Have you ever used an IUD for birth control? What was your experience with it?

Contributor: Noira Celestia Noira Celestia
Originally posted by P'Gell
Maybe it's not my business to say (I enjoy really rough sex too) but if this is happening, scarring of the uterus could be occurring. I've seen this as a nurse. It isn't common, but if the IUD was dislodged at any time, it could be ... more
Thank you, I don't think you're being nosey at all. I've actually had concerns that my symptoms sounded like endometriosis, I wasn't aware that it couldn't be diagnosed from an ultrasound. I don't think the OB will be willing to do anything else unless I opted to take birth control. She says that hormonal birth control will shrink the cysts that I have, but it's really not worth it for me. My body doesn't react well to hormonal birth control so that is why I got the IUD.

I will definitely bring it up again with my ob and be very specific about the pain during sex and bleeding.
Contributor: bayosgirl bayosgirl
I would not use an I.U.D. because I always knew I wanted to be a mother and the I.U.D. carries a risk of damaging the uterine wall when it's implanted or removed.
Contributor: SuperSarah116 SuperSarah116
I have Mirena. I've only had it for a month but so far no problems. The first week i had cramping and spotting but after that it's been pretty good.
Contributor: dontbackdown02 dontbackdown02
Originally posted by Bonanza Jellybean
I'm curious how many other women use the IUD (Intrauterine Device) method of birth control and what their experiences with it were. I've had the Mirena IUD for three months now and it's the first form of hormonal birth control I've ... more
I never have used one, but a friend of mine has and she had all kinds of trouble with hers. SHe finally got hers taken out.
Contributor: aliceinthehole aliceinthehole
Originally posted by Diabolical Kitty
I don't like having that in my body. My friend has had major problems since she had to have it removed.
what kind of problems? please let me know, i've got an appointment in a couple months to get mine put in. paragard.
Contributor: Starkiller87 Starkiller87
I really wanted one of these and my mom checked her insurance to see if I'd be covered at all, some of it was so it wouldn't have been a problem. But I'm prone to infections so I couldn't have it done. It's disappointing but I'd rather be safe than sorry.
Contributor: Pixel Pixel
I have the Mirena, and it's amazing! Lighter periods, no more bleeding heavily for a week straight, yay! Plus my cramps are something I can now control with ibuprofen, rather than needing narcotics. I'll have had it two years in January, and will definitely get it again once I need it refilled.
Contributor: Do emu Do emu
Just got mine inserted yesterday!