I sure wish there were classes available near my area. We don't have anything like that and I really wish we did. I think it would be so helpful to have classes like that that teach how to defend yourself and ways to prevent it, and how to react to a rapist. I'm sure it would come in handy in some way if you did end up in the situation and it'd be worth it to have some skills and knowledge.
Contributor: Ahatmadeofshoes12 Ahatmadeofshoes12
I took a class a year ago called RAD (Rape Aggression Defense). I highly recommend it to anyone since we learned a lot of great techniques that work well in a variety of situations. One of the easiest things you can do is to yell "NO" at the top of your lungs. RAD advocates making a lot of noise but to do it in a loud, low aggressive voice instead of a high pitched scream. A lower aggressive voice is more threatening, carries farther and is more likely to be taken seriously then a high pitched scream.
Contributor: Ahatmadeofshoes12 Ahatmadeofshoes12
Originally posted by Nashville
This doesn't quite belong here.. but what the hoot. Has anyone taken a self defense class to ward off an attacker or rapist? Do you know what to do?

Most people know the basics- Have your keys in your hand at all times when you're ... more
This advice is actually pretty bad and it perpetuates a lot of rape myths that are really harmful. Rape doesn't happen because the guy wants to get laid. Rape is a complete breach of human autonomy and it has nothing to do with sex; it is about power and control. If a rapist really wants to hurt a woman they will do so whether she's peed or not, whether she pretends to want it or not. A woman is not more likely to be raped depending on how she dresses or how she acts. Rape most often happens within one's home and usually by a man who knows the woman. Ultimately if we want to stop rape we need to change societal views. However, there are things a woman can do. I would recommend taking a course in Rape Aggression Defense (RAD) where they teach you fighting techniques that are very effective in deflecting a lot of typical attacks (they even teach you how to defend against a gun or a knife). One of the best things anyone can do is to yell "NO" as loud as possible. This will help in court since there will be no question whether or not you made it clear that this was a violation of consent. Make sure you yell in a low, loud, aggressive voice instead of a high pitched scream. An aggressive low voice carries a lot further, is more threatening and it will cause others to take the scream more seriously.
Contributor: hyacinthgirl hyacinthgirl
I was raped several times by my ex, despite my crying, begging him to stop, saying no, saying the safeword (or giving the safe signal), all of that. I was and am very physically strong, but that doesn't count for much when someone is holding you down by the back of your head. Seriously, just try getting out of that position.

For the various physical things, the first rape took place when I was physically incapacitated - seizing, in fact. It had started off as a consensual sexual encounter, but had gotten far too intense for my body to handle. I was crying, screaming, seizing, laughing hysterically, and hallucinating - the only lucid words out of my mouth were begging him to stop. He kept right on going.

The next two were fairly standard as partner rapes go, I suppose - he forced me down and had sex with me against my will.

The fourth time, I was performing oral sex on him, when he suddenly grabbed me by the back of my head and started forcing me down harder and faster, even though I started choking, crying, fighting him, frantically waving my hands, slapping his wrists, trying to force his hands off my head, etc. I ended up vomiting all over him, but he didn't stop until he was finished. And I apologized to him while he laughed.
Contributor: wrecklesswords wrecklesswords
Now if only these could work when the one getting raped was conscious! Hah, but those are some seriously great tips. I never would have thought to pee on myself or act like I'm enjoying it. Though, I can almost see the latter backfiring if the attacker is absolutely nutso.