Mini rabbit vibrator

Slow Burn Romance

It's a worthy purchase. I do not regret the investment, and it's also a great way to get used to new builds. If you're looking to try something new, I think this toy is for you.
Strong buzz, many settings to choose from, comfortable material, small and compact
Takes some getting used to and doesn't always hit right at first
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First impression

I was very impressed with the build of this toy. It's small, soft with some firmness, and the color is one of my favorites. The packaging was discreet, and it arrived quickly. Best of all, it arrived fully charged. So I was very happy with my first impression.

First Use

My first sessions with this baby were....mixed. I began by clicking through the different settings. Usually, I like a very simple three-setting selection, but I was happy to find that I was a little curious about some of the more unique options. When I first used it, I found that there were a lot of difficulties getting into position. The clit head has very intense vibrations but no ears to hold onto anything, so it slipped off quite a bit. Clicking through the different functions was interesting, though, and I quickly found a pattern between two motors that I liked. I think my biggest issue with this toy is the slipping, though. Sometimes it really did just wander off during the important parts. Finishing wasn't as earth-shaking as some of my past experiences.

Further Experience

I won't lie; I wasn't satisfied with my first few uses. It wouldn't stop slipping, and I couldn't lie on my stomach like I usually preferred to with other toys. The strong motor was nice, but it meant nothing to me if it wouldn't stay in the right spot long enough to wow me. I limited my use of Eros for a bit, only using it every so often, and I had to work to get my body familiar and comfortable with it. I figured I paid for it; I might as well use it.

Using it one night, I noticed something felt....good. Something felt REALLY good. I started getting more into it, changing the setting to a much faster pace and meeting each vibration as it came before the orgasm finally hit. And when it hit, BOY did it hit. Eros had me shoving a blanket into my mouth to keep quiet. The aftershocks were awesome, the feeling afterward was content, and I couldn't stop grinning. Eros very quickly became one of my number one uses.

I would say, in general, the build is very unusual for someone who usually desires more support, and if you're the same, this toy is going to take some serious getting used to. But it's worth the wait. It's worth the frustration, and if you take the time to adjust, it will absolutely knock your panties off.

Vibration Map

The vibration is loud, louder than most toys I've used in the past, so if getting caught is your thing, then this is for you. I'm personally not fond of the volume, so I take extra precautions to layer up blankets when using. However, it is a small price to pay for the strength Eros offers. It's very intense for such a little thing.
  • Very mild, low level vibration
  • Moderate vibration
  • Strong and easily felt vibration

Orgasm Intensity

Oh god, when it happens, it happens. After getting to know this toy a little more, it can really make you writhe. It was so startling how intense it was at first, and I almost started laughing afterward from how surprised I was. I must emphasize, this toy takes patience, but it is well worth the wait.
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