Storing books,ideas for my situation?

Contributor: kinky girlfriend kinky girlfriend
ok so live at my parents have no book shelf..should I clean out a large drawer and use it to store books? I mean I wish to have alot of books off eden. I'd love to collect them ^_^ Well I just worry about my sister she likes to take stuff like that out of my bedroom nothin I can do because well it's my dad's house and the lock on my door is easily oppened with a knife...and my mom mentioned my dad went through my stuff before. I know he's opened my mail before because it might be porn. anyway maybe put a sheet over the books and some workout bands so it looks like I'm storing that kind of stuff in there? I don't have any books yet but I hope soon I can purchse some.

oh and if somethin ends up in my sister's room my dad sees gets taken away.
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Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Originally posted by kinky girlfriend
ok so live at my parents have no book shelf..should I clean out a large drawer and use it to store books? I mean I wish to have alot of books off eden. I'd love to collect them ^_^ Well I just worry about my sister she likes to take stuff like ... more
What about a locking box stored under your bed.

We have older and younger children in our house and NO ONE is allowed to go into any one else's bedroom without permission. That means even my husband and I don't go into one of our kids' rooms unless we have permission. If my Little One took something from a sibling's room, no matter what it was, I'd raise Holy Hell with the LITTLE One. She knows better than to get into people's private matters. Luckily, we respect our kids and they respect us (a lot of parents don't realize respect is a two way street) and we have never had a problem with the smaller ones going into the bigger ones rooms, since the little one's were toddlers and really didn't know any better. Even then, we made it clear "Please don't DON'T go into your sibling's room without being invited. It hurts their feelings and they deserve privacy." They understood very young this was off limits behavior.

How old is your sister?

Could you have a Family Meeting and talk about the lack of privacy in general, without using too many "YOU" messages (meaning you start sentences with things like, "My feelings get hurt when people go into my room without asking." NOT "YOU took my stuff!") Maybe the entire family could talk about how respect and privacy is essential to good Family and how that could be achieved.
Contributor: kinky girlfriend kinky girlfriend
Originally posted by P'Gell
What about a locking box stored under your bed.

We have older and younger children in our house and NO ONE is allowed to go into any one else's bedroom without permission. That means even my husband and I don't go into one of our ... more
hey thanks..talks have been given many times..I've given up. my sister is 20...she is very selfish and uncaring especially towards other's people's belonings..the safe was a good idea..I just got an idea how about a small laundry basket with clothes covering up the books? That would be cheaper oh but there is something I saw on ebay for sex toy storage if you want me to send the link for u to look at...I am not good in picturing products and how big they are I have to have them in my hands if that makes sense...

but enough of the people not respecting other's I think its just best to hide your private life in this house. I doubt anyone will look in my laundry basket..but I can have a list and take not if something goes missing then try to find when my sister's at work I can go in her room and see if its there.
Contributor: Alicia Alicia
Originally posted by kinky girlfriend
ok so live at my parents have no book shelf..should I clean out a large drawer and use it to store books? I mean I wish to have alot of books off eden. I'd love to collect them ^_^ Well I just worry about my sister she likes to take stuff like ... more
I also think a locking box would be a good idea. It also might be a good idea to have a talk with your parents about privacy and being an adult and yadda yadda.
Contributor: kinky girlfriend kinky girlfriend
Originally posted by Alicia
I also think a locking box would be a good idea. It also might be a good idea to have a talk with your parents about privacy and being an adult and yadda yadda.
I have many times my mom is respectful but the other 2 never change.
Contributor: Alicia Alicia
Originally posted by kinky girlfriend
I have many times my mom is respectful but the other 2 never change.
That stinks, I've been there kind of with my dad. Not about privacy so much, but about other issues where certain family members just never change.

I'd go with a locking case. I was at the post office a week ago and a woman was sending something to her husband overseas and it was one of those big like storage tupperware cases but it had like handles on the sides that clasp shut and you can put a lock on it. Maybe something like that would be a great way to store anything that you don't want removed from your room.
Contributor: Envy Envy
Look into book covers at least? I think you can get nice stretchy fabric ones. I had them for my textbooks back in high school. but I agree with a locking case. if not a locking case, then a case that you can have for books, maybe put 'books' on it, and add other books so it doesn't look so suspicious.
Contributor: kinky girlfriend kinky girlfriend
Originally posted by Alicia
That stinks, I've been there kind of with my dad. Not about privacy so much, but about other issues where certain family members just never change.

I'd go with a locking case. I was at the post office a week ago and a woman was ... more
umm find a link of it for me? no idea
Contributor: kinky girlfriend kinky girlfriend
Originally posted by Envy
Look into book covers at least? I think you can get nice stretchy fabric ones. I had them for my textbooks back in high school. but I agree with a locking case. if not a locking case, then a case that you can have for books, maybe put 'books' ... more
how about put magazines and clothes into a laundry basket and use that stuff to cover up the other one should look..I mean my room is unorganized with random stuff all over theres clothes kleenex and notebooks and who knows wat else in the baskett right now.
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Originally posted by Envy
Look into book covers at least? I think you can get nice stretchy fabric ones. I had them for my textbooks back in high school. but I agree with a locking case. if not a locking case, then a case that you can have for books, maybe put 'books' ... more
I, in fact, cover my Erotica with stretchy covers like Goth was talking about. My Erotica is my business, I have kids, they have friends, and when I want to read it or something (I might accidentally leave it in the bathroom or something) the book is safe unless someone opens it.

I'd go with a locking case. It doesn't have to be a sex toy storage box. It could, but Target and KMart sell what look like small safes that have a key to lock them. I use one for my medication, just for safety.
Contributor: 00 00
Even though I was not living at home anymore when I was your age, I still had a footlocker with a padlock on it to store things in that I did not want anyone to see or get into. You can often find then relatively cheap and they hold a lot of stuff. Just a thought. Best wishes.
Contributor: Jenn (aka kissmykitty) Jenn (aka kissmykitty)
Originally posted by kinky girlfriend
ok so live at my parents have no book shelf..should I clean out a large drawer and use it to store books? I mean I wish to have alot of books off eden. I'd love to collect them ^_^ Well I just worry about my sister she likes to take stuff like ... more
Do you have a bookshelf? If so, why not store the sex-oriented books behind your regular books? Have the sex-oriented books face outwards, and the regular ones positioned in front, side by side.


___ ___ ___ ___ (sex-oriented books)
| | | | | | (regular books)

I think that's a pretty clever way of hiding them!
Contributor: Alicia Alicia
Originally posted by kinky girlfriend
umm find a link of it for me? no idea

That's the one the lady had. You can put a combo or key lock through the sides and that locks it shut.
Contributor: kinky girlfriend kinky girlfriend
Originally posted by Alicia

That's the one the lady had. You can put a combo or key lock through the sides and that locks it shut.
THANK YOU. ^_^ I might have to buy that. the whole book covers thing is a good idea maybe if u want to leave a book sitting by your desk throughout the u think that looks like it can store alot and all kinds of sizes?

well I ca't hide that box very well all I can do is clean my room and stick it in my closet my closet is TINY so it will have to go on top the small dresser that take up almost all the space.The dresser has to stay in the closet because theres no room for it outside the closest. I think it would be a good idea to take pics of my room next time I have a storage question I can send a link.
Contributor: Envy Envy
Originally posted by P'Gell
I, in fact, cover my Erotica with stretchy covers like Goth was talking about. My Erotica is my business, I have kids, they have friends, and when I want to read it or something (I might accidentally leave it in the bathroom or something) the book is ... more
I want to get some more stretch covers but am unsure where to buy them. Where do you get yours? I should also get paper ones, some of my books are paperback, not hardbound, and I know the stretchy covers won't work.... (I got the stretch covers from my school, but they don't have them anymore.)
Contributor: kinky girlfriend kinky girlfriend
Originally posted by Envy
I want to get some more stretch covers but am unsure where to buy them. Where do you get yours? I should also get paper ones, some of my books are paperback, not hardbound, and I know the stretchy covers won't work.... (I got the stretch covers ... more
I'm too lazy or impatient to be bothered with putting on the book covers I wanted stretchy u hurry and put on I think I'll just forget it lol. Most books are soft covered.
Contributor: Mr. E Mr. E
Lots of great suggestions here. One more that I'll add for you to consider is a suitcase or briefcase. When our toy collection was smaller we used to keep everything locked in one of those small carry-on suitcases. It was a great solution for us.
Contributor: kinky girlfriend kinky girlfriend
Originally posted by Alicia

That's the one the lady had. You can put a combo or key lock through the sides and that locks it shut.
oh and if I want a large collection of books say 100 or 200 over time I think I should get a bigger box? instead of having boxes all over? idk I xould just put some in a box and tape it up? no ones gonna go in it I always have boxes of junk I clean my room and just throw it in the boxes..I'm sure there's a drawer I can clear out and put them in there..I don't have books yet so I should stop worrying about a sack under a dresser or bed I can pull out?
Contributor: Envy Envy
The problem with going bigger is it gets more noticeable and one will wonder why you have such a big storage case with so many books. You can always upgrade over time. That's the best thing about storage cases, you outgrow them and get bigger ones, and the smaller ones can be used for other odds and ends.
Contributor: kinky girlfriend kinky girlfriend
Originally posted by Envy
The problem with going bigger is it gets more noticeable and one will wonder why you have such a big storage case with so many books. You can always upgrade over time. That's the best thing about storage cases, you outgrow them and get bigger ... more
I really want this link
Contributor: UrNaughtyaAngel UrNaughtyaAngel
Lots of great ideas.

Goth I was watching Wendy Williams today (talk show) and she showed the stretchy material book cover. She was saying how her son was loosing a point a day from his h.w for not having his books covered with it. She went out and got them I think drug store. She said it was 3.99

Kinky Girlfriend I think for now do the laundry basket thing and as your collection grows then see where is the best way to keep it from nosy relatives. I too would want want that giant sex toy suitcase, once I have enough stuff to fill it with. Like Goth said the bigger the storage unit the more noticeable it would be making your sister and other more curious about it.

Thanks for the links.
Contributor: kinky girlfriend kinky girlfriend
Originally posted by UrNaughtyaAngel
Lots of great ideas.

Goth I was watching Wendy Williams today (talk show) and she showed the stretchy material book cover. She was saying how her son was loosing a point a day from his h.w for not having his books covered with it. She went ... more
ya I guess I don't like to upgrade because I don't want to buy something more than once..but I think I will get that box..who knows when but I'm thinkin within 2 monthes or so when my phone contract is up I'll have more money because I'm just not going to have a cellphone anymore. people tell me everyone has one and you need one..I'm just going to say watever I'm poor anyway its a cost I'll cut out.
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Originally posted by Envy
I want to get some more stretch covers but am unsure where to buy them. Where do you get yours? I should also get paper ones, some of my books are paperback, not hardbound, and I know the stretchy covers won't work.... (I got the stretch covers ... more
I got mine at Target, with the Back to School things. I have one with a kitty cat on it. They also have one with a puppy. So.....innocent looking.

I think they were no more than a dollar a piece, maybe 2 bucks. I LOVE them. I just read Jenna Jameson's autobiography (it's over 400 pages) and I didn't think it was appropriate to read, out in the open in the living room as the title is How to Make Love Like a Porn Star so I put a cover on it, like I do all my erotic books, and the cover even stretched over this huge book.
Contributor: kinky girlfriend kinky girlfriend
Originally posted by Alicia

That's the one the lady had. You can put a combo or key lock through the sides and that locks it shut.
I have 37 books on my wishlist uhh do u think that case will hold a good portion? say 15 maybe?
Contributor: Envy Envy
Originally posted by UrNaughtyaAngel
Lots of great ideas.

Goth I was watching Wendy Williams today (talk show) and she showed the stretchy material book cover. She was saying how her son was loosing a point a day from his h.w for not having his books covered with it. She went ... more
Ah okay. Then maybe Walgreens has them, I'll have to look.
Contributor: UrNaughtyaAngel UrNaughtyaAngel
Originally posted by kinky girlfriend
ya I guess I don't like to upgrade because I don't want to buy something more than once..but I think I will get that box..who knows when but I'm thinkin within 2 monthes or so when my phone contract is up I'll have more money because ... more
oh sweetie I had to cut my cell phone service. I at the end of my unemployment benefits. I wanted to cut my home phone but since I got it part of a package w/ my internet and basic cable I can't till the contract expires next year. It took a while to get used to not having it. I would literally check my bag to see if someone had called me then realized oh wait I do not have a phone.

Peeps give me a look when I saw I do not have a cell ho more. And even whey I say why they are they still give me that Your a crazy, strange weird person look.

Oh well.
Contributor: thatonegirl thatonegirl
Originally posted by kinky girlfriend
ok so live at my parents have no book shelf..should I clean out a large drawer and use it to store books? I mean I wish to have alot of books off eden. I'd love to collect them ^_^ Well I just worry about my sister she likes to take stuff like ... more
well depending on your bed you could store them in your box spring most of them just have a fabric lining on the under side all it takes is a tine slit that you keep pined up . problem with that is if you have a cat they can get in there or they might look there but its not usually surched. and you will have to go under the bed for the stuff.
Contributor: ScottA ScottA
Book covers and store them in a box with your "boring" books. Just make sure no one's going to say "you know that box of boring old books you never read? Well I took them to _____ so you have some extra space..."