Realistic dildo
by Pleasure Works

Large and In Charge

The toy was enjoyable! I just want to stress how large it is though because... it's really, really big! I would also suggest using it alone to masturbate before having someone penetrate you with it so you can get yourself used to the width and length. A great toy for size queens and those working up to that royal status!
Flared base good for anal
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review
What can I even say about this toy? It's BIG. The first time I tried it was with my super cock-happy then-partner who went to the nearest sex toy store and bought the biggest dick he could find... and here it was. I underestimated the width and length of this toy and insisted I didn't need extra lubrication or too much of a warm up. This toy is about a 3 finger width at 1 1/2" and a 7" insertable length. That's a lot of cock, let me tell you.

My partner used this toy on me from behind, doggy style, where it would penetrate me the deepest which was a mistake for a first time user of this toy. This toy requires a lot more warm up and toys/fingers smaller to start out. The toy is quite realistic looking and works really well in harnesses, even the Rodeoh which usually doesn't hold up too well with big dildos-- this one did just fine. The realistic bulging head provides extra stimulation and girth to start, to ease you into the length of the toy. It also comes in a nice range of colors! It would be better if it came in an even wider range of colors, but this is good for now!

This toy is made out of pure silicone which is a non-porous material which makes it super easy to clean with just soap and water. If you want to disinfect and sterilize the toy, you can boil it for 3-5 minutes, run it through the top rack of your dishwasher, or use a 10% alcohol solution to clean it. Since it is silicone, using a silicone lube is not recommended because it will most likely disintegrate the toy or make it porous. Make sure to wash after each use! The silicone is also hypo-allergenic, latex-free, and phthalates-free. The flared base of the toy also makes it perfect for anal penetration and strap on use!

What would have made my experience with this toy better would have been if I was on using the toy while on top so I could control the depth and go at my own pace to start, but otherwise, once we stopped using it doggy style and went at my pace with me on top, the toy was great!
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  • Contributor: OH&W, Lovebears
    Thanks for sharing. Lots of info in this short easy to read and pleasureful review.
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