Depo Shot

Contributor: Miss Jenn Miss Jenn
Originally posted by J's Alley
Has anyone had the Depo shot with a really bad outcome? My best friend is struggling with infertility after being on Deop for four years. Her step mother had her get the shot at 14, yes, 14 years old. She has been off since she was 18 and has yet ... more
I saw this post was posted a year ago, but I just now saw it.
When on Depo - you dont get a period. It holds all those hormones at bay. When you get off the depo. It can take you 18 months to get back to normal. In that time, you may have spotting, or heavy bleeding at irregular intervals.

She can take prenatal pills (providing the dr ok it) to help her body get back to normal. But it can take a while, and is a long process.

This is the normal situation.

Some people are lucky and get everything back in a few months. Even get pregnant in a few months. But only a few do.

I had my last depo shot in the end of Oct 2010. I should have gone in Jan to get it. I did not, as I want to have another child soon. So, if in Jan of 2012 I have not conceived, then I am able to start getting help for infertility.

There are some small chances that I may not conceive on my own- these are the risks everyone runs.

If she is not trying to get pregnant, she has no reason to not be on the depo shot, really. But I understand if her parents made her get it. another option for her is to get on a birth control pill, that would help as well to get her body back on a normal schedule.
Contributor: Miss Jenn Miss Jenn
Originally posted by J's Alley
Has anyone had the Depo shot with a really bad outcome? My best friend is struggling with infertility after being on Deop for four years. Her step mother had her get the shot at 14, yes, 14 years old. She has been off since she was 18 and has yet ... more
I want to add.... People are scared of the weight gain -- the average of the test participants were 5 pounds a year.

As far as any other side effects - it varies. Did you know that when a company produces trials on medications, any thing that happens while you are on it goes in as a side effect. If someone has a headache, it goes as a side effect (even if its not caused by the med). If someone gets nauseaus (could have been what they ate), it goes in as a side effect.

This is how I look at it. Regardless of the side effects - if its for you its for you, if its not, then its not.

As far as a class action suit, I dont think anyone would ever win, as infertility afterwards is a side effect. And a risk you run. Doctors even tell you this when you get it -- at least they told me, and others that I know who had it.
Contributor: Miss Jenn Miss Jenn
Originally posted by J's Alley
Has anyone had the Depo shot with a really bad outcome? My best friend is struggling with infertility after being on Deop for four years. Her step mother had her get the shot at 14, yes, 14 years old. She has been off since she was 18 and has yet ... more
I want to add.... People are scared of the weight gain -- the average of the test participants were 5 pounds a year.

As far as any other side effects - it varies. Did you know that when a company produces trials on medications, any thing that happens while you are on it goes in as a side effect. If someone has a headache, it goes as a side effect (even if its not caused by the med). If someone gets nauseaus (could have been what they ate), it goes in as a side effect.

This is how I look at it. Regardless of the side effects - if its for you its for you, if its not, then its not.

As far as a class action suit, I dont think anyone would ever win, as infertility afterwards is a side effect. And a risk you run. Doctors even tell you this when you get it -- at least they told me, and others that I know who had it.
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Originally posted by Miss Jenn
I saw this post was posted a year ago, but I just now saw it.
When on Depo - you dont get a period. It holds all those hormones at bay. When you get off the depo. It can take you 18 months to get back to normal. In that time, you may have ... more
Three months after your last shot, you are probably still infertile. The shot lasts, as a rule, about 13 weeks. We have women come in 12 weeks hence their last shot to be sure. You may still be in the "safe" phase of the hormone. Most women, not using any birth control, will conceive within 1 to 2 years. Most within one year of stopping the Depo. It is not uncommon to take 6 months to get your period back, so you should not expect to be fertile yet. It is possible, though. Act as if you are.

There are no studies showing "permanent" infertility from Depo. There is a "small chance" that any woman may not be fertile. I have come to believe, after years of working with women in childbearing, that there is no such thing as "the doctor says I may not be able to conceive." Unless the doctor has done extensive fertility tests, they just don't know. In actuality, the only "test" is going without birth control. Women in their 20s will take a year or less to conceive, as a rule and it takes longer, as the woman gets older. But, there are exceptions.

But, in many surveys, as well as those of us who have seen many women on this form of birth control (not just anecdotal friends and family) the "5 lbs weight gain" is rare. The average I saw as a Maternity-Post Partum nurse was 30-60 lbs. I need to be honest, taking "prenatal" vitamins will do nothing but give her very expensive pee. It does nothing to increase fertility. No one, not even pregnant women, need these iron laden bundles of constipation. Food provides enough nutrients for any woman. There is no vitamin that will increase fertility, if she already has a healthy diet. Women trying to conceive should be taking 800mcg (micrograms) of Folic Acid a day to reduce the risk of neural tube defects, but aside from that, there is no magic bullet for pregnancy. Even Folic Acid will not "help" you conceive.
Contributor: BadassFatass BadassFatass
All I know is that I got pregnant on it and I will NEVER use it again.
Contributor: beachluv51800 beachluv51800
Depo was a nightmare! The convenience of the shot and just forgetting about BC until your next one is not worth it. It ruined my menstrual cycle, I had weight gain, and I could not get pregant. I did not get my period back until after a year of being off of it. I don't think I ever ovulated right again after Depo. It should be taken off the market!
Contributor: Bry & Jenn Bry & Jenn
Ii got pregnant on depo......
Contributor: Shellz31 Shellz31
Yes I was on it for only a year when I was 18. Up until that time I was so regular with my periods.
Once off it I bled for a couple of months straight. There are times where I have to go to the dr to get medication to stop the bleeding.
Even now at 32 I can't have a regular period. I may go for two rounds where I'm spot on and then back to being all over the place.
It has totally fucked me up.
I would NEVER recommend that to anyone!
Contributor: padmeamidala padmeamidala
Originally posted by J's Alley
Has anyone had the Depo shot with a really bad outcome? My best friend is struggling with infertility after being on Deop for four years. Her step mother had her get the shot at 14, yes, 14 years old. She has been off since she was 18 and has yet ... more
I had a Depo shot about 12 years ago and it was terrible. Took a long time to get it out of my system. I would not recommend it to anyone.
Contributor: ohmai ohmai
I'm only 20 and certainly no whereclose to trying for a baby but I've def had a bad experience on the shot.
I tried it while I wasin high school,not sexaully active, but being treated for ovarian cysts. I LOVED the idea of not having a period so I jumped on board.
The part I didn't love was the crushing depression and weight gain.I'll not have sex rather then be on it, because being suicidal kind of kills your sex drive anyway.
Contributor: TwistedTruth TwistedTruth
I was on the depo shot from 15 until 18, almost 19. I quit for a year, no bleeding, no cramping, NOTHING from my uterus. It took over a year, almost a year and a half to get back to normal. My OBGYN decided to give me the pill so I could be regular again. I never remembered to take it. (Plus I'm naturally prone to headaches, so it was a hesitant thing...)

A few months after being on the pill, I stopped. I waited 6 months and went to Planned Parenthood in February of this year to get the Depo Shot.
I have not had a period. I have constant migraines. I have this debilitating depression when I'm about to come off the shot, getting ready for another. My libido may not have dropped a bit, but I cry and get emotional at nothing. It bothers me more than anything.
I worry about being infertile, as that and miscarriages run rampant in my family anyway.

I don't have insurance, so I have to wait and see what Planned Parenthood says. I don't think I trust them (another story for another time...), but I don't think I'd trust my old OBGYN either...
Contributor: mastersonv mastersonv
Yes the Depo is truly a horrible birth control! I was on it only for 6 mos and it took me over a year to be able to conceive. The longer you are on it the more is stored in your body and the longer it takes in order for your body to get back to normal! Unfortunately there is no way to do anything about the side effects other than hope that it didn't make you infertile because that is another possible side effect! I hope your friend didn't lose her fertility as a result because it is possible from the depo!
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Originally posted by mastersonv
Yes the Depo is truly a horrible birth control! I was on it only for 6 mos and it took me over a year to be able to conceive. The longer you are on it the more is stored in your body and the longer it takes in order for your body to get back to ... more
I'm sorry you had bad side effects from Depo, I did, too. (See above.) But, Depo Provera is a synthetic progestin that usually prevents ovulation for about 13 weeks, and can do so for up to a year after an injection. It does not "store up in your body." Your body knows what to do with Progesterone, synthetic or otherwise, and it makes it's own, but doesn't store it.

Depo may have some awful side effects for many women (I know I'd never take it again, because of the loss of sex drive, the weight gain and the depression) but it does NOT cause infertility! Dozens of studies have been done, many of them NOT funded by the drug company which makes it, and they show that if fertile, most women will regain fertility in 3 months to 2 years after the last shot. In fact, it probably allowed me to get pregnant with my last baby, by allowing my ovaries and uterus to rest after a bout with endometriosis and the lack of uterine activity and production of endometrium most likely helped us conceive our last child. I had been told that the endometriosis may have left me infertile (it didn't) but I conceived after about 2 years on Depo, about a year after the last shot.

At any rate, it doesn't "build up" in the body. Your body only circulates so much progesterone and eliminates the rest. Any "extra" hormones are dealt with quickly, there is nowhere for it to "build up" anyway, as it isn't lipidophillic, like estrogen is.