I should have known better, but I am simply too curious for my own good. The sex shop in question has been a staple of my city since the 80s. It was once located downtown, but was forced to close its doors after it was discovered that the owner was keeping a black book of contact info for local prostitutes and passing that info on to interested customers. After a change of ownership, the store reopened on a busy street in a somewhat distressed part of the city. It was common knowledge that the video arcade in the back attracted some characters, and that the police were often busting men for indecent exposure and public lewdness, including a former state senator. I should have taken this shady reputation as a warning to avoid the place like the plague, but I couldn't resist seeing the inside of this place for myself.
Many moons ago, before I discovered EF, I took a trek with my husband to the shop. We had to park on a side street, walk up an alley, and enter through the back. I must tell you that if I hadn't been accompanied by my husband, I would never have walked up that alley alone. It was far too creepy. Inside the store, I was greeted by a rather disinterested employee sitting behind a counter. The sales floor of the shop was surprisingly small. The majority of the space was most likely dedicated to the video arcade booths, which were down a dark hallway opposite the entrance door. The first thing I noticed about the place was the smell. The whole store reeked of stale cigarettes and rubber. The place was not clean either. The small number of toys hanging from pegs on the walls were as old as the hills. Seriously, I am talking about deteriorating jelly toys that were probably there when the store opened. Nasty. The VHS and DVD shelves were totally picked over. By far, the grossest part of my visit was what I saw on the book and magazine rack. This is one of those stores that buys and sells used books, magazines, and movies. That's not usually a problem, but some of the used magazines had discolored, wrinkled pages as if they had been wet at some point. Use your imagination.
Needless to say, we high-tailed it out of there. I felt like I needed a hot shower with lots of antibacterial soap when I got home.
I know that my city can't be only one with these types of establishments, so if you have a sex shop horror story, let's hear it!
Many moons ago, before I discovered EF, I took a trek with my husband to the shop. We had to park on a side street, walk up an alley, and enter through the back. I must tell you that if I hadn't been accompanied by my husband, I would never have walked up that alley alone. It was far too creepy. Inside the store, I was greeted by a rather disinterested employee sitting behind a counter. The sales floor of the shop was surprisingly small. The majority of the space was most likely dedicated to the video arcade booths, which were down a dark hallway opposite the entrance door. The first thing I noticed about the place was the smell. The whole store reeked of stale cigarettes and rubber. The place was not clean either. The small number of toys hanging from pegs on the walls were as old as the hills. Seriously, I am talking about deteriorating jelly toys that were probably there when the store opened. Nasty. The VHS and DVD shelves were totally picked over. By far, the grossest part of my visit was what I saw on the book and magazine rack. This is one of those stores that buys and sells used books, magazines, and movies. That's not usually a problem, but some of the used magazines had discolored, wrinkled pages as if they had been wet at some point. Use your imagination.
Needless to say, we high-tailed it out of there. I felt like I needed a hot shower with lots of antibacterial soap when I got home.
I know that my city can't be only one with these types of establishments, so if you have a sex shop horror story, let's hear it!