Do you prefer a male or female gynecologist, or does it not matter?

Contributor: Jenyana Jenyana
My first visit to the Gyno was with a male doctor, I was 18 but a virgin and he treated me so horribly I vowed never to go to a male Gynecologist ever again. I only went in because I had noticed a bump in my left breast and was truly terrified. How did he react to my fear? He laughed at me. Not with me, trying to calm me down, he laughed AT me. He laughed when I told him I was a virgin, laughed when he told me to unhook my bra for a breast exam and told me not to take it off all the way, just push it aside and then I couldn't hook it back up because it was all twisted. He laughed when I asked if I had to have a mammogram, saying it was way too early for me to have breast cancer (even though even little girls and men can have breast cancer, even though I have family history of breast cancer and I TOLD him) and he didn't even send me to get a sonnogram (which is the standard procedure when a mammogram isn't adviced due to the age of the patient and the kind of breast tissue).

He was even horribly forceful and careless while palpating my breasts, and he did not follow appropriate procedure (my mum was a doctor, so I knew beforehand what he shuold have done and said).

I left there as traumatized as if I had been sexually abused (and I can say this confidently, as it happened to me once).

So, no, no more male gyno doctors for me. I should have reported that bastard, but I'm way too shy and non-confrontational for that.
Contributor: Beck Beck
i like female i feel strange nude in room with a man without sex involved at least a women knows what im feeling like
Contributor: Petite Valentine Petite Valentine
Originally posted by Jenyana
My first visit to the Gyno was with a male doctor, I was 18 but a virgin and he treated me so horribly I vowed never to go to a male Gynecologist ever again. I only went in because I had noticed a bump in my left breast and was truly terrified. How ... more
That's truly horrible. I have to say, I'm surprised your mom didn't encourage you to report him, I would have.
Contributor: amandaco2011 amandaco2011
I'd rather have female. Just makes me more comfortable.
Contributor: playtimeohsofun playtimeohsofun
had both and i like female better
Contributor: dawnkye dawnkye
I don't have a preference. But I've also never had a male gynecologist. I wonder if I'd feel differently when it comes down to it.
Contributor: guard083 guard083
I rather have a female
Contributor: BlackxxxRose BlackxxxRose
I have long term female health problems so I prefer a female doctor.
Contributor: daveysgirl daveysgirl
Female, they know how uncomfortable it is to lay there like we are.
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Being a nurse and having worked with doctors and having female issues and spending lots of time with OBGYNs I can say without reservation, I much prefer MALE doctors. I find they are much more empathetic than most female doctors.

Women in Med School have to be tough, can't whine or complain, can't get sick or show they don't feel well, and honestly, FEW of them make it through med school if they actually HAVE female problems. SO, I have found few of them who really are sympathetic or empathetic with most female issues.

Even for pregnancy. Most of the female docs I know consider pregnancy a pain in their ass to be gotten over ASAP, drug themselves into oblivion during labor, and dump their kids on someone else so they can get "back to work" and consider their children something "in the way" of their career (some of these are actual quotes from a few female docs I have worked with) so they aren't going to CARE if you are nauseous, have round ligament pains, have swollen feet, heartburn, labor pain etc.

Also, health care professionals are terrible about their own health care. I've worked with women doctors who haven't had a PAP and pelvic in 20 years! So, often they actually don't "know what we are going through." Myself being a nurse, I should have had a mammogram, like, years ago. Here I sit, hoping my good family history and 8 years of breastfeeding is protecting me. And it probably is. I don't WANT to go into the Boob Smasher. And, I went 8 years after my last baby was born without a PAP because I didn't have Endo symptoms anymore, and I didn't "get around" to making a GYN appointment. Just started going again a few years ago. HCPs are not good at going to the doctor for much of anything, with the exception of pain, seizure and rampant infection (and even then, we try to treat it ourselves first.)

I much prefer men for my health care. I do like midwives, but they are usually the exception. But, childless midwives don't seem to get it... Just my experience.
Contributor: geliebt geliebt
Female. It's a lot more comfortable to me, and I feel like I can totally relax. My gyno is also super awesome!
Contributor: unfulfilled unfulfilled
I've never had a female
Contributor: shySEXXaddict shySEXXaddict
Originally posted by Petite Valentine
My family members think I'm nuts because I didn't insist on a female gynecologist. I think gender isn't important as long as the doctor is good at what s/he does. What about you guys?
I prefer female now i had a male and i think males hands are bigger so its less comfortable.. like when pregnant and they aren't as considerate because they don't know what it feels like.i now have only woman. There is many in the office so ivr had a bunch and each of them had been a more pleasant experience than the men I've seen. Also woman are about making u feel comfortable.. men are about just getting it done
Contributor: freda freda
Originally posted by Petite Valentine
My family members think I'm nuts because I didn't insist on a female gynecologist. I think gender isn't important as long as the doctor is good at what s/he does. What about you guys?
Contributor: Azule Azule
I'd like a female personally, but I would still trust either if I can tell they have been qualified.
Contributor: kitty377 kitty377
It's a doctor so I don't care as long as they don't make me feel uncomfortable
Contributor: LAndJ LAndJ
Mine is male, I really don't care. What I do care about is that the rest of my family goes to him as well. It's great that he'll know family history then, but it's awkward to know he's seen my family too.
Contributor: tigertiger tigertiger
Originally posted by Petite Valentine
My family members think I'm nuts because I didn't insist on a female gynecologist. I think gender isn't important as long as the doctor is good at what s/he does. What about you guys?
i've never had a male gynecologist. sounds awkward
Contributor: richsam richsam
Originally posted by Petite Valentine
My family members think I'm nuts because I didn't insist on a female gynecologist. I think gender isn't important as long as the doctor is good at what s/he does. What about you guys?
Doesn't matter to me
Contributor: Woman China Woman China
I don't really care, just as long as they don't insist on the small talk. Ask me point blank and direct questions, and I'll answer in the same way.
Contributor: mama2007 mama2007
Originally posted by Petite Valentine
My family members think I'm nuts because I didn't insist on a female gynecologist. I think gender isn't important as long as the doctor is good at what s/he does. What about you guys?
i will never go to a male. i was raped in 2006, and unless i know you REALLY well u can forget that idea. i do not trust guys. except my husband and friends i know that are guys, but not as my dr
Contributor: Bzz Bzz
I've had one male, and one female. The male was AWFUL and acted like having a heavy week long period was no biggie, and then I just needed to suck it up and take it.

The female one is absolutely AMAZING. She's one of the nicest doctors of any kind I've ever had!
Contributor: samanthalynn samanthalynn
Originally posted by Petite Valentine
My family members think I'm nuts because I didn't insist on a female gynecologist. I think gender isn't important as long as the doctor is good at what s/he does. What about you guys?
Contributor: Ahatmadeofshoes12 Ahatmadeofshoes12
I could care less so long as the doctor is sex-positive, well-educated and professional. These doctors see vaginas all day I have no reason to be insecure or self-conscious about them seeing my vagina whether the doctor is a man or a woman. I've experienced both male and female gynecologists and nearly was awkward or uncomfortable for me.
Contributor: roskat roskat
I prefer a female doctor.
Contributor: lacybutton lacybutton
I've had both and have had good and bad experiences with each gender. I think you just need to find someone you can be comfortable with.
Contributor: vanilla&chocolate vanilla&chocolate
Female, hands down. I recently started seeing a gynecologist and I just would NOT feel comfortable with a male.
Contributor: kadytheredpanda kadytheredpanda
Male doctors in general just freak me out for some reason.
Contributor: blackadeezee blackadeezee
I prefer a female to a male obviously, but I have never requested a female rather than a male. There is always a female nurse present if its a male, and I just tell myself its his job, he isn't looking at me sexually (hopefully!)
Contributor: jjis123 jjis123
I feel uncomfortable seeing a male that studies women's vaginas for a job