My Favorite Pearls

Looking for a small but exciting beginner toy can be a frustrating endevour. The Pleasure Pearls is a lovely piece of glass that satisfies the need for texture, rigidity and hygiene all in one toy. Though it might be too small for more advanced enthusiasts it still offers a great warm up for bigger toys. Easy to care for and perfectly safe this is a toy that is sure to please!
Hygienic, small, non-porous, great for beginners
Glass is unforgiving, might be too small for some users
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review
One of the oddest discoveries I have made recent years is the fact that while my vagina loves as much texture on a toy as I can get my ass is just the opposite. So I was not real sure about the ripples on the Pleasure Pearl by WHK GmbH. It is a clear glass toy and I know from experience that the rigidity of glass can make even the most benign and gentle textures feel so much more pronounced. Still, I reasoned, the toy is fairly slender and targeted toward beginners, and maybe Sigel might like it if I didn't.

The Pleasure Pearls is made of tempered glass and can withstand even the most determined ass muscles. Granted one must be careful about dropping the toy during cleaning still, it's not going to splinter inside anyone. Cracks, or even stress lines will be clearly visible in the clear glass ensuring that there will be no horrifying accident! This is a small, slender toy meant for anal beginners. It measures a mere 4 inches in total length and 3 and a half inches are insertable. It is approximately 2.75 inches around it's widest point, this makes it as slender as a large finger or medium sized thumb. Keep in mind that the unforgiving nature of glass will make the toy feel a bit bigger, still it's not going to stretch even resistant anal muscles beyond comfort. The base of the toy is flared and measures 2 inches across which leaves me confident it won't slip inside most players. If the user is worried, or particularly likes harness play, the toy is O ring compatible. The Pleasure Pearls has three rounded 'pearls' that are separated by enough of a neck that it gives the user time to relax again before venturing to move to the next pearl. The base of the toy flares outward further ensuring that the toy only goes in so far. In use the pearls feel amazing and I was more than pleasantly surprised how much I liked these textures.
The small size of the toy makes it perfect for those who need discretion. It doesn't scream sex toy and could be explained away as a rolling massager for shoulders or feet...or as a piece of modern art! It can be rolled into a pair of socks or panties during travel making it very inconspicuous. It can be stored anywhere that it won;t fall off of and possibly break, though it would take quite a bit to actually break this tough little toy.

The toy is substantial but not very heavy, it weighs in at only .2 lb. It can be retained fairly easily and won't cause undue muscle strain while doing so. The base of the toy is round so it doesn't fit totally comfortably between the buttcheeks but it isn't horribly uncomfortable either. The best and worst I can say is it's easily doable. I didn't find walking around with the toy in place to be comfortable and sitting on it for long periods of time was also uncomfortable. I think that had more to do with the rigidity of the glass than anything else.

Other than the pearls, this toy is very smooth and a little lube goes a long way. Glass is compatible with any type of lube and completely non-porous making it perfect for couples who like to share toys. Give it a quick rinse off before passing it over and you're good to go! It can be boiled, sprayed with 10% bleach and water solution, cleaned with a commercial preparation or simply washed in hot water with mild soap. I found even the thinnest toy condom actually interfered with the feel of the pearls so that might be something to consider.

More than likely you will find that this is a sort of intermediate toy on the way to bigger and better but it makes a great warm up even after you have outgrown it's size.
The pearls give the ass muscles something to clench around and can be amazing for guys who like to rock a firm toy against their prostates. I will warn the user that if your prostate is exceptionally sensitive or swollen due to prostatitis this toy will produce a mind blowing orgasm but can leave you sore and feeling bruised if you aren't very gentle. There is zero give with this toy because it is solid glass. During PIV sex this toy stays put fairly well. I have only had it slide out once and that was when I had used a whole lot of lube and was not thinking about keeping the toy inside! I was also on my back, I have found that being up on my knees makes it easier for me to retain an anal toy during PIV sex but your mileage may vary.
Sigel is not a fan of having anything up his ass when having PIV sex but has tried laying on his back with me on top and found it to be 'pleasant' though not mind blowing. What he did like it for was temperature play. Running it under the cold or warm water faucet produced a sensation that he said was totally amazing, and I agree! Please be sure that you lube the toy before inserting it if it has been in the freezer to protect the sensitive anal membranes. Test heat in the crook of your elbow and you'll be sure that you won't burn yourself or your partner.
Follow-up commentary
This glass toy is still a favorite of mine for a warm up toy. It gets really slick when lubed up and though, it's small, it feels bigger than it is because it is unforgiving glass.

The balls produce a great popping sensation when they are inserted and they aren't so large or uncomfortable that they require tons of time to prepare the body to accept them.

The base of the toy is much larger than the largest ball but it doesn't comfortably fit between the butt cheeks for long term wear.
All in all I recommend this toy for new anal enthusiasts and for those who like a great warm up toy.
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    • Can be worn during masturbation
    • Foreplay
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  • Contributor: hanjonatan
    thanks for the great review!
  • Contributor: Apirka
    Great review, as always! Thanks for sharing
  • Contributor: Feisty
    Thanks for sharing!
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