Do you usually have to 'use the bathroom' shortly after anal play?
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Once in awhile, but only lube comes out. I douche before hand and use a shooter to get plenty of lube.
I go to the bathroom, after any kind of play. Maybe because I'm a girl and therefore have the fear of a UTI. But after anal play, I usually use the bathroom to clean up a bit, if anything.
No, not usually.
I use the bathroom after sex every time. I have never had anal before.
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I go to the bathroom, after any kind of play. Maybe because I'm a girl and therefore have the fear of a UTI. But after anal play, I usually use the bathroom to clean up a bit, if anything.
nope, but the wife usually has to pee after sex.
Yes, occasionally.
It's sort of half-half. I don't douche. I shower and make sure the a rea is clean but I don't use anal douches to clean out the rectum of any residues. I find that some lubes sort of make me go more than others.
It's sort of half-half. I don't douche. I shower and make sure the a rea is clean but I don't use anal douches to clean out the rectum of any residues. I find that some lubes sort of make me go more than others.
Not usually.
I usually have to use the bathroom after sex if not just to clean up.
I did notice that using vaginal exercisers make me feel like I have to pee more, though.
I did notice that using vaginal exercisers make me feel like I have to pee more, though.
Not usually
Sometimes.. Peeing is more common.
It depends. I do sometimes, my husband almost always does. He's not necessarily doing anything, but it feels like he has to go, so he sits there and waits, lol.
It wouldn't be too odd, especially if you're new to anal stimulation or tried something noticeably bigger. Many different types of anal play stimulate the rectum, which can get the intestines moving or at least give you the feeling that the intestines are moving.
Some lubricants also contain glycerin. Depending on your sensitivity that can also give you "the urge".
Some lubricants also contain glycerin. Depending on your sensitivity that can also give you "the urge".
I used to when I was first getting into anal play, but now it's less.
Depending on what's going on, sometimes I do but usually I'll wait a bit.
Depending on what's going on, sometimes I do but usually I'll wait a bit.
No but it feels slick and seems hard to get rid of all of the lube, lol
sometimes butnot often
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I don't think I ever have. I don't do an enema or anal douche or anything, I do like to make sure I've gone to the bathroom recently and that I'm clean though. When I first started with anal play, it would feel like maybe I had to go right when anything would go in, but once my body got used to it, that feeling went away.
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