How many of you research a product before you purchase it?

Contributor: markeagleone markeagleone
I understand that most purchases are the "eye-catchers". I was wondering if that is all that motivates you to get a particular product.
Answers (public voting - your screen name will appear in the results):
markeagleone , ToyTimeTim , Joie de Cherresse , pinkzombie , Red Vinyl Kitty , That Guy , Coralbell , darkkitty , alliegator , Stephanie Marie , Lily Night , leatherlover , Linga , Jul!a , Bunnycups , Sammi , fatesrelease , ZenaidaMacroura , removedacnt , Alys , DCorrelle , BluePixi , firekitten , Riley , Solar Ray , danellejohns , wetone123 , onehotmomma , Dusk , BadassFatass , DJBounder , toxie m , Purpleducklings , NaturalWoman , Lummox , sexygoddess , M121212 , darthkitt3n , joja , tigerkate , Xiel , Rainbow Boy , link82 , Cream in the Cupcake , bunny love , 0 , Lady Marmelade , Lumberman , Taboada , Shellz31 , EndlessFrost , amandaco2011 , newfoundlust , Checkmate , Errant Venture , Triple X Moma , Lucky21 , Rin (aka Nire) , Kkay , BabyL0ve , thebest , sarki , Avant-garde , Powder , Sir , Diablotin , EJ , DeliciousSurprise , Kindred , AndroAngel , LavenderSkies , null , Kitka , DixieDoo , mistressg , Curiouscat , Chirple , HannahPanda , Ms. N , OroNomi , ~LaUr3n~ , PeaceToTheMiddleEast , Buttercup Green , Graniteal , Katelyn , FemmeFlo , wrmbreze , mmc67 , PDXlady , Woman China , hall5885 , MistressDandelion , Fawkes , pasdechat , sexxxkitten , All His , Nacht Stern , srval69 , Missmarc , icyqueen , AliMc , michael scofield , SoloJoe , Rory , Stinkytofu10 , Geogeo , roskat , Hubby80 , PropertyOfPotter , CaitieLynn , Incendiaire , joiedejouets , novanilla , hhh , Bleu , wrecklesswords , CutiePatootie , edeneve , Mikemanz , November , Missy27 , Falsepast , Cindi025 , Fia , Kallina , aznbbgirl
markeagleone , Joie de Cherresse , Pleasure Piratess , leanright69 , pinkzombie , Red Vinyl Kitty , That Guy , Coralbell , darkkitty , alliegator , Stephanie Marie , Lily Night , Blooddragon , leatherlover , Taylor Von , Linga , eggiweg , Jul!a , *HisMrs* , Bunnycups , indiglo , Redboxbaby , Sammi , Sweet-Justice , fatesrelease , ZenaidaMacroura , removedacnt , LadyEarlGrey , kutekatie , Alys , DCorrelle , BluePixi , firekitten , Riley , Solar Ray , namelesschaos , danellejohns , REDRUM , wetone123 , onehotmomma , Dusk , ShadowKitten , Darling Jen , BadassFatass , DJBounder , toxie m , Purpleducklings , NaturalWoman , LennaKieran , Waterfall , Lummox , Rossie , sexygoddess , M121212 , Lithaewyn , darthkitt3n , joja , mandiegk , skunked , tigerkate , Xiel , Rainbow Boy , link82 , MaryExy , Cream in the Cupcake , cburger , callsignhusker , NarcissisticLust , bunny love , Mseg20 , 0 , Carmb47 , Lady Marmelade , Fernand0 , Taboada , EndlessFrost , Howells , amandaco2011 , newfoundlust , Airen Wolf , Selective Sensualist , P'Gell , GatorDood , Maeby , Ninja Bunny , catgirl9 , wmann , Checkmate , Anjulie , kokopelli , fleshlightluvr1 , Errant Venture , Triple X Moma , Lucky21 , tickle me pink , Rin (aka Nire) , EvilHomer , Kkay , bayosgirl , BabyL0ve , BellaDonna2884 , Nissa Nissa , thebest , ellejay , Avant-garde , Sunshineamine , Purpleladybug , Ghost , Pink Jewel , Powder , Paladin Fantasys , Sir , marizipan , Diablotin , EJ , Purple Feathers , Katastophy , wdanas , DeliciousSurprise , Kindred , Starkiller87 , KrazyKandy , PurpleCat23 , caligaliber , MidnightB , Love Perpetua , AndroAngel , Breas , LavenderSkies , Lindsey123 , null , Hallmar82 , The Curious Couple , Drakoni , Mihoshi4301 , Diabolical Kitty , unfulfilled , Stagger13 , geliebt , Tefca , Kitka , DixieDoo , mistressg , CAKES , interestingstuff , Curiouscat , Chirple , mllebeauty , MissMod , Ninja Wolf , JackRaiden , HannahPanda , mpfm , alistair , tpfks , Ms. N , OroNomi , Ravenqueen , ~LaUr3n~ , PeaceToTheMiddleEast , meitman , Buttercup Green , Modern^Spank^Anthem , Graniteal , vampyroteuthidae , TheHardOne , Katelyn , FemmeFlo , wrmbreze , mmc67 , PDXlady , HouseWench , moonch1ld , Woman China , hall5885 , MistressDandelion , Do emu , padmeamidala , Greenleaf , Fawkes , theavocadopit , asphyxia , pasdechat , Pinkshirt , sexxxkitten , All His , sexydelphia , A.noel , GONE! , Nacht Stern , Billie Bones , Molly Adams , FallFire , MK434 , icyqueen , AliMc , michael scofield , SoloJoe , bratcat , Rory , RedKyuubi , pirata , sweetpea12 , Beautiful-Disaster , SheRa! , roskat , BrittaniMaree , Trysexual , Kitten has left the site , Dystobian , PropertyOfPotter , Sangsara , phoenixfire , CaitieLynn , Incendiaire , falalena , Robespierrethecat , joiedejouets , novanilla , hhh , Bleu , llellsee , KissTheSkyBaby , Septimus , dm , Khanner , IvyFayette , wrecklesswords , CutiePatootie , JennSenn , skippywashere , Major Panda , Mikemanz , November , KinkyNicki92 , spiced , Missy27 , karenm , Genderfree , Falsepast , KinkyKatieJames , 1001 Pleasures , Herzer , kaylajoy89 , Fia , jackie.jfky , Kallina , Lena Eden , Glitterlips , Ms. Lefty , aznbbgirl , Wickedly Yours , DenRu85
darkkitty , indiglo , kjkitty , Sir , LavenderSkies , Drakoni , DixieDoo , Ms. N , ~LaUr3n~ , Buttercup Green , Katelyn , lilly555 , Woman China , hall5885 , michael scofield , Fleurs Violettes , Khanner , skippywashere , KinkyNicki92
Pleasure Piratess , leanright69 , BluePixi , Shellz31 , EvilHomer , Ghost , LavenderSkies , null , Falsepast
markeagleone , ToyTimeTim , Joie de Cherresse , Pleasure Piratess , Red Vinyl Kitty , Stephanie Marie , Jul!a , Sammi , BluePixi , Riley , danellejohns , wetone123 , NaturalWoman , Reny , Shellz31 , Selective Sensualist , kokopelli , mistressg , Ms. N , OroNomi , ~LaUr3n~ , Buttercup Green , hall5885 , Greenleaf , Kenneth Fort , Hubby80 , novanilla
Pleasure Piratess , pinkzombie , Red Vinyl Kitty , darkkitty , Lily Night , Jul!a , *HisMrs* , Bunnycups , Redboxbaby , Sammi , Sweet-Justice , ZenaidaMacroura , clp , firekitten , Dusk , Darling Jen , BadassFatass , toxie m , Purpleducklings , NaturalWoman , Waterfall , skunked , K101 , P'Gell , Errant Venture , sarki , Sir , DeliciousSurprise , Kindred , Drakoni , mllebeauty , Ms. N , OroNomi , Katelyn , FemmeFlo , wrmbreze , PDXlady , Woman China , Do emu , CinLuvsBre , pasdechat , Trysexual , falalena , novanilla , KissTheSkyBaby , Septimus , November , Genderfree , KinkyKatieJames
Eden C. , cburger , K101 , Sir , mistressg , Ms. N , hall5885 , Nacht Stern , SoloJoe , Hubby80 , CaitieLynn , novanilla , KissTheSkyBaby , Khanner , wrecklesswords , Fia
Total votes: 499 (273 voters)
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Contributor: ToyTimeTim ToyTimeTim
Mostly I buy by looks, I have a good idea what will work for me or the wife. I have bought on a whim now and then.
Contributor: Joie de Cherresse Joie de Cherresse
I go for looks, but I also read the reviews on a product so I can see what others had to say that actually bought the product before I did. I like knowing what I'm getting myself into, lol.
Contributor: markeagleone markeagleone
The products I usually tend to get start out at a whim, progress to reading reviews and end at product looks and details. I find cost isn't really much of a factor. My favorite product is still under $10.00 in cost.
Contributor: Pleasure Piratess Pleasure Piratess
Usually I am drawn by looks and unique factor, then I will research and find what others have to say. Here on Eden there are a few reviewers who I feel pretty matched up with in terms of likes and dislikes and may opt to try something or avoid something based on their reviews.
Contributor: pinkzombie pinkzombie
Originally posted by markeagleone
I understand that most purchases are the "eye-catchers". I was wondering if that is all that motivates you to get a particular product.
I first have to like how it looks or it will turn me off, but then I always read several reviews and hope there is a video. I looks at the star rating overall as well.
Contributor: Red Vinyl Kitty Red Vinyl Kitty
Looks are important to me (because I don't like realistic looking toys), but it is also important to me to make sure that a toy has got good reviews, or at least, the things that it got "poor" marks for are things that I would like. For example, maybe a reviewer marked it down because it had a lot of texture, and they don't like texture. I do like texture though. I really read the reviews to be sure that the cons are not plusses to me, and then I go for it.
Contributor: darkkitty darkkitty
Originally posted by markeagleone
I understand that most purchases are the "eye-catchers". I was wondering if that is all that motivates you to get a particular product.
I always have to compare and read tons of reviews!!
Contributor: alliegator alliegator
When the look of a toy is really attractive to me, I make it sit on my wish list for awhile. If it is still a real draw for me later, I can better judge that I wont get bored quickly with it. Plus, anticipation can be a real turn on.
Contributor: Stephanie Marie Stephanie Marie
Originally posted by darkkitty
I always have to compare and read tons of reviews!!
Same here!
Contributor: Blooddragon Blooddragon
Originally posted by markeagleone
I understand that most purchases are the "eye-catchers". I was wondering if that is all that motivates you to get a particular product.
By the reviews! Always research!
Contributor: Linga Linga
I buy by reviews and by looks. The look is what grabs me first, then I'l red the reviews.
Contributor: eggiweg eggiweg
I guess the looks are what first get my attention, but I always read all of the reviews and follow up on suggestions from there. EF is great for that
Contributor: Jul!a Jul!a
I'm kind of a mix of everything. Some things I've bought on a whim purely because of the way they look, some things I pour over reviews until I can finally make up my mind, others have been suggested to me by friends so I take a look and sometimes buy.
Contributor: indiglo indiglo
I always read the reviews, and certain reviewers especially. Then I compare each toy with what I already have that does and doesn't work for me to see if I think it will fit me.
Contributor: Redboxbaby Redboxbaby
If I bought on looks I would have never purchased any nJoy stuff. It looked cold and hard to me. It wasn't until I read review after review about how fabulous steel is that convinced me to buy. Now we own all of them except the Eleven.
Contributor: Sweet-Justice Sweet-Justice
Sometimes usually I just go with what I know I like
Contributor: removedacnt removedacnt
I don't buy anything online without reading reviews first. I've been doing that loooong before I ever found EF.
Contributor: clp clp
I think the opinions of reviewers I know/follow closely make the most impact on what I buy. I know which ones seem to have my same tastes and preferences, and their opinion therefore means that much more to me. It usually comes out true that if they don't like it, I didn't either for close to the same reasons. It also means that when they recommend something new or what I wouldn't have considered before, I listen up closely.
Contributor: kutekatie kutekatie
I preffer to look up reviews on other sites, too and compare them with reviews on eden, and if they're generally for the direction I'd like, Ill buy the product!
Contributor: Alys Alys
I always look at reviews before buying. But looks are important too. I'm more likely to buy it if I like the looks of it.
Contributor: firekitten firekitten
First are looks, obviously. Second, I always look at the reviews. If something has a lot of very very positive reviews by reviewers I'm not familiar with or are "hit and run" type I'm a little more wary, particularly if it's a purchase made with actual money and not gift cards.
Contributor: Solar Ray Solar Ray
I usually research the hell out of products (not just sex toys) before I purchase. In regards to sex toys here on EF... I read plenty of reviews and comments, watch videos if there are any, check the materials it's made out of and then of course try to compare and look for the best "bang for the buck" choices between those items that are similar. Ideally I'd like to buy the items that have the best combination of high quality and low prices. It also helps if there are many opinions and reviews on a product, that way you can be a little more certain that the product will likely perform well rather than it being a very "love it or hate it" kind of toy.
Contributor: namelesschaos namelesschaos
I use a mix of things: manufacturer looks but I do research the reviews on most things. If I don't it is usually because the item is new and doesn't have reviews yet.
Contributor: danellejohns danellejohns
I have to say it is a mixture of things,as well. It really depends on what the product is. Some I have bought on a whim and still read some reviews. Some I bought for looks and reviews.
Contributor: REDRUM REDRUM
I usually like a toy from its looks, but for me to even think about buying it I have to read reviews. There are some deal breakers when I think about buying a toy.
Material, quality, and noise level since I live with others.
Contributor: wetone123 wetone123
I used to always buy toys by the looks of them, but after a few disappointments I always research and read several reviews before deciding.
Contributor: onehotmomma onehotmomma
Research, reviews, looks.
Contributor: ShadowKitten ShadowKitten
I buy by the reviews (from mixed sources, blogs, EF, the site I buy from at the time, anything I can find really), the quality (materials, safety, etc etc), but most importantly the price, being a person with about 100 bucks or so each month for stuff I want I'm on a fairly tight budget when I buy toys, I save every penny I can, if I can get stuff cheaper somewhere else I'll sacrifice shipping speed along with a few other things to get my paws on it ^^
Contributor: Jobthingy Jobthingy
I go by a few things. Sometimes it is just cause it is pretty,if it is something that vibrates, I will wait for a few good reviews to come out.