Stopping Your Period on Vacation?

Contributor: Sammi Sammi
We're celebrating our anniversary in a special way this year, and going back to where we got married to renew our vows. Probably the worst thing that could happen would be for my period to start. I am planning to make an appointment and discuss this with my doctor, but I was curious if anyone here had had this dilemma, and what you did or what your doctor recommended (going on the pill again, etc) so that your period didn't happen on vacation?
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Contributor: removedacnt removedacnt
I think it is possible for the Dr to put you on the pill for a few weeks. Though, I'm not sure if he/she will. But that would definitely stop it.
Contributor: indiglo indiglo
Originally posted by removedacnt
I think it is possible for the Dr to put you on the pill for a few weeks. Though, I'm not sure if he/she will. But that would definitely stop it.
That might work, but from my experience taking Seasonique (one of the pills that gives you 4 periods a year) the first couple of months I skipped my regularly scheduled periods I had a fair bit of spotting. My Dr. said that was normal until your body adjusts to the hormones and the skipping of the period. I think it was 1 or 2 full cycles of Seasonique before I stopped spotting so much, and sometimes I still spot during the week that would be my period - and that's after several years. So I'm not sure how much that would help for a 1 time event, because it might leave you with a lot of spotting. (Although every body reacts differently to the pill.) Hopefully your doctor will be able to help! (And happy anniversary!! Hope you have a great trip! )
Contributor: darthkitt3n darthkitt3n
I once went straight from taking my three active weeks of one month's pill supply to the next month's supply so that I could avoid getting my period on vacation. I had no problems with spotting or anything, though my next period was super painful. Going off the pill to delay my period also caused my next period to be worse than usual.
Contributor: Coralbell Coralbell
I've skipped my period several times by continuing to take my pills during the week I'm supposed to be off them. I've never had any issues with spotting, but I know that can be a problem for some people. I also found that my next period was really heavy.
Contributor: Chilipepper Chilipepper
Wish I could find a way without making the period after worse. (I'm already on the Pill.) I was wanting to visit Master for three weeks in December, but my parents want me home for the holidays, so I have only the week after Christmas ... so guess what happens that week? Yeah. *headdesk*
Contributor: Jul!a Jul!a
In the past I've done the skip the inactive week to avoid getting my period when I didn't want to get it for vacation or whatever. Getting a one month supply of the pill could do that.
Contributor: LittleMissBliss LittleMissBliss
The week I was suppose to have my period I was also going to get married. So, to fix this situation I continued to take the next pill pack skipping my period week. This brought me a week behind, but just enough time to get the next pill pack with out worrying if I would have any kind of protection. If I had chose to skip two pill packs, I would be a week with out pills and a week with a period. VERY RISKY!! Anyway, the wedding was great, and the honeymoon! I haven't had any bodily issues from skipping a period, but I will be getting it after I finish THIS pill pack.
Contributor: Rockin' Rockin'
I think I've done this when I was on the pill and while on NuvaRing. I just kept on taking pills or put in a new ring after 4 weeks, and it worked pretty well. I think the only downside is that the next period was heavier, and during the 2nd consecutive month with the same hormones I felt like I was a little heavier/fuller than usual, but it wasn't uncomfortable. Totally worth not dealing with a period while on vacation. Good luck!