Are you a bronze god/goddess?

Contributor: Lucky21 Lucky21
Since the number one cause of cancer in young people is skin cancer, usually from tanning, I just don't think that it's a practice that we should endorse. People are beautiful the way they are, and I just don't see a need for all this artificial stuff.
Contributor: -BillD -BillD
I couldnt get a tan if my life depended on it. I am as white as it gets and simply burn in the sun.
Contributor: kellyg kellyg
I stay outta the sun as much as possible, and love being pale. I'm naturally fair skinned with dark hair/dark eyes, and love keepin it that way lol. no tan for me.
Contributor: WhoopieDoo WhoopieDoo
I avoid the sun like a freaking vampire and every day that I have to venture from my house I'm encased in sunblock, even in the winter. Some people look ok with tans but I personally hate them and wouldn't consider getting a tan even if there were no health risks involved.
Contributor: salaciousrex salaciousrex
I have pale skin and lots of freckles, and I like that, so I don't tan at all. I generously use sunscreen almost every time I go outside. Even if I wanted to be tan, I would only use lotions. The health risks are too much for me to use tanning beds or sit in the sun
Contributor: PussyPurr PussyPurr
I LOVE tanning. I'm Latina, but I get really pale during the winter, which I hate (on myself). I'd never spend money on a tanning bed, though. Used one once and hated it....I love the feel of the sun on my skin and being outdoors in the fresh air.

As for the risks....well, not a single person in my family tree has ever had skin cancer. Come to think of it, cancer is extremely rare in my family. I'm more likely to keel over from a heart attack, honestly. I wonder if it has to do with our "peasant stock" - I come from a very, very long line of men and women who have done manual labor, usually outdoors, for a living.

I *sometimes* use sunblock on my face, though I'm not terribly worried about's called "aging" LOL.
Contributor: kadytheredpanda kadytheredpanda
Oh, definitely no. I have very sensitive skin. Even sunscreen can make me burn. 0_o So yeah, tanning is a no go for me. It wouldn't look good with my natural red hair anyway.
Contributor: Love Perpetua Love Perpetua
I am naturally really tan, and I also tan really easily with sun exposure. I try to use sunscreen as often as I can, especially if I'm going to be outdoors all day.
Contributor: Ser Pounce-a-lot Ser Pounce-a-lot
I don't really get much sunlight, working a night shift and all. I'm white and nerdy
Contributor: bdvnt bdvnt
For some reason, I no longer tan. I'm very fair skinned, and it just stays that way. I'll get a little color by the end of summer, but not much. Being so light skinned, I just catch on fire while I'm outside. Then I spend the rest of the week spreading aloe on the red spots.
Contributor: hyacinthgirl hyacinthgirl
My skin tone is so pale that in certain lights, I'm pale blue. My ex charmingly pointed out that my face was paler than his ass, and the parts that I don't expose to the skin are nearly dead white.

I can't tan even slightly. I can freckle if I stay out in the sun for about a couple of minutes, but any longer than that, and I burn horribly. I got a sunburn on a school trip to Scotland in the early spring. I'm so used to being pale that I think I would look very weird with a fake tan, and a real one is out of the question. I've already had several second-degree sunburns, so my risk of skin cancer is high enough.
Contributor: Chilipepper Chilipepper
Extremely pale with freckles - I didn't tan, I broiled like a lobster as a kid.

I don't envy tanners one bit, I like being super pale. Suits me better. Redheads should NOT tan, period - red hair and tan skin look awful together.
Contributor: PiƱa Colada Piña Colada
I also don't want the wrinkles when I'm old!
Contributor: Starkiller87 Starkiller87
I avoid any sort of tanning because i dont like the tanned look. I can get tan very easily since im mexican. I am pale because i really really try to avoid getting a tan.

Also when girls tan too much and look orange or too dark, i want to die laughing. Especially if they do lighter hair than their tan and it looks even more fake.
Contributor: RedGoddess RedGoddess
i do not actively tan because my skin is very fry to begin with, and i am afraid tanning would make it dry out- or help it because of the lotions.

i am already a redhead, and quite freckly- i am afraid of skin cancer as its being on the rise, so i try to not go tanning... but i do enjoy the natural sunlight.
Contributor: Beck Beck
I do not tan, personally I think it is insane. I went to school with a girl; she was in the grade below me; she died at age 19 of skin cancer. All due to tanning, no thanks. I have always thought girls look weird all orange anyhow. I am as white as a ghost in the snow.
Contributor: Jaimes Jaimes
Originally posted by Ser Pounce-a-lot
I don't really get much sunlight, working a night shift and all. I'm white and nerdy
I love that song. Hooray for Weird Al.
Contributor: Noira Noira
I really wish I could get a decent tan. I was so excited that my arms were all of two or three shades darker. But another winter's coming and I'll just get paler. My family is so genetically pale that my mom and sister have had panicked reactions from nurses and doctors along the lines of "do you ever go outside?!"

Unfortunately, yes, yes, I do go outside and I seem to have the option of vampire or burn.

My arms right now are as dark as they get. I wish I could keep them this way all year around. It's nowhere near bronze, but at least I look like I do more than hide in a basement and play Dungeons and Dragons. (Not that, uh, I don't. But I do go outside! Sometimes!)

At any rate, tanning is off the menu and spray tans look silly.
Contributor: TameTemptress TameTemptress
I don't tan. If I'm out in the sun, I burn quicly so I try to avoid it and when I have to be out, I use sunscreen and try to cover up. I've never tried a tanning bed and have no interest in it either.
Contributor: Diabolical Kitty Diabolical Kitty
I don't tan. It's not good for your health. It can cause skin cancer.
Contributor: RonLee RonLee
When I lived in Phoenix, my friends told me only tourists have tans.
Contributor: starklover starklover
All I do is burn
Contributor: Cream in the Cupcake Cream in the Cupcake
I dont like being in the sun but I tan easily.
Contributor: Jenyana Jenyana
I'm really fair-skinned, so I tend to get burned insterad of tanned, and then my skin starts flaking out. I NEVER get a good look, so I straight.out do not attempt to tan. Being pale looks better on me than lobster-red or brown-spotted.

Plus it's healthier for the skin. Skin cancer's no joke, yet everybody seems to be seeking it by tanning so darn much.
Contributor: DreamWolf DreamWolf
I just love it that my skin is white like snow, not to mention that it is purrrrrrfect for the goth look and all the blackness I always revel in...

Also, I can't stand hot weather, it's just not for my taste, prefer it warm, or mildly cool...

Also, some "color" gives a healthy look, why it must be so popular, to tell the truth (no offense, really, don't wanna hurt anyone's feelings!) I find it that it is just a typical stupid American thing to go for the tan and blondes and I find it ridiculous how that combination looks...

The only times I had some color were when I was out in the sun cause I had to be, or simply because the weather was nice, but I always couldn't wait to get all that "pale" again, it is just perfect for any classical beauty ideals, that kind of "geisha look"...

Other than that I find any skin colors beautiful as long as they fit the person's hair color, and all in all their personality, and I find it very funny when people go to places or lay in the sun to get darker, you can just tell sometimes when it isn't natural, and it looks sooo disappointingly fake, just makes me not like their look anymore...

(Am sorry again if this was rude, I really didn't mean to offend anyone, and I understand why the tan is desirable, it is just lush, just the fake lushness is not my taste... ~smiles frowny and blushy)
Contributor: Chirple Chirple
I don't tan because I don't have any desire to be tan.

Most times, I think tans only look good on people born with them or who couldn't avoid exposure over long periods of time, not quick-bakes.

Nothing against people taking informed risk in tanning beds. If that's the aesthetic you like, and are willing to accept the risks, power to you.

I admire people who want the look using "fake-bake" products, but they're definitely a toss-up in looking okay or not. Definitely test those in a small area or like, a calf during winter before going all out. I don't think Bright Orange is a look the majority of people want.

Uh... blonde and tan kind of go together. Just saying, if you're predisposed to tanning and have blonde hair - the sun will naturally bleach hair. Sure, people do it to the extreme, but it's a "natural" combination in the modern age.

Also, the fad for tanning started in the 20s or so when labour moved indoors with the industrial revolution, it was a sign of leisure and wealth to have enough money to be outside and lay about. When labour was previously outdoors, people wanted to be pale.
Contributor: RedGoddess RedGoddess
Originally posted by teeny <3
Summer is rapidly approaching here in the U.S. and I am once again painfully reminded of how fair skinned I am, despite my dedication to a post-shower fake-and-bake lotion routine. Not that I should find anything wrong with my natural complexion, but ... more
i do not tan, and i am a redhead, so i am fairly fair skinned. I do get some colour in the summer though.