Do you prefer a male or female gynecologist, or does it not matter?

Contributor: chantalgiardina chantalgiardina
Originally posted by Petite Valentine
My family members think I'm nuts because I didn't insist on a female gynecologist. I think gender isn't important as long as the doctor is good at what s/he does. What about you guys?
id prefer a female but i actually have a male gyno
Contributor: Rhazya Rhazya
I just feel more comfortable with a female, they have the same parts and have likely felt what I've felt. I also feel less paranoid that they are interested in me inappropriately.
Contributor: Love Obsessed Love Obsessed
I prefer a male one.The female ones seem to force their beliefs on me.I've had some that TELL me I should be on the pill just because I was sexually active.I've never have a male gyno do that.
They have also force what they feel in other ways.
Contributor: sweetpea12 sweetpea12
Originally posted by Petite Valentine
My family members think I'm nuts because I didn't insist on a female gynecologist. I think gender isn't important as long as the doctor is good at what s/he does. What about you guys?
It really doesn't matter to me but I guess if I had the option I would choose the woman. Although that's not really fair because I'm sure the male is equally as professional as the woman, and I should have nothing to worry about. But you are not weird for wanting a female doctor. Just know that all doctors despite gender are very professional and they will all try to make you as comfortable as possible
Contributor: SadoMas SadoMas
Contributor: MK434 MK434
It really does't matter to me but my husband would rather me go to a female.
Contributor: woodsdragon woodsdragon
I prefer a female. It is not an pleasant appointment in general, but for me having a female makes it less uncomfortable.
Contributor: milfstatus milfstatus
Contributor: *Camoprincess* *Camoprincess*
I prefer female cause they are easier to talk to but I have had a male that was AMAZING an made sure I comfortable through everything that was being done an going on.
Contributor: Steveyb Steveyb
My girlfriend says it doesn't matter to her.
Contributor: MaeGal MaeGal
I prefer a female over a male. Just makes me a bit more comfortable.
Contributor: hybridinsurge hybridinsurge
I feel more comfortable with a female doctor. I think a woman will have a better personal understanding of what I am dealing with when it comes to my sexual health than a male doctor. Also, I just feel more comfortable talking about sex and my body with a woman.
Contributor: pirkit pirkit
I prefer female just because I would think they would understand things better.
Contributor: LunaLuthor LunaLuthor
Originally posted by Petite Valentine
My family members think I'm nuts because I didn't insist on a female gynecologist. I think gender isn't important as long as the doctor is good at what s/he does. What about you guys?
I prefer female but mine is really judgmental surprisingly
Contributor: epiphanyjayne epiphanyjayne
Female for sure
Contributor: KyotoAngel KyotoAngel
Never been to one yet (yes..I know I need to go but I'm afraid. <_<; ) but I'd be much more comfortable with a female doctor.
I once read a quote that said: "A male gynecologist is like an auto mechanic who never owned a car." ...despite them having medical training I'm sort of inclined to agree with that quote.
Contributor: xMila xMila
It doesn't matter to me.
Contributor: Queen Queen
I have been on the receiving end of some pretty awful suppressed misogyny at the hands of women gynocologists. Yes, even worse than men. The most amazing gyno I ever went to was a male in a developing country--so gentle I couldn't feel what he was doing! I seem to be drawn inexplicably to female gynos who have no respect or love for women or the female body. That said, I am open to whatever gender gyno as long as there is respect and patience, which I find difficult to find doctors in general.
Contributor: null null
I prefer male doctors, as long as they're not really old. I have a difficult time talking to women so a male doctor is easier to communicate with.
Contributor: TheirPet TheirPet
I had a female and she didn't believe anything I said. I ended up switching to my friend's gyn who is a male and he's better.
Contributor: Crimson Vixen Crimson Vixen
I've had mixed reviews.

Some people say that males are more empathetic, others say that women are more comforting and understand better.

I myself have never gone to a gynecologist so I am not qualified to answer hardly.

However, when I was younger and my breast tissue started forming I was uncomfortable with having my male doctor check to see if there was a problem.
Contributor: KRD KRD
As long as the doc's good, it doesn't matter to me.
Contributor: SecretKinksters SecretKinksters
Mine is female, she is great and thats all that matters. I think I would be ok with a male doc if he was good at what he did.
Contributor: Peggi Peggi
I have primarily had a male doctor, and right now I just see my primary care physician for my visits.

I don't care so much about their gender as I do that they listen, are understanding, make me feel like they care and won't roughhouse me, and are compassionate.
Contributor: solitudinarian solitudinarian
I get on better with males, so I prefer a male one. I hate how females act like getting naked in front of them is no big deal because you happen to be the same gender. Males seem less judgmental too.
Contributor: SadoMas SadoMas
Contributor: HB042 HB042
The only male doctor I've ever seen is the one who inserted my IUD. He was alright, really, but he reminds me a lot of my high school Astronomy teacher. I see the nurse practitioner that works with him, I've seen her for over a decade now. She's the best!
Contributor: Vaginas Vaginas
I personally just for whatever reason feel more comfortable with a female gyne
Contributor: Nirelan Nirelan
Doesn't matter to me, but I think male docs are more gentle.....
Contributor: Nirelan Nirelan
Originally posted by Chilipepper
After public health sprang a male one on me (who acted like I should be used to having hard-edged things shoved in and pulled out of me in a space of 20 seconds, along with my ovaries being slapped from above) which traumatized me (when the nurse ... more
ew, that doc sounds like an ass lol