I've never asked my girl to wear pigtails.
Pigtails--do you like them?
Belong on little girls only in my opinion
I think they're too immature
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I have yet to be with a guy who did not either confess to me that he finds pigtails sexy, or ask me to wear my hair in pigtails. Occasionally, I do wear my hair like that in a totally non-sexual scenario, but I generally wear them tied low nearer my
I have yet to be with a guy who did not either confess to me that he finds pigtails sexy, or ask me to wear my hair in pigtails. Occasionally, I do wear my hair like that in a totally non-sexual scenario, but I generally wear them tied low nearer my shoulders, as two braids, or as two buns--only in the bedroom have I worn them high up and sticking out. But it seems to be a big turn on for a lot of men. Do you find pigtails sexy? If so, why is this? If not, why is that?
i don't find them to be sexy. but based on the response i get they make me feel sexy on occasion.
I like pigtails, I wear them a lot.
I find long hair sexy...not necessarily pig tails, per se. It's possible your guy will find other long hair styles sexy too.
I am a woman and I love wearing them, makes me feel naughty

I'm female and am neutral to them, sorta. I find them to be cute.
I totally agree with you and so does my husband.
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I'm female and I think pigtails only belong on little kids. there is no sexy appeal to them.
i think they r cute
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I have yet to be with a guy who did not either confess to me that he finds pigtails sexy, or ask me to wear my hair in pigtails. Occasionally, I do wear my hair like that in a totally non-sexual scenario, but I generally wear them tied low nearer my
I have yet to be with a guy who did not either confess to me that he finds pigtails sexy, or ask me to wear my hair in pigtails. Occasionally, I do wear my hair like that in a totally non-sexual scenario, but I generally wear them tied low nearer my shoulders, as two braids, or as two buns--only in the bedroom have I worn them high up and sticking out. But it seems to be a big turn on for a lot of men. Do you find pigtails sexy? If so, why is this? If not, why is that?
Wear them all the time in public (it's easier to tame my hair in braids) so it doesn't really hold a sex factor for me. To each their own though
Neutral...I suppose they could be...just depends I guess. For some reason I am picturing the girls from the Brady Bunch.
ehh there ok. not really my style though.
Neutral. It really doesn't have to have any connotation at all.
i wear them low occasionally on my own. but my hair is too short to wear them high. so just neutral
I will ware pigtails in nonsexual situations. Though I have also never found them a sexual thing unless dressing as a school girl, but then it's about the overall look not the hair.
I don't really find them sexy or anything but I'll occasionally wear my hair in that style for the hubby since he really likes it.
I'm neutral, there's a time and a place. Hubby thinks they're sexy but mostly in the bedroom.
Pigtails on fine on children... on adults, they just look silly. Not sexy at all.
I'm neutral.
I am female and I really don't care for (high up) pigtails....the low ones don't look stupid to me, though....it's certainly not a look I could achieve if someone wanted it, so it's not a problem
I generally find them cute. My fiance has told me that they are sexy though.
I dislike high pigtails, but ones at the nape of the neck tend to look cute
Pigtails were meant to be handle bars during rough sex
I think they're cute
If I were with a partner who wanted to do that kind of age play, I think I could get into it. It is not something that I'd initiate though.
I'm a female and I think it's kind of creepy
Originally posted by
I have yet to be with a guy who did not either confess to me that he finds pigtails sexy, or ask me to wear my hair in pigtails. Occasionally, I do wear my hair like that in a totally non-sexual scenario, but I generally wear them tied low nearer my
I have yet to be with a guy who did not either confess to me that he finds pigtails sexy, or ask me to wear my hair in pigtails. Occasionally, I do wear my hair like that in a totally non-sexual scenario, but I generally wear them tied low nearer my shoulders, as two braids, or as two buns--only in the bedroom have I worn them high up and sticking out. But it seems to be a big turn on for a lot of men. Do you find pigtails sexy? If so, why is this? If not, why is that?
On certain women, they are a HUGE turn on, but then others try to wear them and it just looks creepy. So you have to be pretty confident that you are the right type to wear them or it's going to loose the desired effect.
I'm neutral on pigtails.
they are cute but not really a turn on