No Pain, No Gain?

Thick, short, filling, and textured, the Sergeant is perfect for those who want a challenge. This toy is not for beginners, and only those who like a lot of stimulation should look into getting this big boy. With a flared base, this toy is perfect for use in a harness or even anally. Use only with water-based lubricants and be sure to go slow and warm up ahead of time.
Silicone, body safe, flared base, o-ring harness compatible
Not for beginners, texture might be too intense for some, can only use water based lube with it
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review
The Sergeant is a silicone dildo by Tantus, meaning it's body safe, non-porous, odorless, and tasteless. It's short, fat, and ribbed for extra stimulation. Measuring at about 5 1/2 inches long and about 1 1/2 inches in diameter, (Tantus' site says it's 1 3/4 inches in diameter), this toy is not for beginners and may need some warming up to use. It's very solid and has very little give with a very slight curve for gspot and pspot stimulation. It also has a flared base to use in an o-ring harness, or if you feel adventurous, to use the toy anally without it getting lost in the body. The blunt top also helps in preventing any 'stabbing' some women might feel against their cervix.

Due to the fact this dildo is so thick, it's not recommended for beginners who are just starting to use toys. Also, it's highly advised to warm up before trying to shove this dildo into any cavity as injury may occur. Be sure to use plenty of lube as well due to the fact the ribs don't yield well to pressure and are fairly solid. This toy can be used solo or with a partner, but do be sure to keep up communication so you don't hurt the person you are using it on.

Also, because this toy is made of high quality silicone, only stick to water-based lubricants. Silicone lubes don't play nice with silicone toys, so avoid any mishaps and use the proper lubes! If you're going to use this toy with a condom, make sure the condom does not have silicone lube on it. (I suggest using unlubricated condoms just to be safe.)

Clean up of this toy is easy, you can stick it in the dishwasher, wash with regular soap and warm water, boil it, or wipe down with a 10% bleach solution. Due to it being silicone, it can be sterilized and shared as well.

The only real downside to this toy is the fact it doesn't come with any bag or other form of storage, (it came in a simple sleeve with a label stapled to the top), and because of the material, it's a horrible dust and lint magnet. A quick rise with water easily fixes that problem, though, however I advise getting a bag or box to store it to avoid the problem as much as possible.

Another minor issue is with the ribs themselves. When cleaning, make sure to get into every groove possible, otherwise body fluids and lube will dry in the crevices and leave a milky or crusty film behind. I suggest using an extremely soft brush or washrag while cleaning to avoid this hassle.

It is also advised to keep this toy out of sight as it can be recognized as a sex toy. It's not discreet enough to have out in the open, and it's also a little too large to be travel friendly, at least in my opinion.
I have mixed feelings about this toy. On one hand I love thick toys, and the fact this guy wasn't so long was a big plus. On the other hand, the ribs irritated me more than anything. I tend to use really thick water-based lubes, but no matter how much lube I used, the ribs would start to rub me raw inside, and I would be in pain at the expense of having an orgasm. Afterward, I would have to wait a day or two before using any other toy due to the inflamed area of being rubbed raw inside.

It's a great toy, thick and filling, but if you want something with more give then perhaps try looking into the softer version of this toy, the O2 Rascal; if you can find one that is. I do wish I had gotten the Rascal as it has a soft outside and firm inner core, but if you like thick solid toys and want to feel every rib, then this toy will be perfect for you.
Follow-up commentary
Try as I might, I still could not use this toy and properly enjoy it. It rubs me raw every time, even with various water based lubes I've tried. Warming up, lots of lube... nothing works to help me enjoy this beast. I have since gotten rid of it.
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My Sergeant tags
  • Who / How / What
    [ ? ]
    Who might this product be best for? How is it best used? What are the best circumstances or situations for using this product?
    • Couples
    • Masturbation
    • Solo
  • Where
    [ ? ]
    Where / what types of places can this product be used?
    • Anywhere
    • Bedroom / on a bed
  • Body / part areas
    [ ? ]
    What areas on the body can this product be used / what areas does it stimulate best?
    • G-spot
    • Genitals
    • P-spot
Subscribe to comments
  • Contributor: namelesschaos
    Thanks for the review.
  • Contributor: ScottA
    Too bad oil lubes are questionable for vaginal use, since they might stick to the Sergeant better. I guess this is why Tantus stopped making this one.
  • Contributor: Envy
    @ Scott: Perhaps. It's a real pain to clean, too. I figure the O2 one might be better, but it's discontinued, so I can't very well compare, sadly.
  • Contributor: Jobthingy
    Yeah those ridges make me owie a bit just looking at the pic
  • Contributor: Porfiriato
    Thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: Coralbell
    I have this too and the ribbing combined with the girth is too much for me.
  • Contributor: guy4guyz420
    thanks for the review
  • Contributor: Envy
    Thanks for the comments guys.
  • Contributor: sixfootsex
    Thanks for the review! This one doesn't sound worth it.
  • Contributor: darkkitty
    Nice review!
  • Contributor: pinkzombie
    Great review!
  • Contributor: Anjulie
    Great review, thanks
  • Contributor: The Curious Couple
    Very nice review, thanks!
  • Contributor: Envy
    Thanks for the comments and votes!
  • Contributor: mistressg
    Sounds rough. Thanks for the review.
  • Contributor: Love Perpetua
    Great review, thanks! This sounds waaaay too intense.
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