Sex with a tampon??????

Contributor: Midway through Midway through
Sounds unhealthy. And frankly, scary. Plus, I think period sex is ick in the first place.
Contributor: Beth D Beth D
Originally posted by Annemarie
On a very slightly unrelated, yet somehow related note, I've accidentally forgot I had a tampon in and put in another tampon. It was really awkward. I didn't know until later, when the second tampon just kinda fell out. I was like, "well that's odd."
I'm always worried this will happen to me It hasn't yet, but I have pretty bad memory in general and I double check to make sure I took the old one out before putting a new one in I'm getting a Diva Cup in the mail though, so hopefully I won't have to worry about this anymore
Contributor: sexysweetieshan sexysweetieshan
I always take it out. I don't think you're supposed to have sex with it in. That's kinda gross anyways.
Contributor: oohlookasquirrel oohlookasquirrel
If you want to have period sex, I HIGHLY recommend the Divacup. First off, you could have oral with no problems at all because it stays inside and does not leak. I can get all wet while wearing it and there's no period blood escaping. Second, it catches anything that might be "hanging out" in the vaginal canal; if you take it out right before sex and you're not having a heavy period, you'll have little to no mess. My periods aren't that heavy, and if I've been wearing the divacup, I'll excuse myself to the bathroom, pop it out, have sex (on something black just in case), and pop it back in without any mess. The divacup is the best thing that has ever happened for my period, and now I have a sex life all the time, not just 3 weeks out of 4.
Contributor: SarahSarah SarahSarah
i would NEVER have sex with a tampon in. NEVER NEVER NEVER. I have been caught off guard before and didnt think I was going to have sex when I did. I just took it out had sex and then put one back in. My boyfriend never even knew I was on my period lol.
Contributor: usmcwife99 usmcwife99
Originally posted by SarahSarah
i would NEVER have sex with a tampon in. NEVER NEVER NEVER. I have been caught off guard before and didnt think I was going to have sex when I did. I just took it out had sex and then put one back in. My boyfriend never even knew I was on my period ... more
Dang, I think my man would of noticed. He woudlnt of cared but would of noticed.
Contributor: CleverKitty CleverKitty
You can have sex with a sea sponge in. They make special ones for menstruation. Its what most women in porn use, we started out using makeup sponges but they can be hard to get out and are bleached so there's a trend toward sea sponges.
Contributor: mrs.mckrakn mrs.mckrakn
heard its very painfull. dont do it
Contributor: ~LaUr3n~ ~LaUr3n~
Apparently people are not as educated on this as I thought. I know someone else who did it. I know the guy, not the girl.
Contributor: Jobthingy Jobthingy
Bad news bears indeed!
Contributor: LilLostLenore LilLostLenore
never have sex w a tampon it can cause vaginal shock, and cause infection.
Contributor: bayosgirl bayosgirl
Um, why would you do that when you could just TAKE THE TAMPON OUT, THEN have sex?!
Contributor: AndromedaJane AndromedaJane
Originally posted by usmcwife99
Ok, me and my friend were talking about this today. She was like I swear I could have sex with a tampon and my boyfriends so small it wouldnt hurt at all.(she wasnt gonna try it but just saying)

We then got to the discussion of what would ... more
That would be so awkward.
Contributor: mastersonv mastersonv
Wouldn't recommend it. Potentially can cause a lot of issues which have pretty much been stated in the previous comments!
Contributor: ToyGurl ToyGurl
There's several reasons you should not do it. One, you can break the string, potentially making it harder to get the tampon out. Two, you can transfer infection more easily while wearing a tampon. Three, you can push bacteria-filled fibers deep in the vagina where it is hard to clean...

The list goes on and on.
Contributor: SweetSurprise SweetSurprise
Originally posted by Taylor Violet LXIX
Well, I had very...interesting night...where unplanned, flagrantly intoxicated sex happened with a tampon still in. I realized this the NEXT morning.

It was quite a night. I realized this when I had to "give birth" to said tampon. ... more
Wow so glad I'm not the only one this happened bad the bf had to go in and fish it out lol. Never again I always check..