Or do you put it off for a little while or totally procrastinate?
Do you clean your toy(s) the second you finish?
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Depends if I fall asleep or not. Usually I will clean either right away or put it aside and fall asleep and clean it later on.
Originally posted by
Or do you put it off for a little while or totally procrastinate?
I usually clean them shortly after I use them, but there are a lot of times that I fall asleep and end up cleaning them later.
If I play at night, once I have gotten settled in bed, then I wash them in the morning. I know some will say that's not good for porous materials - but I have never had an issue so far. So I'll continue to do so until I do experience an infection.
Even other times of the day, I don't get up straight away to wash the toys. I relax and enjoy the blissful feeling for a short time.
Even other times of the day, I don't get up straight away to wash the toys. I relax and enjoy the blissful feeling for a short time.
I usually wipe it off with a wipe and then wash it with soap and water in the morning.
I always wash them right away. Sometimes though, if we're having people over, it gets delayed a bit.
Yes, I usually clean the toys right away after we are done.
Originally posted by
Or do you put it off for a little while or totally procrastinate?
I do the same thing. I just like to lay there and enjoy the feeling for a while.
Originally posted by
If I play at night, once I have gotten settled in bed, then I wash them in the morning. I know some will say that's not good for porous materials - but I have never had an issue so far. So I'll continue to do so until I do experience an
If I play at night, once I have gotten settled in bed, then I wash them in the morning. I know some will say that's not good for porous materials - but I have never had an issue so far. So I'll continue to do so until I do experience an infection.
Even other times of the day, I don't get up straight away to wash the toys. I relax and enjoy the blissful feeling for a short time. less
Even other times of the day, I don't get up straight away to wash the toys. I relax and enjoy the blissful feeling for a short time. less
All of my toys that I use on a regular basis are nonporous, so, I typically wait until morning.
I'm glad I'm not the only one that falls asleep sometimes and waits till morning
No, I like to lay there for a minute or 2. They can wait a bit while I enjoy my moment.
If I'm in a hurry (like I only have the house alone for so long) I'll clean them right after. And I'll clean right after if I used them in the shower. And anal toys I clean right after. But I always keep a ziploc bag handy in case I have to stash the toy quickly without cleaning, so I don't have to worry about getting any residue in the toy's real pouch/box.
I always clean them right away, and then put them away before the kids stumble upon them.
I rarely clean them immediately after I'm done with them. I make sure they're clean BEFORE I use them though.
I usually clean them pretty soon after use. And then again before using
Later. Sometimes several hours later. Depends primarily on whether we are in a hurry.
Originally posted by
Or do you put it off for a little while or totally procrastinate?
I clean them pretty soon after because I like to put them away when I am finished. I'm pretty obsessive about my room being clean.
Depends on the toy and the time. Usually I'll set it somewhere where it won't get things messy (paper towel or nonporous surface) and enjoy the glow and/or a cuddle for a while, then go clean.
I'll clean my toys right after I'm done cleaning myself after sex, I'll never procrastinate on this matter!
Since my toys often get used in the shower, it's easy for me to clean right away. Otherwise, I'm happy to wait a couple of minutes, but I try not to wait too long because I like to have them put away when I'm not using them.
I clean them later. Who wants to roll over and clean after sexy time?
I try to clean them as soon as possible, but depending on how wiped out I am afterwards it might take me a little while.
I do right after I'm finish
Originally posted by
Or do you put it off for a little while or totally procrastinate?
I put it off a bit. I do the same with dishes, though
i procrastinate for like five minutes then clean it
Originally posted by
Or do you put it off for a little while or totally procrastinate?
I have to clean them right away. I've tried to just lay there and bask in the afterglow, but I can't. I have to get up and my clean my toys. It's actually rather annoying, and I'm trying to figure out a way to convince myself that I am allowed to bask for a while before getting up to clean everything.
Have you tried getting some toy wipes? I don't think they're a substitute for a good, thorough cleaning, but it might make you feel better to wipe your toys down real quick and then relax. That's what I do when I don't want to clean right then and there.
Originally posted by
Ivy Wilde
I have to clean them right away. I've tried to just lay there and bask in the afterglow, but I can't. I have to get up and my clean my toys. It's actually rather annoying, and I'm trying to figure out a way to convince myself that
I have to clean them right away. I've tried to just lay there and bask in the afterglow, but I can't. I have to get up and my clean my toys. It's actually rather annoying, and I'm trying to figure out a way to convince myself that I am allowed to bask for a while before getting up to clean everything.
That's a good idea. I don't know if it will work, but it can't hurt to give it a try. Thanks!
Originally posted by
Rin (aka Nire)
Have you tried getting some toy wipes? I don't think they're a substitute for a good, thorough cleaning, but it might make you feel better to wipe your toys down real quick and then relax. That's what I do when I don't want to clean
Have you tried getting some toy wipes? I don't think they're a substitute for a good, thorough cleaning, but it might make you feel better to wipe your toys down real quick and then relax. That's what I do when I don't want to clean right then and there.
Well, about 5-10 minutes after. xD I just lay there and take a little nap usually before I do.
Originally posted by
Or do you put it off for a little while or totally procrastinate?
Me too.
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I do the same thing. I just like to lay there and enjoy the feeling for a while.
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