Small butt plug
by Aneros

Luxuriously Probing the Peristaltic Response.

Aneros introduces the Tempo, part of the S2 series of anal toys. Made of medical grade Stainless Steel for years of hassle free use, the Tempo is on par with the finest quality toys out there. A mirror-like finish for effortless insertion, a small size that is perfect for beginners, and an unintimidating shape all come together to make up the Tempo. Use it to stimulate the peristaltic response of the anus or as a probe: either way the Tempo is a sure bet for anal players.
Material, beginner friendly size, storage case.
Base is questionable, learning curve.
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review


The Tempo is an anal probe used to stimulate the peristaltic response of the anus. Once inserted the inner and outer sphincters spontaneously contract and relax to move the Tempo. This can trigger and orgasmic response in the anal region and stimulate the prostate for those with one. The Tempo can also be used as an excellent beginner probe due to its finger like size and ultra smooth finish.

Simply use the lube of your choice and insert the Tempo and relax. For some the action will happen naturally for others a bit of push and clinch will be needed to get things going. Used as a probe, the Tempo can be used for an intro to anal play or to warm up to bigger toys.

The Tempo could also be used for exercising the Kegels. The small size and shape should work good for those experienced with larger exercise toys.
  • Who / How / What
    [ ? ]
    Who might this product be best for? How is it best used? What are the best circumstances or situations for using this product?
    • Everyone
    • Solo
    • Temperature play
  • Where
    [ ? ]
    Where / what types of places can this product be used?
    • Anywhere
  • Features
    [ ? ]
    What kind of features does this product offer?
    • Travel friendly
  • Body / part areas
    [ ? ]
    What areas on the body can this product be used / what areas does it stimulate best?
    • Anal
    • Kegels

Material / Texture

Is there anything more alluring or erotic than a highly polished stainless steel sex toy? A mirror like finish adorns the Tempo, polished to perfection for the most effortless glide to be found. Furthermore, stainless is pretty much immortal when it comes to life expectancy. Nothing short of a forge will deform it and only foolish care will hurt the finish. Even if you do happen to mar the finish, a person with the right knowledge can repair it. Really, these are the reasons for the price of stainless and why they are sooo worth it!

You will find that only a drop or two of lube will get things started. Clean up is even easier due to the nonporous nature of stainless, nothing can hide or attach to the Tempo as long as you use basic cleaning techniques. This also is the reason you will find no odors lingering on your toy and there will be no taste.

Truly, you will not find a better material than stainless in the hard materials department.
    • No odor
    • Not porous at all
    • Rigid

Design / Shape / Size

The Tempo starts off with a small egg shaped ball. The tip is tapered for easy insertion and at 7/8" diameter (2 3/4" cir) anyone can handle the size. The first ball tappers down to 3/8" diameter before growing in size to the second ball. The second ball is 5/8" in diameter and approximately 1/4" tall. This ball tapers down to the shaft which starts at just under 1/2" diameter and shrinks slightly to 3/8" over the 1 1/8" length. Here we find the last ball that is 1/2" diameter. All of this adds up to give you an insertable length of 3 3/4". At the base of the Tempo is a pointed oval shaped handle. It is 5/8" wide by 1 3/8" long. The handle is good for holding during insertion/removal and probing.
    • Beginner


The first two times I used the Tempo in its intended use, it did nothing for me. It just sat there unmoving, in fact due to its small size I almost forgot it was there. Even doing Kegels did not do much in the way stimulation. I was able to move it in and out but there was little in the way of stimulation and certainly no "spontaneous contractions" to be found. Those times I ended up just using it as a dildo/probe, in that regard the Tempo was pleasurable and enjoyable.

Then one day I just inserted it and sat back to watch a movie. I added some extra lube by way of my lube shooter, put on some loose fitting sweats and kicked back in my easy chair. About half an hour into the movie I noticed movement and my penis started to get hard. As I concentrated on the Tempo I noticed that it was moving in and out on its own. Each time it slid out my pelvic region would tense up and the Tempo would glide back in, all without any effort from me. This lasted for about thirty minutes until I could not stand it anymore and headed off to the bedroom for the lube and a stroker to finish things up. The climax was pretty good and the stimulation to my prostate was very nice.

The base had me concerned at first, my asspussy swallows toys three times that size and I was sure I would have issues with that base. Surprisingly, the base never even tried to go in even while sitting on it - the Tempo always stops before the last ball. Since the shaft is long enough so that the second ball is past the inner sphincter I am guessing there is nothing for the anus to grip to pull it in further. I am still a bit leery so I have attached a cord to it just in case.
    • Comfortable
    • Hard to figure out

Care and Maintenance

Stainless is easy to clean and/or sanitize, simply wash with antibacterial soap, a toy cleaner for general cleaning. When a more thorough cleaning is needed, boil it for five minutes, toss it in the dish washer on the top rack with no soap or use a 10% bleach solution. If you use the bleach option, make sure not to leave it in very long and rinse it off completely. Bleach can etch the stainless and thus ruin the fine finish.

Any lube will work with stainless. Use water based for easy clean up or oil/silicone based lubes for long term use or shower/tub use. While not much will be needed for the Tempo make sure you use enough to provide pain/discomfort free use.
    • Easy to clean
    • Easy to store


As you can see, the Tempo comes in a fairly discreet package. It does say "Unisex anal stimulator" on the paper wrap but if you remove that you only have the Aneros name on the black box. On the back of the paper cover you will find info on the toy, the material and its use.

Not a whole lot of info on how to use it will be found, just "Once inserted, both sphincters spontaneously contract causing this stainless steel beauty to quiver." Even the Aneros website has little more info to offer.

Inside the hard case, you will find your toy nestled in a silk like material. Under the material is a formed Styrofoam holder to keep the toy safe. The flap of the box has a magnet to keep it closed.

    • Discreet looking packaging
    • Good for storage

Personal comments

Judging by the quality of the finish of the toy and the box, I have to wonder if Aneros commissioned Njoy to make this toy. If someone was to hand me the Tempo and asked me who made it, Njoy would have been my first guess. Yes, it is that nice! When I first took it out of the box there was no question that this toy is stainless due to the heft of it. At half a pound (I would guess more) there is substance to this toy.

That's not to say it is too heavy, in fact the Tempo stays in effortlessly even when walking around. During all my uses it has only fallen out once, that was during sex with the wife. I was kneeling in a modified missionary position at time of climax - not many toys stay in in that position anyways so I can not knock it for that one.

I think the Tempo would work great for the ladies to do Kegels, the shape and size seem to me to be about right. My wife has not found the wonderful world of Kegel toys so I could not confirm this but felt it should be mentioned.


For those wondering about the "peristaltic response" and what it is, I thought I would give you some info. The peristaltic response or Peristalsis, is "radially symmetrical contraction and relaxation of muscles which propagates in a wave down the muscular tube, in an anterograde fashion. In humans, peristalsis is found in the contraction of smooth muscles to propel contents through the digestive tract." (Thanks Wikipedia). Basically, this is the body's way of moving things through smooth passages by using muscle contractions. This is also how an earthworm moves.

I found this gif that shows, in a simplified way, how this works.

In the anus, the Tempo is moved in and out by this response. As on ball hits the inner or outer sphincter it causes the muscles to contract which moves the toy.

As I have found, this takes some time to master and a bit of luck goes a long way. I recommend the first few times to just relax after insertion. Watch some porn or read some erotica and do your best to just relax rather than trying to make it work. After some time if things are not working, try some pelvic contractions and see if that kick starts things. One thing I have found with all Aneros toys: they are not quickly mastered. The good part about the Tempo is that it doubles as a nice probe so you can use it that way until you master it.
This product was provided free of charge to the reviewer. This review is in compliance with the FTC guidelines.

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