Eeek! Yeast infections...

Contributor: mistressg mistressg
Originally posted by aliceinthehole
really? thought i was the only one! what did you end up doing to rid yourself of the 2headed infection?

thanks for sharing!

if you don't feel comfortable sharing here, feel free to PM me. i'm really curious.
I ended up back and forth at my doctor, and a gyno, every week trying to get rid of the infections or infections. A few times I ended up at the er because it was so bad, and the medications I had been on for a week hadn't worked at all. That felt mortifying - going to the er for a gynecological issue. Has happened enough times now. If one went away, the other would come back, or medication to fix one would make the other return, etc. etc. VERY frustrating!
They put me on flagyl for the bv at one point, which I found out I was allergic to - the second to last day I was on it. I had felt a little woozy the entire week I was on it, but the 6th day I ended up really sick, vomiting, had to call the doctor. They took me off of it, even though that is the go-to treatment for B.V. One doctor had the audacity to blame me for it, and told me I was in there every week so obviously I was doing something to make it happen! Added that in the meantime she would put me on clindamycin to treat the B.V. I had just been on it every week for over a month, and I told her it obviously wasn't working, I could see that it was making no difference at all, and asked if there was there something else she could give me. That could not be the only treatment. Her (pretty rude) reply, "No, this is the best I can do. If you're allergic to Flagyl this is all I can do for you." Come to find out one night in the e.r. that that was totally false. There are gels, which nobody likes using a cream/gel for a week, but it beats the hell out of recurring infections! I believe they then put me on MetroGel that time. I believe the one for One doctor at one point actually looked through my file and said "Wow...they put you on clindamycin a lot...A LOT." and was amazed by the fact that they would keep putting me on it and if it showed no signs of treating the infection the FIRST time around, after a week, they should not have continued giving it to me. I had a mind to put a report in on that doctor, the one who originally put me on the same medication over and over and blamed me for having infections that I hated everything about.

I had been cleaning my toys with soap and water, I found online that certain soaps can be irritating, especially anti-bacterial soaps. And if you don't wash off all of the soap (which you can think you did, but not have), you can get an infection. That could lead to yeast or b.v. I invested in Before&After spray cleaner, based on the reviews I saw here on EdenFantasys, and I have not been disappointed. I do however take the extra precaution of putting condoms over my toys before I use them, I find that makes a difference. Then I try to wash them after, but I can't always do that living in a dorm building. Condom, then wash the toy under water if I can, THEN spray it with Before&After whether I clean it with water or not. I always use my spray on my toys after I use them.

Also, I noticed that certain lubes have an impact. I stay away from flavored lubes, and then I became more aware of glycerin and parabens and other stuff so now I stick to Sliquid Organics, which I haven't had any problems with. I would recommend using that if you use lubricants, check the ingredients first though for anything you may be allergic to (it contains aloe).

Eating less sugary stuff helps with the yeast also,

Also, a have tried eating more yogurt which I think helps. I stick with Stonyfields, none of that GoGurt, Trix, stuff. I had not been a huge fan of yogurt but I started eating it with granola, I find that makes it way yummier and that gives it other added benefits. Taking acidophilus supplements can help, I did that for a while, you can get them in any vitamin aisle. Eating a cup of yogurt a day, or adding it to a smoothie, is good and taking the acidophilus in conjunction with that is even more helpful. Also, garlic supplements help, I took those for maybe a month, as well. I have heard that garlic as a vaginal suppository helps, though I have never tried that. That and cider vinegar. However, consuming vinegar helps also I've heard. I really like vinegar, so a tablespoon or two really doesn't bother me. And I've heard a little bit of cider vinegar in a warm bath can help. For my most recent yeast infection I was told that sitting in a warm bath with a bit of baking soda can help relieve the symptoms and calm the itching. It worked! But for B.V. plus yeast, your pH would be different, so you would have to figure out what is best.

Steroids or antibiotics can throw everything off for anyone. Also, birth control has been said to do that as well, but I can't afford to be off my pill. Drinking lots of water helps with all of your bodies processes, so I would highly recommend working that into your daily life. Helps flush out toxins, and fruit juice (wuthout a bunch of sugar or additives) helps prevent things go awry. Cranberry is especially known for it's helpful qualities. I try to drink good fruit juice and lots of water regularly to stave off infection.
Contributor: AndromedaJane AndromedaJane
As a kid I had chronic ones, but now I take probiotics which helps me avoid them.
Contributor: SecretToyLover2 SecretToyLover2
As of this last year, I get them often. Not Chronic, but often.
Contributor: NarcissisticLust NarcissisticLust
Originally posted by aliceinthehole
I have been self-diagnosed with chronic Candida, AKA chronic yeast infections. I'm wondering
A) how many of you have them, and how often, and
B) if any of you have experienced long-term damage or negative effects of it.

The ... more
I didn't know it was possible to have chronic yeast infections : (
Contributor: Missmarc Missmarc
I've never had a yeast infection before.
Contributor: Zombirella Zombirella
Originally posted by aliceinthehole
I have been self-diagnosed with chronic Candida, AKA chronic yeast infections. I'm wondering
A) how many of you have them, and how often, and
B) if any of you have experienced long-term damage or negative effects of it.

The ... more
Ugh, hate my body. EVERY time I have to take an antibiotic the doctor now just writes me a prescription for an infection because I ALWAYS get one. Sometimes after my period I can get one. As soon as I get one I take a prescription pill or do one of the over the counter for relief (I usually require the stronger prescription). I can't have sex, it hurts and is just uncomfortable and thankfully he doesn't want to and understands when it happens. To me, mine burn more than itch but I have had them itch BADLY. Recently I had to have a root canal and had to take 30pills a 2 a day and I wasn't able to take my infection pill til AFTER I finished those, it was so irritating. I feel really dry down there when I have one. I'm sorry you have it as badly as you do I'm not sure if they work but I've seen over the counter pills that are supposed to help keep them away and regulate good bacteria growth.
Contributor: Zombirella Zombirella
Originally posted by aliceinthehole
no insurance or i would do it! ah, america.

however, adding exercise and changing my diet using the information i found in research should help alot. it will just be tough.. i'm so not good with self-discipline. at all.
I would ask your doctor about finding something affordable for you. I lost my insurance then got it back again and now it's gone since I'm 26 and kicked off my parents. I can get it for 10$ though without insurance.
Contributor: KyotoAngel KyotoAngel
o_o There's a chronic version?! I've only had one so far (thank god) but I'm doing pretty much everything I can to avoid getting them since.
Contributor: samanthalynn samanthalynn
Originally posted by aliceinthehole
I have been self-diagnosed with chronic Candida, AKA chronic yeast infections. I'm wondering
A) how many of you have them, and how often, and
B) if any of you have experienced long-term damage or negative effects of it.

The ... more
never thank god
Contributor: Mwar Mwar
Never had one, thank goodness, and I eat yogurt all the time because I'm paranoid (and it's yummy!).
Contributor: Woman China Woman China
The last one I got was when I used the Lelo Isla with System Jo lube. And never again with either of them go into my body.

I use a product called Nature's Aid for all my vaginal and skin issues and I use it then I am fixed right up!!!

I've been reading organic magazines at the advice of a friend, and she claimed that she used to suffer from frequent yeast infections. But when she switched to use coconut oil (yup. Just like the tub of it in the kitchen) within two or three days, she noticed that she stopped getting all "leaky and gross" and started have what she called a normal vagina.

My sister suffered from chronic yeast infections, but once she switched her panty liners and pads from Always products she stopped having issues.
Contributor: Intrigued Intrigued
Remember to wear loose clothing, and cotton panties.
Contributor: Intrigued Intrigued
Remember to wear loose clothing, and cotton panties.
Contributor: CindyH CindyH
havent had any for awhile hate it when this happens
Contributor: SaraU29 SaraU29
I've been lucky enough to have never had one.
Contributor: HannahPanda HannahPanda
I have had them on and off for years and it's awful. I once had BV and had ulcers on the skin there and cried every day for two weeks until it healed. It was the worst ever.
Contributor: mistressg mistressg
Originally posted by HannahPanda
I have had them on and off for years and it's awful. I once had BV and had ulcers on the skin there and cried every day for two weeks until it healed. It was the worst ever.
Yep, BV is terrible. But sometimes it is hard to tell the difference between them. I have experience chronic BV and yeast, and sometimes I would think it was yeast and it would come back as BV. It's good to get checked to make absolutely sure, or you will end up making things worse and messing up your pH even more.
Contributor: aliceinthehole aliceinthehole
Originally posted by Woman China
The last one I got was when I used the Lelo Isla with System Jo lube. And never again with either of them go into my body.

I use a product called Nature's Aid for all my vaginal and skin issues and I use it then I am fixed right up!!! ... more
wait, what did she do with the coconut oil? like put it in her vagina? eat it?

i use it as a body moisturizer, and i use it to cook with sometimes. but i would never put oil in my vagina - i hear that's bad for it!
Contributor: aliceinthehole aliceinthehole
Originally posted by Intrigued
Remember to wear loose clothing, and cotton panties.
i do! always cotton. still i get odd infections.

this latest one has been recently diagnosed as 'nothing.'

just extra discharge. normal, but extra.

i have no idea.

it doesnt have an odor or itch so i suppose they're right. the doc. did look at my juicey juices under a microscope and deemed it ok. but he was a male. and three female docs before him said it was BV. i dont freaking know!
Contributor: aliceinthehole aliceinthehole
Originally posted by Missmarc
I've never had a yeast infection before.
Contributor: aliceinthehole aliceinthehole
Originally posted by KyotoAngel
o_o There's a chronic version?! I've only had one so far (thank god) but I'm doing pretty much everything I can to avoid getting them since.
yes and it doesn't mean chronic as in super awesome. it means super not awesome.
Contributor: aliceinthehole aliceinthehole
Originally posted by mistressg
I ended up back and forth at my doctor, and a gyno, every week trying to get rid of the infections or infections. A few times I ended up at the er because it was so bad, and the medications I had been on for a week hadn't worked at all. That felt ... more
so much great info here! alot i knew, some i needed to be reminded about.

thank you so much for sharing all this info! hopefully other folks can come on here and find some good advice, if anyone else is having these issues.
Contributor: aliceinthehole aliceinthehole
Originally posted by Liz2
On occasion when I take antibiotics, I will get a yeast infection, unless I eat copious amounts of yogurt. Yea, yeast infections are a real pain esp. during hot weather and impedes my sex life as well.
i know - i used to go ahead and have sex when i had one sometimes... then my entire vulva would just ache so much afterwards for about 30 mins. it was pretty intense. and awful.
Contributor: aliceinthehole aliceinthehole
Originally posted by Sinfully
I voted sometimes. Ive had bad ones for the past month. Ive had strep throat that wouldnt go away and the meds they prescribed made my risk of getting a yeast infection higher. I also can't seem to wear tampons without getting one
you may want to try a moon cup, diva cup, aka menstrual cup instead of tampons if those give you yeast infections.
Contributor: NurseKitty NurseKitty
Originally posted by aliceinthehole
wait.... what?

i do have a regular male sex partner and we dont use condoms. i was getting them before we started dating but it only started right before then. i blamed it on the birth control pills at first, as i got an infection during my ... more
Hey Alice,

Jobthingy is right. I actually had this issue as well. I used to get yeast infections chronically and then a Nurse Practitioner suggested that my hubby may be the problem.

While he can get on an antibiotic I would suggest that he use a topical crea, on his penis ESPECIALLY if he is not circumcised. The yeast like to hang out under the foreskin and the topical cream does a way better job of killing the little "yeasties" as I call them. They don't tend to test for it, she just told me to buy an OTC miconazole cream and apply to the penis for a week. Just remind him it's good for both of you! My hubby wasn't happy about it but he dealt.

Other things I learned, don't douche that will make you more likely to get one. Also long bubble baths are a bad idea if you are getting "yeasties" regularly as the soapy water can throw off your flora. Wear cotton panties, lay off the g-strings if you wear them and sleep commando.

If you can't deal with the creams go with Diflucan pills. P'Gell's suggestion of Femstat is a good one a number of people I know like that cream
Contributor: Silverdrop Silverdrop
Ugh. No wonder I keep having problems. I've lived in a flat with no shower for the past four or five years, so I have done nothing BUT long baths.
Contributor: ellieprobable ellieprobable
I think I may have had one once but it cleared on its own with no medication.