I was thinking of a couple people I know that will withhold sex from their partner, just so that they can get what they want.
Do you, or someone you know, use sex as a way to get what you want (outside of the bedroom)?
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I would never do that to my guy. I would be totally out of line to do such a thing.
That's the recipe for how to build a war zone! You should never with hold intimacy or physical affection from anyone to get what you want or to punish them let alone a lover! You start with holding sex to prove a non sex related 'point' and you are simply hurting yourself.
Originally posted by
I was thinking of a couple people I know that will withhold sex from their partner, just so that they can get what they want.
Now it's ok to admit that you are angry and that sex isn't appealing at that particular moment but it's better to use the time to get past the problem and build the relationship rather than letting the problem fester.
This is something I would never do. However, I do have a friend who told me she used to do this all the time.
yes sometimes
never, I think its wrong to manipulate a partner that way unless it is part of an agreed kink ritual.
I never hold back sex to get what I want. Ever. However, my boyfriend always wants to do nice things for me after sex and yes, I let him.
how would my wife ever get the honydo list done
My boyfriend and I will occasionally withhold sex to make the other take out the trash or promote studying, but we are never serious.
Originally posted by
I was thinking of a couple people I know that will withhold sex from their partner, just so that they can get what they want.
Agree 100%. If you love someone you love them, and intimacy and physical affection are tied together with the love. You start making those manifestations of love conditional, and you're going down a slippery slope. I do know people who do that, but I find it pretty reprehensible.
Originally posted by
Airen Wolf
That's the recipe for how to build a war zone! You should never with hold intimacy or physical affection from anyone to get what you want or to punish them let alone a lover! You start with holding sex to prove a non sex related 'point'
That's the recipe for how to build a war zone! You should never with hold intimacy or physical affection from anyone to get what you want or to punish them let alone a lover! You start with holding sex to prove a non sex related 'point' and you are simply hurting yourself.
Now it's ok to admit that you are angry and that sex isn't appealing at that particular moment but it's better to use the time to get past the problem and build the relationship rather than letting the problem fester. less
Now it's ok to admit that you are angry and that sex isn't appealing at that particular moment but it's better to use the time to get past the problem and build the relationship rather than letting the problem fester. less
I would honestly never do this to my fiance. My roommate had this habit of sleeping with her old boyfriend to get gifts and it was just pitiful. I think the only time I may have come close was when my fiance and I were arguing, and I just wanted him to "shut up" and "be happy". This was in our younger days. Of course, now we are better at talking things out. But it worked well back then.
I agree 100% with you- communication is key and witholdin sex does nothing but make the problem worse. How is that a loving relationship!
Originally posted by
Airen Wolf
That's the recipe for how to build a war zone! You should never with hold intimacy or physical affection from anyone to get what you want or to punish them let alone a lover! You start with holding sex to prove a non sex related 'point'
That's the recipe for how to build a war zone! You should never with hold intimacy or physical affection from anyone to get what you want or to punish them let alone a lover! You start with holding sex to prove a non sex related 'point' and you are simply hurting yourself.
Now it's ok to admit that you are angry and that sex isn't appealing at that particular moment but it's better to use the time to get past the problem and build the relationship rather than letting the problem fester. less
Now it's ok to admit that you are angry and that sex isn't appealing at that particular moment but it's better to use the time to get past the problem and build the relationship rather than letting the problem fester. less
That is wrong. but i know some people who do
I don't know anybody that does this, and I don't do it. I don't think it's exactly the right thing to do in a relationship unless there's a REALLY good reason, but who am I to judge?
Nope - never! That's not my style.
No & don't know any one who does
As a long married couple, keeping each other happy is the goal. That general sense of well being means that we don't need to 'get what we want'. I want her to have what makes her happy - and she's the same way.
I know tons of girls that do this.. and one guy actually, but I think he's a rare exception.
I never have but it would probably work on my gf. She would be pissed though.
I dont, because i have an amazing partner that gives me what i want. I have and do have friends that use sex to get what they want in life. I personally think it's sad. People should have more resepect but they dont. It's wrong on so many levels.
No, I would not do such a thing.
As for withholding sex specifically, not only would I consider it unethical, but also I would not be able to do it for long.
As for withholding sex specifically, not only would I consider it unethical, but also I would not be able to do it for long.
no because i wouldnt be able to wait it out and i am able to get what i want without doing this
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