Hello everyone, and welcome to the Weekly Roundup #163!
The Roundup is where we highlight reviews that are well-written and informative on products you’re interested in trying and it’s also a rundown of important threads and featured content that may be of interest!
There were 584 reviews this week. Great week, everyone!

Five Must-Read Reviews!

Featured Content
SexIs Social Writing Contest Are you ready for another writing contest? Click the link to find out this month’s topics, deadline is October 1st!
Win Your Wishlist on Pinterest. Are you a lover of pinning images to your albums? Then we have an exciting contest for you! Click the link to find out how to enter!
October’s Monthly Topic Suggestion Contest for SexIs Social.
Weekly Review Rumble Nominate your favorite reviews for the week, winner receives 2500 points!
Club Events and Monthly Threads:
Monday, October 5th @ 3 PM EDT
Join Airen Wolf and company as they creative writing techniques. Everyone is welcome, from beginners to expert writers!
Birthday Club
Happy Birthday September babies!! Stop in and wish everyone a happy birthday!!!
Community Planning Thread
Everyone is welcome to contribute ideas and suggestions for the general ideas this month!
Reviewer's Spotlight
This month it’s more of an employee spotlight starring JR, Sammi, and myself! Everyone is welcome to ask us anything!!
Contributor of the Month - September - Ryuson
Stop by and congratulate her, if you haven't done so already!
The Weekly Buzz
Find out what’s new on our virtual shelves!
Eden Cafe
Over at Eden Cafe we're giving away Beginners Kits for all types of play! here for a bonus entry to the giveaway!
Featured Discussions
EdenU – Let’s Sexperiement
Would you consider yourself a novice or an expert when it comes to certain kinds of play like anal, prostate, and BDSM?
#SexIsSubjective - SexIs Subjective: The Separation of Church and State...When it suits us.
What are your thoughts and opinions on same-sex marriage? What about marriage in general?
Eden Should Carry
Got a suggestion for products? Tell us here!

Name That Toy

This week's image is:

There are three toys in this week's image. Leave a comment below with your guess! Winners are randomly selected! The prize is 2500 points! Good luck!!!