Glass anal dildo

Thawing Mr. Freeze

The Icicles probe is an excellent, all-around toy for anal stimulation. The gradations in the toy's design make it suitable for both beginners and more advanced users. It won't revolutionize the way you look at anal play, but it's a solid and very versatile choice.
Suitable for beginners and advanced users, convenient handle at base.
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review


Pipedream's Icicles glass "massager" is a Pyrex probe designed for anal stimulation. The bulbous curves provide both beginners and more advanced users with something to enjoy. Those just starting out with anal play will appreciate the very modest girth at the tip. Those who have been around the block a few times will like the larger bulb towards the toy's base.

The large ring at the base allows for an easy hold during use. The base is also wide enough to prevent any risk of slippage.

The Icicles probe can also be used for vaginal penetration.
  • Who / How / What
    [ ? ]
    Who might this product be best for? How is it best used? What are the best circumstances or situations for using this product?
    • Everyone
    • Temperature play
  • Where
    [ ? ]
    Where / what types of places can this product be used?
    • Anywhere
  • Features
    [ ? ]
    What kind of features does this product offer?
    • Travel friendly
  • Body / part areas
    [ ? ]
    What areas on the body can this product be used / what areas does it stimulate best?
    • Anal
    • G-spot
    • P-spot

Material / Texture

Being made from Pyrex glass, the Icicles probe is odorless, tasteless, and perfectly smooth. It can withstand very hot and very cold temperatures, making it an excellent choice for sensation play.

The smoothness of the glass allows for the probe to glide easily when lubricated.
    • No odor
    • Not porous at all

Design / Shape / Size

The Icicles' design makes it well suited for use as an anal probe. The curved tip permits very, very easy insertion (newbies should use lots and lots of lubricant!!) and the first bulb is smaller than two fingers in diameter. The sharpness of the slope between the two bulbs on the shaft lends added control to the probe. If you don't want to go deeper than that first bulb, there's little chance you will do so accidentally.

The firmness, width, and length of the tip is very similar to that of a finger, making the toy also appropriate for prostate stimulation.

The second, larger bulb on the shaft adds an extra level of stretch and fullness to anal play, but the diameter is still relatively modest. Anal size queens may find the Icicles better as a warm up than the main event. Most users, however, should find that the two bulbs represent a nice balance between teasing (the small bulb) and filling (the large bulb).

The handle's design is excellent for the messiness and stickiness that so frequently accompanies anal play. The ample circumference of the circular handle means that there won't be any "oops!" moments where the entire toy falls in. The hole in the middle makes it easy to hook a finger or two around the loop to manipulate the toy.

There is some room for exploring vaginal play with the Icicles probe, but vaginal penetration isn't the toy's greatest strength. There is some g-spot stimulation to be had from the tip and the width of the second bulb does create some friction when thrusting, but at the end of the day I'd rather reach for a more appropriate dildo or vibrator when looking for vaginal stimulation.
    • Beginner
    • Partner play


The Icicles probe does it's job well. The design is straightforward, as is its function. The firmness of the glass material, the elegant and well-placed curves of the two bulbs, and the convenience of the handle mean that it's perfectly suited for light, easy anal stimulation.
    • Easy to use

Care and Maintenance

The convenience of Pyrex glass really comes through when thinking about the care and maintenance of the Icicles probe. You can throw it in the dishwasher to clean it, or simply wash it with soap and water. It's compatible with all lubricants and requires no special storage considerations. Be aware that glass can chip if you throw it around, but also take comfort in the fact that it's pretty hard to dent something as durable as thick Pyrex.
    • Easy to clean
    • Easy to store
This product was provided free of charge to the reviewer. This review is in compliance with the FTC guidelines.

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  • Contributor: FHeemz
    Thanks for reviewing this!
  • Contributor: Mirachaya
    Thanks for reviewing this, its been on my wishlist for a while.
  • Contributor: hall5885
    Thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: noway
    Thanks for the great review!
  • Contributor: amenti

    Thank you for your helpful review!

  • Contributor: LoneOokami
    Thanks for the review.
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Women using Icicles No. 13 10
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