The real "sticky" on Liquid Sex classic lube

If you're looking for a decent, inexpensive, basic, sex lube, liquid sex classic might save you a little coin; but if you're looking for the perfect solution to all your lube needs, you might want to look a little further.
A thick and slippery lube that won't break the bank.
Prepare to apply a bit more if you're using it outside the body.
Rating by reviewer:
useful review
For any kind of play for us, lube is a necessity. We use it for toys, manual stimulation, vaginal penetration, anal, leg humping, greasing the bearings on my car... Okay, so the last two are a bit of a stretch, but you get the gist of it; we use lube a lot. It's no secret to any other lube fiends that this stuff is expensive, and when you use it as often as we do, it adds up! At approximately $320 per gallon for this Liquid Sex classic, it falls just over the price of a gallon of penicillin, and far under the price of printer ink, although arguably provides more fun than both! However, it still remains one of the less expensive lubes which is what prompted us to try it.

Our initial reaction to this stuff is that it's great. It goes on easy, spreads well, and is super slippery! The lube itself is definitely a thicker liquid than a lot of other lubes, but still very much a fluid. There's no odor to it, and won't stain your bedding (or couch, floor, automotive upholstery, concrete basement floor, etc...) so it seems to be a good lube; that is, until you try to use it for long sessions without any other moisture. What we've found is that for vaginal use, it holds up fine for longer periods of time, because the vagina naturally produces other liquids that tend to keep this lube viscous (think of it as when your lube starts to dry a little bit, and you add a drop of water to it, and it's slippery again). The female body tends to keep this lube like that over an extended time period which is great. However, when used anally, or for manual stimulation, it doesn't hold up so well. In fact, in can be downright poor! Most of the time for a decent handjob teasing session, we might have to apply 3 or 4 coats of lube in as short as a 30 minute period! Before reapplying you can feel the lube becoming thicker and sticky. We are inclined to attribute this to how thick the lube is. A drop of water on the drying lube helps, but not quite as much as just piling a little more on there.

On another positive note, because this lube is water-based, it is safe to use with all types of toys (especially silicone), and cleanup is a breeze; just wash it off with soap and water.

All in all, if you're just looking for a simple, no frills lube for vaginal play, this stuff works great. If you're looking for something a little more versatile, that's longer lasting for more applications, I'd spring for the more expensive stuff.
Follow-up commentary
Since the initial review of the Liquid Sex Classic lube, we've switched to Maximus for our water-based "go-to" lube of choice. The Maximus lube is certainly better, in terms of drying out, but still not perfect. Perhaps we should just resign to the fact that no water based lube is going to last that long in open air. I guess we'll just have to keep multiple types of lube, for multiple types of play.
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  • Contributor: Cock Wrangler
    Ha! Great price comparisons there. Nice review. That's always the downfall of water-based lube, though some is better. Have you tried Maximus or Probe (the thick formula) yet?
  • Contributor: LiftedUp
    Cock Wrangler,
    We have not tried Maximus or Probe yet. However, I was looking at lubes earlier after writing my review, and saw that the Maximus had rave reviews. Additionally, it apparently has a "pump type" bottle, which would be great, as it seems no matter how careful you are with the bottles of lube, they ALWAYS get a nice sticky layer all over them any time you so much as LOOK at them with lube on your hands. I saw the probe, but it is a new lube without a lot of feedback yet. I think that the Maximus will be our next try on our quest for the ultimate lube. Now we just need to use up the rest of this bottle of "Liquid Sex" first!!
  • Contributor: Jimbo Jones
    Maximus is awesome stuff and the larger bottle has the pump top which is the best way to distribute lube. The thick formula of Probe just showed up here at Eden Fantasys recently, but it is good stuff as well. I would definitely suggest an 8 oz bottle of Maximus when you are done with your bottle of Liquid Sex though. Nice review.
  • Contributor: angel142stx
    Thanks for the review
  • Contributor: Jenni Shelton
  • Contributor: Blooddragon
  • Contributor: pinkzombie
    Nice review!
  • Contributor: Andrey2052
    great review
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