Deep throat or Anal: Which was a harder act to learn?

Contributor: Cream in the Cupcake Cream in the Cupcake
Anal is harder for me.
Contributor: Cream in the Cupcake Cream in the Cupcake
Originally posted by zeebot
Helpful tip: smiling suppresses your gag reflex!
really? well I gotta try that!
Contributor: leatherjacket leatherjacket
For me anal is harder to get comfortable with. I can't get over the fact that the skin will tear and open the way for bacteria to get into-- even if he's really gentle. Plus you have more control when you're giving head .
Contributor: lick123 lick123
anal gets easier the more relaxed and turned on i am and with the more lube used, however deep throating does not get easier, only with relaxation.
Contributor: Ms. Spice Ms. Spice
Originally posted by 0letitgrow
What took you guys longer to get used to and able to comfortably enjoy ANAL or DEEPTHROATING?
anal for me
Contributor: The Curious Couple The Curious Couple
We're still working on both.
Contributor: Lilgirlsunshine Lilgirlsunshine
Originally posted by 0letitgrow
What took you guys longer to get used to and able to comfortably enjoy ANAL or DEEPTHROATING?
Getting over my gag reflex was way harder than learning to relax and enjoy anal...although getting over the mental hangups that I had about anal sex took years for me. LOL
Contributor: LuvMyMan LuvMyMan
Anal is a breeze is you clean well and properly prepares yourself, deep throating for me is all in the mind and proper positioning. And you are correct smiling does help!
Contributor: KatPawz2003 KatPawz2003
DT, anal was all a mental thing. My partner isn't the biggest guy in the world so anal is easy to handle but my jaw can only stay open so long before it starts to hurt. My gag reflex is better then it used to be but still can be a problem at times.

Any one who wants to give tips on the whole jaw hurting I am always happy to get pointers.
Contributor: sarki sarki
Contributor: removedacnt removedacnt
Well seeing as how I still can't deep throat I would say it's much harder.
Contributor: sexyk515 sexyk515
im good at both
Contributor: nicole07 nicole07
deep throat
Contributor: aprilm aprilm
deep throat
Contributor: AOutrajus AOutrajus
Originally posted by RemusHalifax
I almost threw up when I tried to deep throat my boyfriend the other night. I really want to learn how to do it properly because I know he likes it, but oh, my god... It feels icky. >.<
try taking in a deep breath then take it in and try not to breath much after that.
Contributor: AOutrajus AOutrajus
deep throat has been the most difficult for me. i still cant take it all the way but Ive found out that if i take a deep breath then take it and hold my breath i can take most of it without choking.
Contributor: VictoriaWest VictoriaWest
Deep Throating...Want to master that before going near the "Other Door"
Contributor: DTV88 DTV88
I think anal is the hottest thing ever.
Contributor: DTV88 DTV88
my gf can deepthroat very well.
Contributor: Teagan Shepard Teagan Shepard
DT - still impossible. Short mouth, TMD, and a mega-gag reflex.
Contributor: cobiffle cobiffle
that would all depend on the girl really
Contributor: sunshinegirl63 sunshinegirl63
Originally posted by Yoda
I'm not a woman, but deep-throating has got to be incredibly hard to do. Most people have an involuntary gag reflex, and I'm not sure how on earth you ladies override it.
i agree with you
Contributor: mama2007 mama2007
Originally posted by RemusHalifax
I almost threw up when I tried to deep throat my boyfriend the other night. I really want to learn how to do it properly because I know he likes it, but oh, my god... It feels icky. >.<
agreed. i tried going deeper 3x ago with hubby and thought i was gonna puke so i stopped. ugh hate that feeling =[ id love to do it though.

anal - i hate it but will attempt it occassionally
Contributor: ToyBoy ToyBoy
It depends on the person. The best thing you can do for each is just learning how to relax, if you can do that, both are possible
Contributor: Choolz Choolz
Originally posted by Dusk
I'm still working on both. My gag reflex is pretty brutal, and I'm claustrophobic so I don't like the feeling of not being in control of my throat and breathing. Anal is just tough because I haven't had enough warm up or practice, and ... more
My thoughts exactly on both DT and anal!
Contributor: CAKES CAKES
Deep throat cause I hate to gag!
Contributor: ss143 ss143
Anal was harder for me it was easier to relax my throat and breathe in between thrusts. Anal took more time so as not to cause injury even tho I wanted to really bad. With DT I also find keeping my mouth open while doing it eases the muscles and lessens the gag. You figure when your mouth is open your throat is slightly more open as well-more room to maneuver(with me at least)
Contributor: daniel and frances daniel and frances
Originally posted by 0letitgrow
What took you guys longer to get used to and able to comfortably enjoy ANAL or DEEPTHROATING?
Deep throat doesn't really hurt so it was easier for me.
Contributor: butterflygirlxo butterflygirlxo
Anal you have to learn how to relax much more then you do while deepthroating and their is pain involved.
Contributor: Pixel Pixel
I have some serious issues from my first experience with anal play, so I'm still working on getting myself to relax. I keep hoping I'll be able to actively enjoy it with a partner someday soon.

Deep throating...was really easy for me. I've always been able to suppress my gag reflex well, and going from having a cock at the back of my throat to down it was an easy step.