Affordable pink love!

This is a great versatile product that is affordable and sure to please many toy buyers. It's length makes it ideal for many reasons, from convenient reaching to deep penetration. The power is sufficient and delivers a great range of pleasure.
No strong odor, great size, great power, versatile
Not waterproof, difficult to clean
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review


This is a traditional vibe with a pretty realistic shape that is intended for internal stimulation. This offers exactly that and much more. From internal stimulation to clitoral pleasure, this cheap vibe is worth EVERY penny. It's fantastic for beginners, someone looking for an affordable vibe or anyone wanting to add something new to their collection.

Material / Texture

This is made of a standard jelly material that has nothing really special about it. It's not realistic nor is it super safe or easy to clean. But it is affordable and flexible and does just fine for the purpose in which it's intended. It does have some textured veins on the surface which feel quite nice, but otherwise offers very little in the way of stimulation. It's suitable for anybody, but beginners should know that it takes a lot of careful cleaning.

Design / Shape / Size

This is a realistic design that has a nicely tapered head that makes for easy insertion. It is a bit long, if you like that sort of thing, but is thin enough that you can avoid going too deep and you still have a great insertion. I really like the play I can get from this thing. It has a slight curve which gently hugs your g-spot, but doesn't "poke" it. The curve also makes it nice for using the head to pleasure your clitoris. And the length keeps you from having to turn your wrist in all sorts of funny directions. The size was nice for girth and is long for the ladies who like that. However, if you are looking for a thicker vibrator, there may be others to better suit your needs. This is great for a beginner as it's not super expensive and there is a lot of control in the use of the product. It's not small nor is the design discreet, so be sure to have a good hiding spot. I wouldn't travel with this thing either.

Functions / Performance / Controls

The functions are pretty standard on this thing. It has a basic turn dial at the bottom, which doesn't offer AS MUCH play as I would like, but certainly has a range of intensity. It's a bit on the loud side, so no discretion there. The turn dial opens to the battery compartment where you insert two AA batteries. For a product that runs on AA, it's pretty powerful. Most of the vibrations are located toward the middle, but transfer well through the material. This makes it a great clitoral massager as well! It's not waterproof, so no shower time fun. And be sure to take care when cleaning. Overall it's fantastic. It has easy to use controls, versatile use and doesn't cost an arm and a leg. A small price to pay for less quality material, volume and not being waterproof.

Care and Maintenance

Since it is a jelly material, it is going to be a pain in the butt to get and keep clean. For one, this product likes to attract all sorts of dust and hair. This can be during use or in storage. I store mine in the box and that helps keep the dust level down, but hair is easily stuck to this thing and that gets to be annoying. When washing the vibrator, you have to be careful as it's not waterproof. So, not only is it hard to get the junk off, but it's important to not get any mechanical areas wet.

It's jelly so feel free to use whatever lube you like. It is suggested that you use a condom with any porous material. This makes it easier to clean and keeps anything from giving you crotch ickies. The cleaning is one of the only downsides to this product.
Follow-up commentary
This is a decent product for those on a budget. Sure, it's not the most realistic and the material leaves something to be desired, but at the same time, you get what you pay for. I like this product a lot and I think it's suitable for just about anyone. I will say that although it is similar, I like the products from Chrystal Caribbean better due to the functions and being waterproof. That said, this is something that Eden Fantasys carries that is similar and still great.
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  • Contributor: ~LaUr3n~
    I love the shapes of Doc Johnson dongs! Great review!
  • Contributor: Red Riding Hood
    Yes! Doc Johnson is my fave! Thank you, Dear.
  • Contributor: Red Riding Hood
    Yes! Doc Johnson is my fave! Thank you, Dear.
  • Contributor: Hannah Savage
    I usually find that jelly toys have quite an odor to them, glad to hear this one didn't for you.
  • Contributor: null
    A jelly without a strong smell? Might have to try this one...
  • Contributor: XXXXXXXXXXXXX
    Nice review
  • Contributor: Red Riding Hood
    Well, make no mistake. There's a slight plastic odor, but it's not strong and fades easily.
  • Contributor: Serendipity
    It never hurts to have a few inexpensive but useful toys in your toy chest. Thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: lezergirl
    nice review!
  • Contributor: SapphirexIce
    Thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: Dr Anal
    Great review! Thanks!
  • Contributor: Ghost
    Thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: Purpleladybug
    Thanks for the review!!
  • Contributor: sugar&spikes
    thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: LavenderSkies
  • Contributor: MK434
    Nice review!
  • Contributor: Rory
    Nice review! Thanks!!
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