I shower with my husband just about everytime we shower. It's usually rare that we don't shower together. When we don't shower together, it's because one of us needs a shower from getting more dirty than normal or something like that. Anytime I mention that I shower with my hubby all the time though, I get weird looks. Does anyone else shower with their partners or do you prefer to shower alone?
Featured by EdenFantasys
How often do you shower with your partner or spouse?
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Engaging topic analysis of Shower Dildo:
Ideas needed for a Bridal Lingerie Shower
I need some ideas on lingerie to get for my sister's lingerie shower! Also, feel free to share shower ideas (games, accessories, etc). Below I've...
Do you shower after sex?
After getting down and dirty, do you actually feel dirty? How many of you feel like you have to shower after sex?
Bridal shower or baby shower?
Which is more fun to attend?
Shower before going down on a female or not?
Do you think a shower is necessary before going down on a female partner, not necessary or optional?
Removable shower head.. tingly feet :x
Ok so I was playing in the shower and I guess my removable shower head warmed me up too fast and my feet started tingling a little. I stopped playing.
Ideas needed for a Bridal Lingerie Shower
I need some ideas on lingerie to get for my sister's lingerie shower! Also, feel free to share shower ideas (games, accessories, etc). Below I've...
Do you shower after sex?
After getting down and dirty, do you actually feel dirty? How many of you feel like you have to shower after sex?
Bridal shower or baby shower?
Which is more fun to attend?
Shower before going down on a female or not?
Do you think a shower is necessary before going down on a female partner, not necessary or optional?
Removable shower head.. tingly feet :x
Ok so I was playing in the shower and I guess my removable shower head warmed me up too fast and my feet started tingling a little. I stopped playing.
It's not something we do often because we have kids and someone needs to watch them - but when the mood strikes we're definitely soaping away.
Once a week or so. Usually Sunday, we always wake up late and need to save time.
Before kids it was almost all the time.
Before kids it was almost all the time.
We shower together a lot of the time. Everyday we have off together or days I have off if I don't need to shower yet I wait til he gets home from work to shower with him.
I really prefer to shower alone, but on a rare occasion we will play in the shower.
We try to shower together when ever we can, but we live with others so it's kind of hard sometimes. When we lived separately he had the place to himself a lot of the time so we would always shower together whenever we got a chance to. I think it's great and it saves on the water bill.
I take baths usually anyway, hah! But generally we don't shower/bathe together. It's happened from time to time, but she likes to shower alone and tends to get overheated in the bath. I do wish it would happen more often.
We almost always shower together. The only time we don't is if one of us is working...although usually even if I am working I'll run up and jump in the shower with him if I hear the shower running. He always says "look at that, I turn on the water and I get a naked woman in here, it's like a magic trick!" LOL
I love showering with him, and it's not always sexual..actually it's probably only sexual like half of the time, most times it's just a way to get a break from the day and relax with him. I only like to shower alone if I'm going to be shaving my legs or if it's freezing in the house..because even though we have dual shower heads there are times that it's so cold that I want to be under BOTH and not share the hot water with him!
I love showering with him, and it's not always sexual..actually it's probably only sexual like half of the time, most times it's just a way to get a break from the day and relax with him. I only like to shower alone if I'm going to be shaving my legs or if it's freezing in the house..because even though we have dual shower heads there are times that it's so cold that I want to be under BOTH and not share the hot water with him!
We shower together on occasion but we take a whole lot longer if we're together and a few times the hot water ran out on us too. And our schedules don't always match up either. My partner has to wake up very early to work out and then drive to work. But when we do have time, it's very special and intimate and doesn't have to be sexual.
Half would be about right, maybe a little less than half. She really likes showering with me, so I indulge that.
It's very rare, I only have done it twice, he wants to more than I, but I hate wasting time in the shower. I'm a quickie shower kinda person.
We actually take baths together. We have a huge, 6 foot Jacuzzi tub, and we both fit into it. As for showering, once in a while, but someone always ends up cold, wet and shivering in the corner. While the other basks in the warm water.
In fact, he likes to take a shower AFTER a bath (he's a very clean dirty old man, what can I say?) and I usually get out of the tub before he turns on the shower.
He also doesn't understand Female Hair Control Issues. He'll pull me under the shower water when I DIDN'T intend on washing my hair and then I have to wash it again, let it dry, get out my Product and my Flat Iron and it's a Pain in the Ass. It's better for us to bathe together and shower alone.
In fact, he likes to take a shower AFTER a bath (he's a very clean dirty old man, what can I say?) and I usually get out of the tub before he turns on the shower.
He also doesn't understand Female Hair Control Issues. He'll pull me under the shower water when I DIDN'T intend on washing my hair and then I have to wash it again, let it dry, get out my Product and my Flat Iron and it's a Pain in the Ass. It's better for us to bathe together and shower alone.
magic water huh? Sounds like a future Eden product!
Originally posted by
We almost always shower together. The only time we don't is if one of us is working...although usually even if I am working I'll run up and jump in the shower with him if I hear the shower running. He always says "look at that, I turn
We almost always shower together. The only time we don't is if one of us is working...although usually even if I am working I'll run up and jump in the shower with him if I hear the shower running. He always says "look at that, I turn on the water and I get a naked woman in here, it's like a magic trick!" LOL
I love showering with him, and it's not always sexual..actually it's probably only sexual like half of the time, most times it's just a way to get a break from the day and relax with him. I only like to shower alone if I'm going to be shaving my legs or if it's freezing in the house..because even though we have dual shower heads there are times that it's so cold that I want to be under BOTH and not share the hot water with him! less
I love showering with him, and it's not always sexual..actually it's probably only sexual like half of the time, most times it's just a way to get a break from the day and relax with him. I only like to shower alone if I'm going to be shaving my legs or if it's freezing in the house..because even though we have dual shower heads there are times that it's so cold that I want to be under BOTH and not share the hot water with him! less
When we're together we usually share. It's one of my favorite things to do together. Plus, it's always handy to have someone get your back in the shower!
Showering together while fun, just isn't something we could do all the time. I like my showers to the point of scalding hot and he likes his barely lukewarm. Not to mention we shower at different times since we work different hours. However, usually when he takes a shower from coming home from work I will sit in the bathroom and we will talk while I watch him suds up. I like watching him do such a simple but intimate act, it makes me feel closer to him.
He doesn't really like to shower together, I love it
My shower is a corner shower so its way to small for both of us.
My shower is a corner shower so its way to small for both of us.
D and I shower together probably 9 times out of 10. We love showering together, it's so intimate and sensual. Though the times we shower alone I do love, just for that sense of alone time.
It's very rare, but if I had my druthers I would do it a lot more!
Our schedules are too 'off' to shower together.
We have separate showers but also separate schedules for part of the time. He is in summer school where I am not at the moment so he sometimes takes showers alone in the am while I am sleeping. I work out alone and take showers alone if he is not in need of one. Every other time which is about 75% of the time, we shower together. Saves water and money!
My partner and I shower together very rarely, usually immediately following period sex
Unfortunately our tub is somewhat small and slippery, and I have almost hit my head falling before. But practice makes perfect! This thread is reminding me that I really should spend more time doing sensual/bonding type things with him that aren't just foreplay. We really don't make out enough...
Unfortunately our tub is somewhat small and slippery, and I have almost hit my head falling before. But practice makes perfect! This thread is reminding me that I really should spend more time doing sensual/bonding type things with him that aren't just foreplay. We really don't make out enough...
Oops, double post.
Yeah I guess I didn't even think about kids being a problem. I don't have kids yet, but hope to soon!
Originally posted by
Lustful Dreams
It's not something we do often because we have kids and someone needs to watch them - but when the mood strikes we're definitely soaping away.
I would love to be able to take baths with my hubby. We have a small regular size bathtub though, so we don't fit comfortably toghether.
Originally posted by
I take baths usually anyway, hah! But generally we don't shower/bathe together. It's happened from time to time, but she likes to shower alone and tends to get overheated in the bath. I do wish it would happen more often.
Same with me. I only shower with my husband most of the time to just be with him. It's not usually sexual.
Originally posted by
We almost always shower together. The only time we don't is if one of us is working...although usually even if I am working I'll run up and jump in the shower with him if I hear the shower running. He always says "look at that, I turn
We almost always shower together. The only time we don't is if one of us is working...although usually even if I am working I'll run up and jump in the shower with him if I hear the shower running. He always says "look at that, I turn on the water and I get a naked woman in here, it's like a magic trick!" LOL
I love showering with him, and it's not always sexual..actually it's probably only sexual like half of the time, most times it's just a way to get a break from the day and relax with him. I only like to shower alone if I'm going to be shaving my legs or if it's freezing in the house..because even though we have dual shower heads there are times that it's so cold that I want to be under BOTH and not share the hot water with him! less
I love showering with him, and it's not always sexual..actually it's probably only sexual like half of the time, most times it's just a way to get a break from the day and relax with him. I only like to shower alone if I'm going to be shaving my legs or if it's freezing in the house..because even though we have dual shower heads there are times that it's so cold that I want to be under BOTH and not share the hot water with him! less
We have one of those tiny little cubicle showers, so it's a tight squeeze for us both to fit in there at the same time.

We don't shower together at home. But, we do travel quite often and try to get rooms with jacuzzi tubs. We love to lay in the tub together.
But, to actually "clean" ourselves we prefer to do that alone. It's just not conveinent to try to slide back and forth under the water and then there's my 3 ft long legs I shave in the shower. Not easy to do with someone else in there.
But, to actually "clean" ourselves we prefer to do that alone. It's just not conveinent to try to slide back and forth under the water and then there's my 3 ft long legs I shave in the shower. Not easy to do with someone else in there.
I only shower with my partner some of the time, If I wash my hair (ev. other day) it takes too long.
While I enjoy sex in the shower, in reality it is only occasional. I will take a vibe into the shower and my b/f says if he is alone or traveling, he will masturbate in the shower.
While I enjoy sex in the shower, in reality it is only occasional. I will take a vibe into the shower and my b/f says if he is alone or traveling, he will masturbate in the shower.
That's funny, because when we travel we try to get rooms with jacuzzi tubs too! Even if we can't, we still shower together. But we have these one cabins we like to go to that has a jacuzzi tub AND hot tub, and it's amazing. We love it there.
Originally posted by
sweet sally
We don't shower together at home. But, we do travel quite often and try to get rooms with jacuzzi tubs. We love to lay in the tub together.
But, to actually "clean" ourselves we prefer to do that alone. It's just not ... more
But, to actually "clean" ourselves we prefer to do that alone. It's just not ... more
We don't shower together at home. But, we do travel quite often and try to get rooms with jacuzzi tubs. We love to lay in the tub together.
But, to actually "clean" ourselves we prefer to do that alone. It's just not conveinent to try to slide back and forth under the water and then there's my 3 ft long legs I shave in the shower. Not easy to do with someone else in there. less
But, to actually "clean" ourselves we prefer to do that alone. It's just not conveinent to try to slide back and forth under the water and then there's my 3 ft long legs I shave in the shower. Not easy to do with someone else in there. less
I love being in the shower with my husband. We do it together every chance we get. It saves water, too, even though he takes forever to shave! Maybe he should just do it over the sink from now on! He takes long showers, and I take short ones. We love to savor it, and take baths together too, and we usually end up making out in the shower anyway!