Cute name, disappointing toy.

The Chloe looks like a high end toy but in fact it is not that well made. The controls are not very easy to understand at first, the recharging port is not well placed on the toy or well protected. Also, the vibration functions are odd, as both ends vibrate when only one end may be necessary in use. It is a nice toy in appearance but it seems like a horrible prototype that needs a lot of improvement.
Silicone, looks luxurious
paint chipped, protective piece won't stay on, pulls pubic hairs, gap around the control pad...
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review


The Chloe is a vibrating massager and is intended to be used internally or externally. Both ends of this vibe can be used, one side is more optimal externally than the other. The reason for this is the way the toy is shaped, making it ergonomic for external or internal play.

It has dual motors, 5 intensity settings and is made of very safe, phthalates free silicone.

It is probably most ideal for the clitoris or for vaginal insertion. It does not have a flanged base so is probably not appropriate for anal insertion, especially for an anal beginner.

Material / Texture

The Chloe is made of a very silky silicone on one end, while the other end seems to be made of plastic with a soft touch coating. Both ends of the toy are very silky and smooth, however, the end that is curved and made of plastic has a prominent seam that makes its way around the end to both side meeting at the electric pink rim separating both ends of the toy.

The silicone does initially have a smell to it but it is not from the silicone itself. It actually comes from the firm foam insert the toy is found in. It is a difficult smell to describe but I would define it as a new smell, with a sort of sweetness to it.

Since the silicone is matte, lube is required to make it glide more easily. Lube has a tendency to cling better to matte finished toys and it does so with this toy. Both advanced users and connoisseurs would enjoy the texture of this silicone. For connoisseurs, it can be likened to the silicone used by LELO.

Design / Shape / Size

The Chloe appears pretty big for a traditional type, luxury vibrator.

It is 9 inches long, 5 of which is insertable and at it's widest point it is 1 1/2 inches in diameter.

The toy is designed to be multi-functional. It can vibrate on both ends of the toy. The longer end is more optimal for insertion or more intense vibrations for the clitoris, while the other end is best for clitoral stimulation, mostly weak to moderate vibrations. The control pad was not well designed. Water and lubricant can easily make it's way through the very obvious crack going around the control pad. Pictures of the design flaws are available here.

Both ends are separated by an electric pink plastic band. It is very flashy and fits very well with the black silicone. The control pad is on the smaller end. It has controls that increase and decrease vibrations as well as buttons to control the different vibration settings. The recharging port is located between the control pad and the pink band and is covered by a piece of plastic that can be easily (too easily) removed for recharging.

The insertable portion is in the average range of width for insertable toys, so it will probably work for most people. It does have a slight curve to it and therefore it could possibly reach and stimulate some women's g-spot.

This product has a very elegant and sophisticated appearance on a quick glance. It is non intimidating as it is not realistic in appearance but it can easily be recognized for what it is. This toy is a little big to put in a purse.

Functions / Performance / Controls

This toy is not waterproof or splash proof so be very careful when washing it.

The functions of the toy are not intuitive. It may take a while to understand the way the control pad works.

To turn the toy on just press the + button and set the vibration to the desired intensity. The toy automatically turns the vibrations of the long shaft on. To switch the vibrations to the smaller end you must press the down arrow. But, to go back to vibrations in the shaft you have to press the down arrow again (not the up arrow, this is why it is counterintuitive). Pressing the up arrow will bring you through the different modes. The patterns of vibrations are of different intensities of back and forth between the small and long end.

The long portions vibrations are thrummy, deep and rumbly. While the smaller end's vibrations are more similar to bullet vibrations; weak buzzy vibrations. However, in the patterns, you have the option of vibration in the smaller end, the4 vibrations do become more deep and rumbly. When the vibe is on that setting the control pad rattles a lot. The Chloe is quite noisy for a rechargable toy.

It takes about two hours to recharge the Chloe. It's blue LED light around the control pad blinks to show that it is recharging, once it is done it maintains a blue glow until you unplug and use it. The toy will last a few hours before needing to be recharged. The recharging unit you attatch to the wall may be hard to adjust. It can take some time before the recharger fits correctly in the wall and actually starts to recharge the toy.

Care and Maintenance

Since the Chloe is made of silicone, it is best to use water based lube if lube is needed. Silicone lube will destroy the finish of the toy making it permanently tacky.

Having a rabbit, little hairs tend to stick to toys and so far the Chloe has not been much of a lint magnet. It can be stored in the box it came in or the lovely black and pink lined pouch it comes with.

The best way to clean this toy is by using toy cleaning spray and wiping it down with a damp cloth. Do not put it under a running tap, water will get into the toy through the control pad and other crevices.


The Chloe comes in a lovely box, with the name of the toy, the company and a picture of the toy on the front of the box. There is a silver orchid pattern on the sides of the box. The back of the box has a bit of info about the toy.

There is a foam insert protecting the toy, it contains the recharger, a pouch and a pamphlet. The instructions are written in four languages; English, French, Spanish and Deutsch.

The instructions were not completely correct in terms of the functions of the control pad but there were no other misinformations in this particular pamphlet.

The box showcases the toy very beautifully and could easily be packaged for a gift.

Personal comments

I thought that when I was offered this toy I might be getting a remodel or upgrade of the Chloe. However, it is the same toy everyone has been having issues with. I was hoping it would work but I didn't get my hopes up too high.

The poor craftsmanship was very obvious just by looking at the toy out of the box. The pink paint on the middle portion of the toy was chipped. There was a horrible seam around the plastic end, the control pad had a sizable gap around it making cleaning it an issue.

I gave the toy a shot trying to remain as open and optimistic as possible but the toy doesn't measure up.


I used this toy internally, externally and I tried to reach and stimulate my g-spot with it also.

Externally, it was pleasant. The longer end was more satisfying in terms of vibration intensity and rumbly-ness. The smaller end was very weak and unsatisfying. The vibrator tends to cover a wide surface area, but I prefer a more pinpoint stimulation. So it didn't work well for me.

A lot of women find that toys that vibrate near the control pad or battery pack very annoying as it numbs the fingers. So I really don't understand the point of having both ends vibrating sequentially as the vibrations on one end are only buzzing on the fingers. I don't see how this could be used on two people simultaneously and the instructions do not say the toy can be used in such a way.

There is one vibration mode that is absolutely devine but it is really annoying that the trumming occurs in both ends of the toy. It sort of distracts me to have my fingers vibrating.

The little piece covering the recharging port is very close to being useless and the placement area for the port is horrible. It would have been much better if it was on the end of the toy, or if the protecting piece would actually stay on.

I wasn't able to orgasm with this toy as I was worried I would get shocked. Some of my pubic hairs got stuck in the seam on the plastic end and it was really painful. The Chloe looks promising in picture but in real life this toy was very poorly constructed. I wouldn't recommend this to anyone.
Follow-up commentary
I kept this vibe in my closet for the longest time. I was never using it as it was not really suited for me or anyone for that matter.

I had someone who visited me who was wondering if I had any toys to give, and I warned her that the toy was really sketchy. However, she accepted to try it out and it turns out that she loves this vibe.

I am glad it is being put to use but I am sure it won't last very long. It is a very horribly designed toy.
This product was provided free of charge to the reviewer. This review is in compliance with the FTC guidelines.

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  • Contributor: melissa1973
    Thanks for the review, sorry it was such a dissapointment.
  • Contributor: SexyLilPixi
    I liked Chloe a bit more than everyone else who got to review her, but all in all I have to agree that she is very flawed. Could be wonderful if lots more thought was into making it.
  • Contributor: Naughty Student
    @melissa- everyone would be disapointed, lol

    @sexylilpixi-Some toys work better for some and less for others, so someone is bound to enjoy a toy even if the majority enjoy it less
  • Contributor: Linga
    Oh it's such a pretty toy, I wish they had of made it better. Great review
  • Contributor: Naughty Student
  • Contributor: Shellz31
    Pitty it wasn't that great and about the flaws cause it's a nice looking vibe!

    Thanks for a great review
  • Contributor: Naughty Student
    Thanks Shellz31
  • Contributor: Antipova
    Ouf! I think this is the only non-jelly toy I've ever seen with so many one-star reviews. Glad to see Eden stopped carrying it.
  • Contributor: JessCee
    What in the world?!?! It's such a bummer this wasn't better. It looks so nice! Thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: Illusional
    Yikes, I'm glad I missed out on this one.
  • Contributor: Lucky21
    Thanks for the review.
  • Contributor: Ryuson
    Thanks for the review and the follow up! I'm glad that it found a home!
  • Contributor: Lover of Leather
    Thanks for the review
  • Contributor: Missmarc
    Thank you for the review, sucks it didn't work out.
  • Contributor: Geogeo
    YIkes. That's a lot of cons; thanks for the warnings.
  • Contributor: chantalgiardina
    thanks for sharing!
  • Contributor: loveme
    its obviously not good if its discontinued.. great review
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