
The product does what it says. It tastes SO good, and I love the warming and tingling sensations. The spout top makes things cleaner, and makes it easier to judge the amount you want to use. It lasts a pretty good amount of time too, so unless you are licking it all off, you won't need to re-apply all that often. I would buy this again and again and again. I love this lube.
Tastes Amazing, Spout Top, Price.
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useful review
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This review was edited by
  • ImaGodiva Contributor: ImaGodiva
  • Rank:
    5.4 / 10
  • Edited reviews: 132
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  • Contributor: Allison.Wilder
    I'd love to know a little more about the texture/consistency of this lube. Is it thin and runny or is it thick and stays in place well? Do you have to re-apply frequently? Do I have to wash it off after use or does it absorb naturally into the skin?

    Sorry for all the questions, I just really enjoy flavored lubes. Thanks for sharing!
  • Contributor: padmeamidala
    Thanks for a great review!
  • Contributor: Herzer
    Great review on the blog.
  • Contributor: DixieDoo
    @Allison.Wilder: You might have to wash some of it off, it depends on how you use. It's not runny, per say, but it's not thick enough to stay in one spot either. I only had to keep re-applying it because I was licking all of it off. Other than that, you really don't have to re-apply often.
  • Contributor: DixieDoo
    Thanks padmeamidala and Herzer!
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