Some one tried to break in - any advice?

Contributor: sweetpea12 sweetpea12
This really has nothing to do with sex I just can't get it out of my mind, so sorry. Last night while I was in my house with my whole family sleeping, someone tried to break in. I live in a neighborhood that has never had a crime happen almost ever. And last night three houses got broken into and the perpetrator didn't steal anything they just took the women's underwear and threw it on beds and just messed around with the girls stuff. They have only targeted houses with a lot of women in them. This morning my father woke up and all the windows on our bottom floor were tampered with. The screens were cut up like someone was trying to get into the windows, and the garage code pad was screwed off of the siding. I am so freaked out and scared, like my safety has been compromised. We called the police and they were practically useless. I know that this has nothing to do with sexual anything, but I am just really freaked out. Does anyone have any advice for me?
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Contributor: deltalima deltalima
Originally posted by sweetpea12
This really has nothing to do with sex I just can't get it out of my mind, so sorry. Last night while I was in my house with my whole family sleeping, someone tried to break in. I live in a neighborhood that has never had a crime happen almost ... more
Wow that is scary. My friend also just had an invasion. Maybe keep baseball bats in each room?
Contributor: js250 js250
See if they have a victim support group in your area or look for one online. Talking with other people who have the same feelings as you do really helps.
Contributor: Geogeo Geogeo
It's scary because it sounds like the person might escalate into a sex predator...a lot of them started out just stealing panties...not to scare you more! I'd definitely get some high-tech window and door locks.
Contributor: indiglo indiglo
I would be scared too! I am really sorry that happened to you, that would freak anyone out!

I'm really glad you called the police, and I'm surprised they didn't come out to take fingerprints or something - especially with a rash of break-ins happening at that same time.

Do you have outdoor lighting around your house? Some really good, strong lights around the outside wouldn't hurt. Make sure you don't have anything (shrubbery, etc) blocking your windows. (I saw that criminals like to hide behind that stuff to give them more time to break into your window undetected from the outside.) And be sure to repair the damage he did, and keep all doors and windows securely locked! You may even want to add some additional door and window locks.

Another powerful tool is neighbors looking out for each other. Maybe you could organize a meeting of all the neighbors and arrange some sort of neighborhood watch - where everyone watches out for everyone else. Neighbors who know and care about each other can be a big deterrent. Plus, it might help you feel like you're doing something proactive to protect yourself.

I also found this blog on squidoo with tons of really good basic home security tips! Maybe you can try some of those.

I also love js's suggestion about speaking to a victim's support group. That can be really empowering, and they may even have some additional safety tips to share with you!

So sorry that happened. I hope you can get back to feeling calm, peaceful and safe again before too long.
Contributor: Crystal1 Crystal1
Ugh, not feeling safe at home is one of the worst feelings! My apartment was broken into twice within 4 months. I wasn't home either time, but it still messed with my head quite a bit.
Contributor: CindyH CindyH
you could get home security but who can afford that so maybe the lights all around house that come on when some walks up to the house
Contributor: PassionateLover2 PassionateLover2
I agree. This thread as you said, ". . . has nothing to do with sex."
Contributor: hro789 hro789
Originally posted by sweetpea12
This really has nothing to do with sex I just can't get it out of my mind, so sorry. Last night while I was in my house with my whole family sleeping, someone tried to break in. I live in a neighborhood that has never had a crime happen almost ... more
start with a tazer to keep hidden in your bedroom somewhere and then I would get something for each room weather it be a baseball bat, shovel handle....etc whatever your preference is would also recommend a self defense or conceal carry classes, again which ever you feel comfortable with.