Lights on or off?

Contributor: Redboxbaby Redboxbaby
We live in Alaska so for 8 months out of the year we have plenty of natural light and we don't close the shades on the windows. The rest of the year we either leave the bathroom light on or a bedside lamp if we feel the need for one at all. Usually we are too into each other to care about lighting. Once in a blue moon I will get a wild hair in the winter and light candles or pull the shades in the summer. Doesn't really matter to us much.
Contributor: Trashley Trashley
Originally posted by Nashville
Lights on or off? What do you prefer and why? I really like a soft glow, I like to know what I'm doing.. however, I had mind blowing sex once where it was pitch black and absolutely silent... all my senses were heightened.
Same here. I like them on, but tried it off once and it was so crazy.. what a strange and beautiful experience. I was really fucking smashed, though, too so that might have an effect hahah
Contributor: heaven360 heaven360
Originally posted by Nashville
Lights on or off? What do you prefer and why? I really like a soft glow, I like to know what I'm doing.. however, I had mind blowing sex once where it was pitch black and absolutely silent... all my senses were heightened.
deffinately on
Contributor: Cadence Cadence
We like having dim light the most. Being in the dark is okay, but we like to see what we're doing.
Contributor: moonch1ld moonch1ld
Either a dim light or in many cases I use several black lights hooked up in my room. Definitely want some light though to see the action!
Contributor: PropertyOfPotter PropertyOfPotter
We almost always have a candle going or some really soft light. I don't like having bright lights on, but I love being able to see his face.
Contributor: WhoopieDoo WhoopieDoo
depends on where we are in the house (or elsewhere) and what time....if in a bedroom we leave the closet light on. if any other room we just have overheads on unless its daytime then there's enough light coming through the windows.
Contributor: Rhinobaby Rhinobaby
Originally posted by Nashville
Lights on or off? What do you prefer and why? I really like a soft glow, I like to know what I'm doing.. however, I had mind blowing sex once where it was pitch black and absolutely silent... all my senses were heightened.
Mood lighting of any kind.