Cosmo's steamy sex games review

Cosmo's Steamy Sex Games is an excellent product for lovers. It contains an nice variety of surefire games to ignite any love life, and the production quality is excellent!
Beautiful production quality; everything but "props" are included; good price
Not all the games are particularly original
Rating by reviewer:
useful review
Cosmo’s Steamy Sex Games|Cosmo's steamy sex games is a quality product, in quality packaging, at a very, very reasonable—if not surprising for this quality—price. To start with the packaging, the deck of cards comes in a nifty little glossy and very heavy cardboard box with a slide-out drawer with a little pull-tab. Nice! The artwork on the front of the box is tasteful, but still erotic, and the hot-pink color scheme assures this set will not get lost in your toy box!

The games themselves are printed on cards, again of very high quality. They are large and glossy, and seem like they would stand up to some wear and tear. There are 118 cards comprising 12 erotic games, and they are all color and pattern coded by game—a very nice touch! The games range from sexual truth-or-dare to sexual trivia, to prop play and fantasy enactment—nothing astonishingly original, but so nicely presented that any of them would be a joy to try with your lover. The cards are also often win-win, ie. If you win you get to choose the sex position for the night; if you lose, your partner gets to choose. Tough loss, there, right?

Most of the games contain everything you need to play in the form of multiple cards, though none of the games are so large the card collections become unwieldy. A couple of the games DO require extra “props,” but these are mostly items that can be easily found around the house, such as a necktie, a fan and a bottle of lotion. Good news! You do not have to go out and buy that sex swing to enjoy this product!

The deck contains a nice variety of foolproof, if not terribly original, games, and you are sure to have fun playing through this deck. This product is of much higher quality than most of its kind I have seen, with quality packaging and cards, bright, vivid colors, and complete instructions, including lists of items needed. Overall, I think Cosmo’s Steamy Sex Games is WELL worth the little price tag to add to your collection. You should have hours of fun with it and enjoy its quality production in the process!
Follow-up commentary
I don't read Cosmo. I'm not a Cosmo fan. But this is a very slickly produced deck of sexual games and suggestions that is not only fun, but easy on the eyes. I definitely recommend this one!
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  • Contributor: sexystuffeve
    Thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: samanthalynn
    nice review
  • Contributor: freda
    nice review

  • Contributor: Master DarkWolf
    Good review...
  • Contributor: Blake Klink
    nice review
  • Contributor: Michelle Conner
    nice review
  • Contributor: sugar&spikes
    thanks for the review
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