Mini rabbit vibrator

Wonderous Wabbit

This is a fabulous sex toy. Its incredibly soft silicone, strong (but adjustable) rumbly vibrations, and awesome patterns are sure to bring you to a thrilling climax. Don't let his small size fool you - Eros packs some serious power, and since he's whisper-quiet, your roommates will never know (unless they hear the sounds this toy wrings out of you).
Soft silicone, rumbly vibes, super quiet, easy to operate, great patterns
None for me! (Though the small size might make this a no-go for some.)
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review

First impression

The Eros arrived in Eden's usual nondescript brown shipping box. Inside, it was packaged in a simple sealed plastic bag with a white USB charging cord and a black mesh storage bag. I was relieved to find that it was roughly the size I'd been picturing. It was small but had a bit of girth. I opened the bag and felt the wonderfully soft, silky pink silicone. It felt incredibly soft and smooth, and my fingers slid over it with very little drag. Pink normally isn't my favourite colour, but the soft petal pink of the Eros is lovely. I ran my fingers over the light texturing of the shaft and wondered what it would feel like inside me. I liked that it had a little loop handle. It kept the toy compact while still giving you something to get a good grip on to control the toy during use, and the shiny silver ABS plastic that lined it gave the toy a very classy and chic look. I was very impressed with the quality and overall design of this vibrator.

The entire toy is just over 6" in length, with about 3 3/4" of that being insertable. It measures roughly 4 1/2" in circumference at the widest point. So he's short, but he's got a little bit more girth than most small toys.

Eros is covered in 100% silicone, and I feel that this petal pink silicone is Eden's softest and most luxurious-feeling. I have another of Eden's vibrators in this same colour, and the silicone is the same incredibly soft, wonderful texture. It feels even softer and silkier than Eden's purple/magenta silicone, at least to me.

Eros arrived with a charge, so I tried cycling through its various functions. Eros has three buttons embedded in the silicone on the base/handle. The centre button is the power button that turns the toy on and off when you hold it down for a couple of seconds, and when pressed quickly, it cycles through the toy's various patterns. The two other buttons have a plus (+) and minus (-) sign, and allow you to adjust between five intensity levels. You can't control the shaft and the clit attachment separately, but I noticed that the lowest intensity setting actually seems to turn off the shaft, so only the clit vibe vibrates (but only at one low-intensity level). It has quite a variety of fairly complex patterns, though I was a little disappointed to discover that it didn't have a mode with just steady vibrations. All the settings were patterns. However, my disappointment didn't last long (more about that later).

With a standard Bic lighter for scale:
With lighter for scale

Defined head and lightly textured shaft:
eros detail


First Use

I charged my new rabbit, then washed him thoroughly with toy cleaner, so he was ready to go. My first time using the Eros actually didn't go so well. This was one of my very first vibrators, and my excitement and inexperience got the better of me. I tried to rush things and inserted him before I was fully wet and aroused, and while this toy isn't monstrous in girth, it's wide enough that it was uncomfortable bordering on painful when jammed into a fairly dry vagina with no lube (yeah, I know, stupid)....but rather than stop and slow down, I idiotically tried to push full steam ahead, and ended up causing myself so much discomfort that it totally killed the mood, and I ended the session to give my poor pussy a break. I'm no virgin, but it had been a while since I'd had anything bigger than a menstrual cup in there. I just went way too fast. Thankfully, I learned my lesson (and anyone reading this should also learn from my mistake!), and my next experience with the Eros went much, much better.

Further Experience

After my first unpleasant experience, I knew I had to approach things a little differently the second time around. I started out by reading a sexy short story to get my bodily fluids flowing in the right places. Once I was nice and turned on, I started out by using the head of the Eros externally on my clit. It felt amazing! The rumbly vibrations were incredible; on the higher intensity settings, I could feel it rumbling my entire pelvis, while still providing pretty precise stimulation to my clit. I was extremely wet by this point, so rather than add artificial lube, I began to rub the head and shaft of the Eros over my vaginal opening, giving it a thorough coating of my girly juice (and that felt awesome in itself!). Finally, I made sure to relax my pelvic muscles as I slide the rumbling Eros into my vagina, and OH MY SWEET GOD, it was so different from my first attempt. I'd turned up the intensity to stimulate my clit, and for a moment, it was almost too much once it was inside me, so I turned down the intensity a couple of notches (note: I found this toy very easy to operate and adjust settings while it's inserted; the buttons are well-placed and can be easily found by feel) and began fidgeting with the angle of the toy, hunting for my G-spot. When I hit paydirt, I caught myself making a completely involuntary vocalisation of pleasure, which was a first for me (I typically make soft little noises, but I've always had some degree of conscious control over them, and have always been able to stifle them if necessary....not so this time). When I adjusted the clit attachment to sit on my clit, I thought I'd died and gone to heaven. I just sat back and enjoyed those beautiful vibrations sending ripples of euphoria through my pelvic region for a few minutes, then started to fidget with the controls and try out some of the different patterns and intensities. Eventually, I ended up on one that alternated very quick, intense pulses between the clit vibe and shaft, and that was the one that finally sent me over the edge.

With further use, I've continued to absolutely love everything about this rabbit. I loveloveLOVE the quality of the vibrations. No other toy I've tried comes close. I love the adjustable intensity, and somewhat to my surprise, I love the patterns. I didn't think I liked patterns, but the patterns on this vibe really do the trick for me. Some of the slower and/or more complex patterns are great for winding me up, and the quick alternating pulses actually seem to get me of better and more intensely than steady vibrations. I'd recommend this to anyone who enjoys smaller toys, of any experience level. Obviously, if you have a deeper G-spot, or if you want/need something with more girth, then this isn't the toy for you (though he does have more girth than my other shorter toys), but for anyone who isn't a size queen/king, I highly recommend it.

Oh, and another great thing about the Eros? He's whisper-quiet, even on the higher settings. On the highest setting, I can barely hear it through covers. Someone standing just a few feet away wouldn't be able to hear it, and you definitely don't have to worry about anyone hearing it through a closed door. If discretion is important to you, this would be an excellent choice. Incredibly quiet while still having a lot of power. Best of both worlds!

Vibration Map

I wish I could mark both the head and the clit vibe as a 3, because they're both very intense. But I'm giving the 3 to the head, just because it's a little more rumbly than the clit attachment.
  • Very mild, low level vibration
  • Moderate vibration
  • Strong and easily felt vibration

Orgasm Intensity

The orgasms I get from this toy are awesome. I've very quickly accumulated a fair number of amazing toys from Eden since getting this little guy, but he's still one of my favourites. He can always be counted on to give me a great time with very little effort on my part. He's definitely one of the main toys I reach for when I'm feeling lazy and just want to be able to lie back and let a toy go to town on me.
Pleasure Meter

This is how
I describe
my orgasm

Follow-up commentary
I still absolutely adore this little rabbit. I love everything about it. It's pretty much the perfect rabbit for me. It fits me like a glove, its vibrations and patterns feel amazing, and it's very quiet. Even after having tried many other toys, the little Eros remains one of my very favourite toys. Its one of those toys that I can always trust to give me a fabulous orgasm with very little effort expended on my part.
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  • Contributor: frisky069
    I have had my eye on this one for a while! Glad your further use of this toy was better than your first use! Also, thanks for the great review!
  • Contributor: CuriousFun
    Oh, I definitely recommend it! In addition to it functioning great as a rabbit, I've found that it's also one of my favourite toys to use externally on my clit. The vibrations have this wonderful quality to them that's unlike any other toy I've tried. I think perhaps that's why I enjoy its patterns so much.

    And it has the same heavenly-soft pink silicone as the Petite Dual Thruster.
  • Contributor: frisky069
    It looks like it would be extremely soft feeling! I love my petite dual thruster.
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