Miscarriage poll-Private voting

Contributor: Airen Wolf Airen Wolf
Originally posted by bayosgirl
As some of you know, I had a miscarriage 10 days ago. It was and is still very hard for me, as you can imagine. My first pregnancy that I've been looking forward to for almost 10 years.... Anyway, one thing that I have been told is that "30% ... more
I am so sorry to hear you lost your pregnancy. I hope you have some good support and if not that you are gentle with yourself and allow yourself to grieve the loss. It may have been a non-viable pregnancy and perhaps it was a genetic mistake but it was, at least for a little while, a little life that had meaning for you. You had dreams, hopes, fears and desires and that was cut short way too soon. Don't be ashamed of your grief or minimize it. Trust me, sweetheart, I know what you are going through. I would get pregnant about every 6 months for several years and then had one last for four months before it ended. I KNOW how much you are grieving, hurt, lost and feeling so alone especially when people try to comfort you by saying it was probably for the best...or it's common to lose a first tri-mester pregnancy...or that you can try again. They mean well but it really doesn't help, does it?
Anyhow, I went on to have three rough but healthy pregnancies and three healthy children. Don't lose hope, and by the next time you may be able to celebrate from day one instead of being all mixed up and scared inside. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers for now though.
Contributor: calliope calliope
Once my first pregnancy out of two. I was 19. Only like 6 weeks along. It was horrible at the time. It wasn't planed we had no idea till it happened. I learned in my general phychology class 1 in 3 women have at least one miscarriage. I read in my pregnancy book only 1 in 7 perfectly healthy women get pregnant on the first try. Hope that info helps. Don't you just hate the medical term for it spontaneous abortion
Contributor: bayosgirl bayosgirl
Originally posted by Lilith Bealove
Yes, I am. Do you mind if I message you?
Not all all.
Contributor: deltalima deltalima
Originally posted by bayosgirl
As some of you know, I had a miscarriage 10 days ago. It was and is still very hard for me, as you can imagine. My first pregnancy that I've been looking forward to for almost 10 years.... Anyway, one thing that I have been told is that "30% ... more
Sorry for your loss. Hope you'll feel better in time.
Contributor: bayosgirl bayosgirl
Originally posted by Airen Wolf
I am so sorry to hear you lost your pregnancy. I hope you have some good support and if not that you are gentle with yourself and allow yourself to grieve the loss. It may have been a non-viable pregnancy and perhaps it was a genetic mistake but it ... more
Thank you for the kind message, Airen Wolf. Fortunately I do have some good support: my husband and my lovely online friends on EF and another forum. Thanks to you guys, I'm healing slowly but surely...letting a lot of the anger and 'guilt' go (I know it's false guilt, but I've lived my entire life that way.) The one thing I still feel terrible about is that, in my state of shock, I flushed the tiny embryo down the toilet. :-( I wish I had put on gloves and scooped it out and buried it. Sorry if that detail grosses people out but I am still struggling with it and since 'talking' about this has helped so much...

You're right, sometimes comments hurt more than help. My dad was saying something about "This is nature's way to tell you you're not ready." I know he meant well, but it just reinforced the idea for me that this is MY fault (due to not being ready.) My mom's comment was even worse: "Aren't you glad God handled it this way?" Yeah, not too happy about that but that's her.

Did you end up being tested because of the multiple miscarriages? I can't imagine the pain you went through. :-( Thank you so much for keeping me in your prayers-I know it's helping me.
Contributor: kittycatgirl kittycatgirl
So Sorry for your loss. I have not been pregnant, but have fears of this happening when we do decide to try.
Contributor: CindyH CindyH
i have never had a miscarriage but my friend has i fell sorry for those who has it is so hard to deal with
Contributor: SubmissiveFeminist SubmissiveFeminist
Once, but I don't talk about it, honestly.
Contributor: PeaceToTheMiddleEast PeaceToTheMiddleEast
Sorry for your loss. I had one when I was 18 years old. The doctor told me that my body may have not been ready to have kids. I was so sad.
Contributor: Hot'n'Bothered Hot'n'Bothered

Pregnant with #4 currently, his twin didn't hang around. makes it horribly difficult because my SIL is pregnant with twins and due 3 weeks after me. I was dealing OK with it until we found that out.
Contributor: PeaceToTheMiddleEast PeaceToTheMiddleEast
Originally posted by PeaceToTheMiddleEast
Sorry for your loss. I had one when I was 18 years old. The doctor told me that my body may have not been ready to have kids. I was so sad.
Ok now I am reading thru all the comments and sorry to hear for everyones loss. I have not cried in so long and I am over here and tears now. I had not given much thought to my m/c until now even though it was years ago. I would have three children right now if I did not m/c.
Contributor: blackadeezee blackadeezee
We have an (almost) 5 year old daughter, but I haven't been able to carry after having her. Been pregnant twice, miscarried a couple weeks in the first time, and at 14 weeks the second time. We have been trying for a long time for another baby, and its heartbreaking that is hasnt worked out for us yet. I have PCOS, and with that getting pregnant is half the battle, staying pregnant is the other. Thoughts are with you while you heal from this, just remember that you will heal. Let yourself grieve.
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Originally posted by Rossie
The things you said are all true. I was extra cautious when I was pregnant, just because my mom has been brainwashing me with how hard it was for her, when she was pregnant with me and had bed rest through most of the pregnancy. For that reason, I ... more
I know how that feels. I had high risk pregnancies and several pregnancy losses, so I am always very careful, too. I know I can't prevent a miscarriage, but one can do a lot to prevent a preterm birth. I'm anxious in my first tri, because I'm afraid I'll lose the pregnancy, then in the 2nd and 3rd trimester, I'm afraid I'll go into labor and lose the baby or have the baby end up in NICU.

I've been lucky, as I do keep on bedrest (doctor recommends it for me) and most of my pregnancies have gone to term. My last one was a 36 week baby, but she was healthy.

It can be a scary time if you've had pregnancy losses and want a baby badly.
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Originally posted by Deeder
My mother had two miscarriages (one between my older sister and I, the other between me and younger sister), my older sister had at least three before she was able to carry my nephew to term, and I have had one myself.

I'm currently on my ... more
I'm sorry for you loss. It is so sad and disappointing.

Good thoughts and healthy thoughts for you.
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Originally posted by Airen Wolf
I am so sorry to hear you lost your pregnancy. I hope you have some good support and if not that you are gentle with yourself and allow yourself to grieve the loss. It may have been a non-viable pregnancy and perhaps it was a genetic mistake but it ... more
Thank you, Airen. You said it all quite well.

It hurts, even when you know why it may have happened. I still sometimes think about the ones I lost, too.
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Originally posted by bayosgirl
Thank you for the kind message, Airen Wolf. Fortunately I do have some good support: my husband and my lovely online friends on EF and another forum. Thanks to you guys, I'm healing slowly but surely...letting a lot of the anger and ... more
A similar thing happened to me with my first miscarriage. I started to miscarry, then I had to get my daughter breakfast. She as a toddler and I didn't want her to see the toilet, because I didn't want her to be afraid of the toilet with all the blood. So, I closed the bathroom and cleaned up and got her her breakfast. Then I put on Sesame Street for her and went back. I picked up the tissue that I had passed and knew what it was (although it looked nothing like a "baby") but it was still so sad, and then I and cried.... a lot. Then, without thinking, I flushed it. I had the rest of the miscarriage in the hospital where a nurse (who should have known better as it was her job and she wasn't in the middle of miscarrying and scared and sad and scattered) flushed the rest of it.

Both should have been saved, but they were both gone. Nothing to test, as I was virtually empty when they finally did the D&C.

I'm so sorry you lost the pregnancy. Hugs and Love.

Contributor: bayosgirl bayosgirl
Originally posted by PeaceToTheMiddleEast
Ok now I am reading thru all the comments and sorry to hear for everyones loss. I have not cried in so long and I am over here and tears now. I had not given much thought to my m/c until now even though it was years ago. I would have three children ... more
Contributor: CinLuvsBre CinLuvsBre
I was 15. Becaouse of that i am having a hard time getting pregnant.
Contributor: Lacey9 Lacey9
I'm so sorry for your loss. I'm pregnant now but almost lost the baby at 13 weeks; I was on bedrest for weeks following a huge, unexplained bleed that almost led to miscarriage. The doctors gave me a 50/50 chance with the pregnancy after I started bleeding even though there was still a heartbeat and then I had to just "wait and see" for a week. My best friend had a miscarriage last year--the heart just stopped when she went in for a routine ultrasound at around 10 weeks--and then the next month she got pregnant again, and now has a three month old baby girl! I've heard that right after you have a miscarriage you can be especially fertile because of the extra progesterone hanging around in your body.
Contributor: MissMori MissMori
I want to add to the here, because it's true that this is much more common than some people think, since a lot of women don't like to talk about it.
I still haven't had a child (hoping that I will one day), but my mother and grandmother both had miscarriages before having (several) healthy children.
And this is making me really teary, too. More hugs for everyone!
Contributor: MrsHouseWife MrsHouseWife
I am heading into month 3 since mine. The hardest thing for me was I only knew I was pregnant for 2 days before the misscarriage, so I was on such a high and then it all just came crashing down. My husband is doing ok and has decided to "move on" but I am finding myself wollowing and wanting to think about where in my pregnance I would be, what I would be doing and how I would look, all sorts of things.
We aren't looking to start trying again for another 12 months but I am not sure if I want to want that long.
Contributor: bayosgirl bayosgirl
Originally posted by MrsHouseWife
I am heading into month 3 since mine. The hardest thing for me was I only knew I was pregnant for 2 days before the misscarriage, so I was on such a high and then it all just came crashing down. My husband is doing ok and has decided to "move ... more
^ I'm in the same boat as you. I wish my husband would talk about the baby sometimes, share his feelings with me, but he never does. I have a feeling he doesn't care anymore. Just because it happened in March doesn't mean the feelings aren't there! I look at a woman as pregnant as I would be now and I wonder what sex my baby would be and what she would look like. My husband finally found someone to sponsor his immigration (I can't) so maybe we will start trying for another baby soon.
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Originally posted by bayosgirl
^ I'm in the same boat as you. I wish my husband would talk about the baby sometimes, share his feelings with me, but he never does. I have a feeling he doesn't care anymore. Just because it happened in March doesn't mean the feelings ... more
My husband cried a little when I had my first miscarriage and then didn't seem to understand why I needed more time to grieve than he did. He was pretty much OK in a week or two, I cried on the due date of the one I lost.... despite the fact that I was 8 months pregnant with my next child.

Don't expect most men to grieve a long time for miscarriages. For them, it isn't real until you start to show and they hear the heartbeat and see what looks like a "baby" on an ultrasound. Some men don't even recognize it as "real" until the baby is born.

We barely discussed my second miscarriage, years later. In fact, when I mentioned it a few months ago, he forgot it had happened. I wasn't as invested in it, as I didn't even know I was pregnant until I miscarried with the second one, but he didn't even remember.

Men don't carry the pregnancies so they don't usually feel the same way we do. It isn't their fault. It just isn't "real" to them until they have proof.
Contributor: MissCandyland MissCandyland
I have never been pregnant. But my mom has 3 children and has had 2 miscarriages. She doesn't talk about it much, but it has to do with the rh factor.
Contributor: brevado brevado
My heart goes out to those who did lose a baby they planned to keep