Why do you take Birth Control?

Contributor: Kitka Kitka
Mainly it was the best option for me at the time after having my son so I wouldn't get pregnant again. I wasn't old enough for the doctor to do any kind of permanent birth control like tying my tubes, etc. and I really prefer to know when exactly I'm getting my period. Also, I noticed that the particular one I'm on helps control my premenstrual acne.
Contributor: twelve13 twelve13
Only to prevent pregnancy. It's nice having predictable periods, but it would not be enough to keep me on it. In fact, I hate birth control minus the fact that it keeps me spawn-free.
Contributor: ChubbyNerd ChubbyNerd
I like knowing when my period is going to start, and not getting pregnant.
Contributor: Munko Munko
When I was on it, it was to control my PMS symptoms and cramping. I had horrible, horrible periods as a teenager, and for 2 weeks before my period I was increasingly miserable.

I went off 10 years ago though, and we haven't ever even used condoms since, except in the very beginning of our relationsip. We use natural family planning and withdrawal. One planned baby, and no oops babies or scares...so it works for us!!
Contributor: Septimus Septimus
I'm on birth control because I'm not ready to have a kid, and I don't know if I ever will be.