Give Me the Liberator, and Give Me Le Petit Mort

Overall, the liberator wedge and ramp combo are an excellent addition to the bedroom. They make many positions even more pleasurable, and they work well together. The only problem I have with them is that my cat thinks the ramp is his new scratching post. Great product.
Easy to clean, feels great, enhances positions
Not discreet, difficult to store
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review


I've been wanting a liberator since I found out about them, and I definitely wasn't disappointed. The liberator wedge and ramp combo is a great sex piece for anyone looking to enhance their sex life; it allows for deeper penetration in positions such as cowgirl and missionary, and helps with back strain during doggy style. It's also great for having sex on the floor, since the wedge and ramp combined create a comfy place for your body and your head.

And when I say anyone, I mean anyone. The liberator wedge and ramp combo could also be particularly handy for those who suffer from back problems, since resting the body on the large ramp allows the back to lay flat while the head is elevated, and vice versa, helping with the strain some positions may place on the back. It also greatly reduces neck strain during oral sex; my boyfriend and I position the wedge with the elevated end on the edge of the bed, and I lay with my legs dangling off. Then I position the wedge beneath my head, so I can watch him going down on me. He's able to kneel on the floor, and his head is in the perfect position for oral. This product would also be amazing for pregnant women as well as plus-size couples.

Another thing the liberator wedge and ramp combo make easier is dual stimulation during sex. Bending over the edge of the ramp makes it easier to stimulate the clit and/or breasts, or even the balls during gender play. The same with missionary using the ramp; since the male is able to remain on his knees while the woman is leaning back, the male can more easily access the clit.

I wondered at first if it was worth the extra money to get the wedge and ramp combo rather than one or the other, but it definitely is. The ramp is excellent, and if I were to choose one over the other, I would choose the ramp. But having the wedge for a headrest makes many of the positions far more comfortable, and it lifts the head much more than a simple pillow would. The wedge is also good for times when you don't feel like dragging the ramp out of hiding (since it's so large) but still want something extra.
  • Who / How / What
    [ ? ]
    Who might this product be best for? How is it best used? What are the best circumstances or situations for using this product?
    • Couples
    • Everyone
  • Where
    [ ? ]
    Where / what types of places can this product be used?
    • Bedroom / on a bed
    • Play party

Design / Craftsmanship / Material

The foam pillows themselves are made of foam, with a second layer of nylon and a third layer of microfiber. The nylon and the microfiber both can zip off, so if you end up leaking through the microfiber or spilling something onto it, you can remove both layers and wash them. They're both easy to clean, too. The nylon can be soaked is soapy water, and the microfiber can be thrown in the wash. It's recommended that you wash the microfiber layer before use, as it can feel a little static-y at first. After the wash, the microfiber feels velvety. It feels great on bare skin.

The pillows are firm, but still cushion-y. They sink a little when weight is applied to them, but not much. They don't have any particular smell, good or bad, but they look beautiful and come in black, purple or blue. I got the purple, and it's a dark, sensual shade.
    • Firm
    • Well made / sturdy


My boyfriend and I have been using the wedge and ramp combo like crazy. It's made many of my favorite positions even more enjoyable, allowing for even deeper penetration, and it's a great toy for oral sex. Now that we use the liberator wedge and ramp, I've learned to really like doggy style, a position my boyfriend loves but which I can't hold for very long before my back and knees get tired. With the help of the wedge, I've been able to hold the position for long amounts of time, and with the addition of easier dual stimulation it's become an even more pleasurable position.

Now that we have the liberator, I feel like we're able to be more spontaneous than before, since it has opened up the possibility of having sex wherever we want, even on our hardwood floor. I've always loved having sex on the floor, but - to be perfectly honest - it's kinda painful with nothing beneath me. Laying across the wedge and ramp has really made floor sex amazing. This product has definitely improved my sex life.
    • Aids in positioning
    • Comfortable during use


The liberator wedge and ramp combo came in a huge cardboard box, with only a little booklet containing different positions to try for the wedge and ramp and for other liberator shapes. This product is definitely not discreet; the wedge is small enough to fit under my bed, but the ramp will won't. You may have some trouble traveling with either of these products. (I'm thinking about the movie Burn After Reading, where George Clooney carries his liberator from house to house in the back of an SUV....)
    • Not discreet

Care and Maintenance

The liberator shapes are very easy to care for. The top layer of microfiber can be washed in the washer, and the nylon second layer can be soaked in soapy water. As for storage, I store my wedge beneath the bed, but the ramp has proved more difficult to store. It won't fit in my closet, and my cat thinks it's a scratching post if I lean it against the wall. Currently, I store it in the cardboard box it came in, pushed against the wall between my bookshelf and my dresser. Kind of an eyesore - I'd much prefer looking at the ramp every day than the box, but it'll have to do until I figure something else out.
    • Difficult to store
    • Easy to clean
Follow-up commentary
The liberator is still the best thing I've ever done for my sex life. We break this out often, albeit not as often as when we first received it. I'd recommend the liberator wedge and ramp combo to anyone. The issue of storage is still problematic, however, as the only place we've found for it is in the box by our bookshelf; it won't fit in any of our closets, and we have roommates and cats, hindering our ability to store it in the open or outside the bedroom. I'm not sure what I'll do with the box when my parents come to visit, as it's a bit of an eyesore and I'm sure my mother will ask what's in it. If you have a little more space than we do, there's really no problem with the liberator.
This product was provided at a discounted price in exchange for an unbiased review. This review is in compliance with the FTC guidelines.

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  • Contributor: Howells
    I love how everybody is trying to store it somewhere Well it must be stored somewhere so yes.. Anyhow, you mean the missionary then your head is on the low side right?
  • Contributor: salaciousrex
    Great review
  • Contributor: amandaco2011
    Great review.
  • Contributor: big b
  • Contributor: GTXecutive
    Thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: sweet seduction
    great review!
  • Contributor: Summersong
    God, I want this!
  • Contributor: Ghost
    These are great, glad you liked it.
  • Contributor: badk1tty
    Everyone seems to love these.
  • Contributor: meezerosity
    Great review, thanks! These seem so awesome.
  • Contributor: poetprincess
    Awesome review!!
  • Contributor: spineyogurt
    Really enjoyed your review!
  • Contributor: Mistress Dragon
    Great review. I got to use one of these the other night at a friends house and I so very badly want one now. The set sounds great to me.
  • Contributor: Bullfroggy and Rose
    thank you
  • Contributor: Amber1w
    thanks for the review, Ive been wanting one of these way before EF put them on the site, Its looks like so much fun.
  • Contributor: dkerley
    enjoyed the review
  • Contributor: booboo111926
  • Contributor: dsumrow1
  • Contributor: ninja250
    Great review, thanks
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Liberator Shapes 71
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