Silky Ties for Guys and Gals

These were the first restraints I have ever used, amd I found them to be a fantastic introduction. I love how there's plenty of length and width. The fabric is silky, but not quite luxurious, because instead of being soft high quality silk, these are made of Nylon. The silky fabric is both a pro and con: it feels great against skin, but knots/ties can work themselves free when pulled with about medium strength.
Silky, Wide and Long, Can "bite" into skin if tied too tight, Multiple uses
Fabric comes untied easily (works free if pulled hard), Can "bite" into skin if tied tightly
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review


A great start to light restraint play. Neither my partner nor I had any previous experience so it was a little awkward and unusual at first but we both warmed up to it quickly. He didn't have any interest in being tied up, so some/most of this review will be from my point of view (tied up).

These actually work decently well as a blindfold, as well as ties. I wasn't comfortable trying this as a gag, but I don't think it'd be good for sound prevention and I'm a little concerned that the fabric could cut into the side of the mouth and be uncomfortable.

I think both men and women would enjoy these, because the black silky fabric is sexy on both genders. Beginners and advanced users would likely love these as much as me. Even though the fabric isn't real silk, they're easy to care for, and are useful in many situations.
  • Who / How / What
    [ ? ]
    Who might this product be best for? How is it best used? What are the best circumstances or situations for using this product?
    • Bdsm
    • Light restraint
    • Sensory play
  • Where
    [ ? ]
    Where / what types of places can this product be used?
    • Anywhere
  • Features
    [ ? ]
    What kind of features does this product offer?
    • Travel friendly

Design / Craftsmanship / Material / Size / Fit

These are four inches wide and four feet long, making them suitable for many different uses and positions. I found the length to be great, although tying them to the bedposts gave very little room to move around. Four inches wide may seem a bit excessive, but it didn't bunch up or inconvenience me in any way.

I found the silky fabric beneficial for a couple reasons. When my partner tied it a little too tight, I could work my wrists against it and loosen it up enough for comfort. It also felt great against my skin and it felt kinda sexy to rub them against my partner (when applicable, of course).

The ends are cut at a 45 degree angle and hemmed. I really appreciate the hemming because I hate to see frayed fabric ends. Even though the fabric doesn't feel very high quality, rayon is strong and long-lasting generally so it should last for a while unless used daily, roughly.

The fabric is relatively scentless, but it does smell a little bit like newly manufactured clothes from a store.
    • Multiple ways to use
    • Well made / sturdy
    • Will fit most people


The silky, smooth material makes it difficult for knots to stay tightly tied. We started with a simple, loose knot across both wrists and I worked out of it within a couple seconds. I move around quite a bit during sex, and even light tugging pulled the knots free. We tried to tie my wrists to the bed posts but the knots pulled free three times in a row without a lot of effort. We tied them differently each time, using different kinds of knots.

The knots that would stay when we did double and triple knots. Experiment with knots before you get serious with them otherwise it could make for some awkward pauses and/or frustrations when they come loose during sex.

This product met my expectations without a doubt. With a little creativity, there are easily 20 different ways to use these.
    • Comfortable during use

Care and Maintenance

These sashes are hemmed on either end, so I believe they are washing machine safe (they won't fray). They could also be ironed out with low heat and a little moisture. They may wrinkle after the first use, but the wrinkles won't be permanent. Rayon is strong and wrinkle resistant, so I find it to be a very easy fabric to take care of.

There aren't any special care instructions; you could literally just crumble these up and throw them in your drawer.

I believe you could even use these in water, but it would make the ties come unknotted even easier. Maybe try double and triple knots to make the ties stay.
    • Easy to clean
    • Easy to store


This packaging is very simple and understated. The restraints are folded neatly in the box and you can feel them through a small 'peephole' in the back.

There's a large Sportsheets logo on the top quarter of the box, and half of the box has a picture of a couple using the sashes. It isn't discreet at all, and doesn't look high class or luxurious. There's another picture of the same couple using the restraints in a different manner on the back of the box.

There's very little information relating to the sashes on the box. The only reason I know these are nylon because EdenFantasys advertises them as such. Sportsheets says these are for beginners on the front of the package. Beginners could definitely use these, but I don't see any reason why more advanced BDSM'ers wouldn't enjoy these.

You could store these in the package, but the nature of the product doesn't deem it necessary. I just fold them a couple times and throw a rubber band around them to keep them tidy in my drawer.
    • Minimal
    • Not discreet


I recommend talking to your partner before you spring these on them; make sure they're at least open to the idea.

However if you get off on the idea when your partner doesn't, it is possible to make a knot over your wrists without help. Sometimes it's a little fun to just feel the silky fabric across your skin. I don't really recommend this because I can only imagine how humiliating it would be to get stuck, but I think there would always be a way to work yourself free (teeth, toes, door knob).
This product was provided free of charge to the reviewer. This review is in compliance with the FTC guidelines.

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  • Contributor: Kayla
    Great review. I like silk restraints. They're always fun to use, but rope always wins.
  • Contributor: Alegria
    Haha I've never tried rope. I'm thinking baby steps
  • Contributor: Morganna
    Great review!!
  • Contributor: C4ss
    Great review. Thank you!
  • Contributor: Antipova
    Twice you said they were rayon, and twice you said they were nylon. Which fabric is it?
    Thanks for the comprehensive review!
  • Contributor: kawigrl
    sexy fabric
  • Contributor: Escott
    Thanks for the review.
  • Contributor: geliebt
    Great review, thank you!
  • Contributor: DreamWolf
    Great review!
  • Contributor: Rod Ronald
    Thanks for the review
  • Contributor: tami
    thanks for the review
  • Contributor: Pudyqat
    Thanks for a good review!
  • Contributor: ruger7mm420
    Thanks for the review.
  • Contributor: ViVix
    Good review!
  • Contributor: xjonxthexgreenx
    thanks for the review
  • Contributor: dsumrow1
  • Contributor: bayosgirl
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