Parental Rights and Abortion: Who Has the Definitive Say?
We've been inundated with story after story on how the legislators of this country want to change the laws to prevent women from accessing safe and legal means of dealing with an unwanted pregnancy. However, there was very little chatter about the father's rights. There hardly ever is.
We're highlighting three articles from SexIs this week about this very subject, do men have a say when it comes to abortion? Below are three excerpts from ArcaneBlast, Experiment, and Toy Fiend expressing their views on the subject.
SexIs Subjective: Gentleman's Choice? by Toy Fiend
If I was a father who did not want to abort his unborn child, I would feel like my rights were being infringed upon. I would be upset that the government did not care about my paternal rights to my own child.
As an American, I am ashamed at the way our government handles this situation. Everyone is entitled to have equal rights, including the fathers of unborn children.
SexIs Subjective: Pro-Choice, but Whose Choice? by ArcaneBlast
If he wants to keep it:
Does he consider if both parties can raise a child in terms of finances and responsibility? Is he willing to make the commitment to take care of the child, too? Basically, does he just want to have a child and leave it with you, or is he willing to take the time out of his life and take up the responsibility of caring for the child instead of being an absent father? Mainly, is he willing to support you the whole way through, including hormone induced irritation?
If he wants to get rid of it:
Why does he not want a child?
If the responses to these questions are reasonable, and show he's considering the child and you, then he should get a choice. Otherwise, it's your choice exclusively since it is your body.
A Father's Rights Don't Trump A Mother's by Experiment
What if a woman becomes pregnant, and the father wants the woman to get an abortion, however she chooses not to? Should he be forced to pay child support for 18 years even though he didn’t want to keep it in the first place?
To that I present a difficult answer: a man relinquishes control at conception. While it seems unfair due to the lack of birth control options for men (they really only have condoms which aren’t very effective), I personally can’t suspend the rights of a woman to choose what happens to her body.
What say you, Edenites? Do you think men should have a say in whether or not a woman gets an abortion?
What if it's a situation with a married couple? Should the husband have a right to prevent his wife from aborting the child if he really wants to raise it and care for it?
Let's consider the reverse of that, what if a woman wants the baby and her husband or boyfriend wants her to have an abortion? Is there any scenario where you can see his wants trumping her's?
To see more articles answering the question "what about the rights of the father", head over to SexIs Subjective.