It Helped To Do the Trick

I love this ring, but I just hate that the batteries ran out so quickly. I also hate that it was harder to clean than some others. But it did the trick.
great size

I love the texture
batteries died kind of quickly

harder to clean

takes watch batteries
Rating by reviewer:
useful review
I love this cock ring, and my husband loves it, too. He would go to grab this every time things got hot.

After the tenth time of using this cock ring it died. Right in the middle of things, it just stopped working. It takes three watch batteries. We have not gone out and bought new watch batteries yet. They are easy to get in and out; just take the bullet out and put batteries flat side up then side bullet back in the ring. Then you’re ready to go again.

The ring was every easy for hubby to put on and take off. It shaped well to his shaft and stayed in place. I have had some others that slip and turn on the shaft of the penis but this one stayed right in place.

It is soft and stretchy, but does a great job hitting the spot. My husband loved the feel of it on the shaft of his penis vibrating and it hit me just right to where I hit the big O within seconds. It helped him last longer and stay harder than normal, both of which have pluses and a negatives. With this ring I was done before my hubby could finish for the simple fact after five orgasms I was beat and needed a break. So I just got to lay there and rest while he did all the work.

When we were done this was a little hard to clean because on the ridges in it. I normally get toys I can wipe down with a toy wipe but I had to take this one and wash with warm water and soap. Please remember to take out bullet.

Use water base lubes with this ring and don’t wear for more then thirty minutes.
Follow-up commentary
I still like this cock ring. I threw away the bullet for it. I would rather just get a new one than have to buy watch batteries. I put in the Eden single bullet and it worked fine. It was a little trick though with the wire, but we worked around it. Hope you have as much fun with this one as I did!
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This review was edited by
  • P'Gell Contributor: P'Gell
  • Rank:
    6.7 / 10
  • Edited reviews: 33
Subscribe to comments
  • Contributor: js250
    Great review! I always add a high quality bullet from EF in our cock rings. They make then much nicer!
  • Contributor: married with children
    thanks for sharing.
  • Contributor: Jimbo Jones
    So you are pleased with the strength of the bullet just not that the batteries cut out mid-session and that they are less common watch batteries? Do you think the bullet is water resistant or water proof at all? Thanks for the review.
  • Contributor: Bignuf
    Thanks for the great review. I am ordering this!!!
  • Contributor: faust
    nice review
  • Contributor: SMichelle
    Thanks for the review.
  • Contributor: MissCandyland
  • Contributor: kawigrl
    nice review
  • Contributor: lzee
  • Contributor: Andrey2052
    thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: leilani
    great job yo
Discussion Posts Last Update
How is this compared to other rings people have tried? 4
How well does this ring stretch? 3
Wireless verses wired.?????? 11
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