Not Worth The Luxury Price

I cannot recommend this product because after returning one vibe and trying out another the same issue surfaced- the motor simply is not built to last. Both motors died after only working once. I used both of them the first time only long enough to verify that it worked. Neither vibe started up after that initial test.
great storage
motor is weak and dies on the first use
Rating by reviewer:
somewhat useful review
I waffled about whether I would actually submit this to EF since it is so totally negative a review. The thing is if we only say nice things then we defeat the purpose of the review program. I thought this looked like a beautiful vibrator that was luxury priced and sturdy. It is, sadly, not that at all. After two different vibes dying after the first use I can say I am fed up and not willing to try again. I am hoping Pipedream will revamp the motor and make a product worth owning but until I read some positive reviews I will not be recommending this item to anyone.
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  • Contributor: thegogofiasco
    How sucky for this not to work!
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