What Genre of Books Do You Read?

Contributor: paralax paralax
Originally posted by Kynky Kytty
I'm an avid reader, but what I like in terms of books is quite limited. When I was young I would read a lot and a lot of fairy tales. My father encouraged this by buying me fairy tale books from other countries and culture. When I grew up, I ... more
I'm the same way. I grew up off Grimm's fairy tales and watching fantasy like kids cartoons growing up (David the Gnome). So all I read growing up was C.S. Lewis J.R.R. Tolkien and Brian Jacques.

My favorite authors to date are Jaqueline Carrey and Dan Abnett. Carrey writes really good historical fantasy. It's really hard to explain but it really made me interested in studying ancient cultures. Abnett is really good but he writes more military science fiction.
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Originally posted by Selective Sensualist
"In Cold Blood" by Truman Capote is perhaps the very best in that genre. I read it when I was a kid (and way too young to have any business reading it -- I somehow managed to slip it by my mom in one of my huge library book stacks!). I ... more
Harper Lee never wrote an other book, because she was afraid of the "Sophomore Curse" (where authors can't top their first book with their second.) Truman Capote never wrote an other full book after In Cold Blood because he was so traumatized by the whole thing. He thought the men were innocent for a while, but one of them used him and when Capote found out the man was a pathological liar, he said he was traumatized for life.

Very strange situation. I would have loved to read any other books Harper Lee wrote.
Contributor: new southern girl new southern girl
I love to read almost anything unless it has something to do with religion. I carry a book everywhere I go in case a get a few minutes and I have to read before I can sleep at night. That is of course if I don't get into a really hot bout of sex and I am drained!
Contributor: Avant-garde Avant-garde
The only Content that I read willingly is philosophy and technology. All most anything else not intellectually related does not interest me especially fiction.
Contributor: Serendipity Serendipity
Originally posted by Kynky Kytty
I'm an avid reader, but what I like in terms of books is quite limited. When I was young I would read a lot and a lot of fairy tales. My father encouraged this by buying me fairy tale books from other countries and culture. When I grew up, I ... more
love Anne Rice novels, dirty romance, fun campy fiction.
Contributor: lamira lamira
I love short stories and biographies the best.
Contributor: Dusk Dusk
I'm a huge fantasy novel fan, and I especially love the young adult genre for some odd reason. I started out reading those kinds of books as soon as I was able, and I just never grew up from them.

Once in a while, I like to read a poetry book. I'm also an avid fan of the Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon, which is a little bit science fiction, a lot of romance, and a lot of historical fiction.
Contributor: namelesschaos namelesschaos
I voted for non-fiction and erotic. I read a lot of non-fiction, the erotica is more of a wish then what I actually read. I have a bunch of erotica that I keep saying I'll get to but never do.
Contributor: Pandahb Pandahb
I always feel bad when people ask me what kind of books I read because the first thought that comes to mind are the sex scenes from my romance novels
Contributor: Trashley Trashley
No one ever expects it from me, but I ADORE Russian literature. The dark, twisted, introspective yet cold philosophy, the deep understanding and deconstruction of the human condition... gets me every time. Tolstoy, Dostoevsky and Kundera - I'd spend endless nights with these men!
Contributor: Love Buzz Love Buzz
Im addicted to biographies, actually ron jeremy's bio is at the top of my book wishlist. Currently reading Russell Brand's booky wook
Contributor: ReadyAllTheTime ReadyAllTheTime
vampires are my thing. Every once in a blue moon I will read a good sex book
Contributor: ninaspinkturtle ninaspinkturtle
Originally posted by Kynky Kytty
I'm an avid reader, but what I like in terms of books is quite limited. When I was young I would read a lot and a lot of fairy tales. My father encouraged this by buying me fairy tale books from other countries and culture. When I grew up, I ... more
i like a little bit of everything
Contributor: kinky girlfriend kinky girlfriend
Originally posted by Kynky Kytty
I'm an avid reader, but what I like in terms of books is quite limited. When I was young I would read a lot and a lot of fairy tales. My father encouraged this by buying me fairy tale books from other countries and culture. When I grew up, I ... more
I have to explore that more I never paid attention to the Genre but am starting to now so I know lol...latly it is paranormal urban fantasy kind of stuff and occasionaly sit down and read a romance novel or erotic story,not the whole book just when I'm taking a break from my other books...but I will probly read more erotic stuff soon.
Contributor: DeliciousDrip DeliciousDrip
i LOVE reading suspense novels and scary things.
My Favorite author is Stephen King and i love his movies too !
Contributor: Kynky Kytty Kynky Kytty
Right now I'm reading Game of Thrones, and I can't put the book down, even when I know I should be working on some homework... I'm still preparing my school work in advance, so it's not that bad, but I'm not proud of myself.

But it's SOOOOO good.
Contributor: NaughtyButterfly NaughtyButterfly
My fav is crime
Contributor: <3BF <3BF
I'll read almost anything
Contributor: PassionateLover2 PassionateLover2
Originally posted by Kynky Kytty
I'm an avid reader, but what I like in terms of books is quite limited. When I was young I would read a lot and a lot of fairy tales. My father encouraged this by buying me fairy tale books from other countries and culture. When I grew up, I ... more
I write my own fantasy stories and write my own American Revolutionary War history articles and research studies.
Contributor: Claire-Bear Claire-Bear
Nonfiction (mostly this)
Contributor: pasdechat pasdechat
I marked the genres I read most often, but I've been known to read all of the above--well, except maybe for a straight-up romance novel.
Contributor: jennifur77 jennifur77
Originally posted by Kynky Kytty
I'm an avid reader, but what I like in terms of books is quite limited. When I was young I would read a lot and a lot of fairy tales. My father encouraged this by buying me fairy tale books from other countries and culture. When I grew up, I ... more
I mainly read non-fiction. I have read a few fiction books lately, but not normally something I read unless it's erotica.
Contributor: Peaches2000 Peaches2000
Originally posted by Kynky Kytty
I'm an avid reader, but what I like in terms of books is quite limited. When I was young I would read a lot and a lot of fairy tales. My father encouraged this by buying me fairy tale books from other countries and culture. When I grew up, I ... more
I tend to be all over the map. I'll read romance and then jump to a biography and then poetry. Who knows what I'll read next...