Permanent birth control

Contributor: Danielle1220 Danielle1220
I am tied. My doctor recommended it after my last pregnancy. I was extremely sick the whole time and in and out of the hospital with pre term labor. He told me it was my choice but he didn't think I could make it through another my husband and I decided we are very happy with the family we have. So now I am done having babies, and I don't regret or rethink our decision at all.
Contributor: cryinglightning86 cryinglightning86
I don't really want kids, but I'm 19. Last time I checked, it's pretty difficult to have this procedure done at my age. Sticking with the pill for now, I suppose.
Contributor: epiphanyjayne epiphanyjayne
I'm having my third baby in September so i've been thinking about it alot. I would like my hubby to get it done so I don't have to. but it's been a hard sell, even though we both know 3 kids is more then we expected to have any way and financially it's already hard. still we think what if we do want another if something where to happen to change our mind.
Contributor: quantumspork quantumspork
I'd really love one—I'm twenty and am sure enough that I'll never want kids. I've heard that the more reversible form of tubal ligation can result in ectopic pregnancy, though.
Contributor: g- g-
I currently have an IUD but I'm considering something more permanent.
Contributor: Peggi Peggi
I am currently on the shot, but we've discussed this type of more permanent birth control. I am 24, and he is 25, and we don't know yet if we want kids of our own, so we are holding off until we've both made up our minds. Honestly, we aren't all that interested at this time, so we really just aren't sure if that's a sign that it just isn't for us or not.
Contributor: lilgrump lilgrump
I had a tubal at age 23. I have various medical conditions that arose after my first child's birth that are exacerbated by pregnancy. I was unable to take any sort of hormonal birth control and one drunken night, my partner and I thought a baby would be great LOL... long story short, I got preggers and had a lot of careful monitoring. All of my doctors (family doctor, OB, hematologist) HIGHLY suggested I not get pregnant again. I was fine with that because I always wanted 2 or 3 and this was my second and I had a boy and a girl.
Contributor: Chilipepper Chilipepper
I had forgotten about this thread. My status has changed since 2010.

I got my tubal in October, 2011 (age 34). I'm glad that I finally got it done. Although one of my friends from junior high is still trying to convince me that I'll regret it because "ALL WIMMEN WANT BABBIEZ", so now she's begging me to get with a man who already has a kid so I won't "regret so much". *facepalm*
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
I'm au natural. I'll wait until my body decides to stop ripening my eggs on its own. I'm in premature peri-menopause and we have three children. My doctor offered a Tubal Ligation right before my last birth via C Section, because I have such difficult pregnancies and he knew our last baby wasn't planned.

I was on a baby high even before the baby was born and I said no. I was also afraid of.... premature perimenopause, as it is not uncommon with Tubal Ligations in still fertile women. They don't know if it's the blood supply or the nerve supply or what, but some women still get hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings etc after a Tubal Ligation. I tried to avoid it and got the peri-menopause anyway.

I love babies and children. Our choices worked out for the best.

(And for those who "want to adopt or foster an older child" you're still dealing with children and children who have been "in the system" for most of their lives and they will just as much work and difficulty as any infant would be. Teens are harder to raise than toddlers, I've raised both. If you "don't like children" you aren't going to like a child in the Foster System any more than you would your own. You're probably better of with NO kids in this case. Foster kids and kids who have been abandoned or orphaned need MORE work than kids brought up in a loving natural environment. I know some people who Fostered kids from the System and with a few exceptions, most of them backed out or wished they could have. If you don't like children, children with Special Needs are going to be even more difficult to raise than if you had your own. They come with less coping skills, more exposure to violence and their own set of difficulties that takes a really special person who loves children to raise properly.)
Contributor: geliebt geliebt
I'm not permanently sterilized, but that's my endgame goal
Definitely not a maternal person, and there are just too many negatives to it for me, so sterilization is in the cards sometime in the near future! For now, I just have my IUD and I LOVE it to death!!
Contributor: Talena Talena
I have had my lubes tied twice, healed naturally twice. This last time I had the tubes removed (long story as to why) unless the sperm is pulling a dukes of hazard I should be quite safe lol.
Contributor: michael scofield michael scofield
wow no more worries! can have sex all you want with no worries that must be an amazing feeling!
Contributor: WhoopieDoo WhoopieDoo
I would LOVE to be fixed....for my husband and I to both be sterile would be ideal.
Contributor: Red Riding Hood Red Riding Hood
I think that this option should be easy for women to get. Sure, some may regret, but in the worst case, there is always adoption. I'm really supportive of this, considering some women end up in situations where they have to have an abortion for health reasons. This could definitely prevent problems down the road. I'm glad that women are brave enough to make a choice like this. I do want kids someday, but I am glad to see women who don't feel like it's expected and who really don't care. Awesome!